Forgotten heroes of the First World War

The Labour Corps of the First World War comprised mostly of a multi-ethnic army of workers, without whom the war would have ground to a halt.Read more

Pass the popcorn: a brief introduction to cinemas

Here we take a quick look at how England’s love for film inspired the construction of many glamorous and decorative cinemas.Read more

5 Things you didn’t know about Gloucester

Well known for it’s Gothic Cathedral and picturesque surroundings, Gloucester has a rich history of industry and trade.Read more

Top 5 blogs of 2017

In case you missed them, here are our most-loved blogs of 2017. Thanks for reading.Read more

An Introduction to Quaker Meeting Houses

Quakers, also known as the Religious Society of Friends, often worship in buildings called ‘meeting houses’, designed in simple, domestic styles unlike more elaborate church architecture.Read more