Guidance: Businesses approved to export to the EU

Check if your business in Great Britain or one of the Crown Dependencies is approved to export to the EU and find out what your TRACES number is.

Official Statistics: UK farm animal genetic resources (FAnGR): breed inventory results

Annual statistics on farm animal genetic resources in the United Kingdom.

Guidance: Confined establishments approved to export captive-bred birds to the EU

Lists of confined establishments in Great Britain, Jersey and the Isle of Man approved to export or move captive-bred birds to the EU or Northern Ireland.

Guidance: Confined establishments approved to export captive-bred birds to the EU

Lists of confined establishments in Great Britain, Jersey and the Isle of Man approved to export or move captive-bred birds to the EU or Northern Ireland.

Guidance: Transiting animals and animal products through Great Britain

Rules to follow if you’re moving animals or animal products from one country to another and transiting through Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), known as ‘landbridge’ movements.