Guidance: Transiting animals and animal products through Great Britain

Rules to follow if you’re moving animals or animal products from one country to another and transiting through Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), known as ‘landbridge’ movements.

Guidance: Import live animals and germinal products to Great Britain under Balai rules

When to follow Balai rules to import animals and germinal products to Great Britain from EU and non-EU countries.

Guidance: Bluetongue movement licences and designated slaughterhouses

When you need to use movement licences and the designated slaughterhouses to use for bluetongue restricted premises.

Corporate report: RPA Regulators’ Code

How the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) meets the 6 standards of the Regulators’ Code to make sure we’re open and fair with those we regulate.

Guidance: Natural mineral waters: lists of recognised products

Lists of all natural mineral waters recognised in the UK, and English, Scottish and Welsh waters recognised by the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (EEA).