Guidance: Controls of fish and shellfish diseases in England and Wales

Reduce the risk of disease and find out where listed diseases have been confirmed in England and Wales

Statistics: Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs – Statistics at Defra

We publish national and official statistics relating to the environment, rural communities, food, farming and biosecurity.

Guidance: General licences and authorisations to import live animals or animal products

Licences and authorisations to import genetic material, research and diagnostic samples, trade samples and display items, and some live animals and animal products.

Guidance: Tree health pilot scheme 2024

Find out what grants are available under the tree health pilot (THP) scheme 2024, if you’re eligible and how to apply.

Guidance: Fell diseased trees

Find out how to fell diseased trees to slow the spread of certain tree pests and diseases and to protect the wider treescape – what to do if you get a statutory plant health notice (SPHN) asking you to fell larch, sweet chestnut or spruce.