Form: How to apply for a letter of initial assessment

Complete MSF 4352 for a letter of initial assessment (LIA) leading to the issue of a notice of eligibility for engineers.

Form: How to apply for a letter of initial assessment

Complete MSF 4352 for a letter of initial assessment (LIA) leading to the issue of a notice of eligibility for engineers.

Calculate your statutory redundancy pay

Calculate how much statutory redundancy you can get based on age, weekly pay and number of years in the job

Consultation outcome: Proposals to align 9 Directives with the New Legislative Framework

We’re seeking your views on the European Commission’s proposals to align a package of 9 Directives to the New Legislative Framework.

Get undergraduate student finance: step by step

Check if you’re eligible for a student loan, find out how much you can get, how to apply and when you start repaying.