Guidance: Farmers and vets: what happens on an endemic disease follow-up

Find out what farmers must ask vets to do during a follow-up, and what documentation farmers need from vets.

Guidance: Cattle: testing required for an animal health and welfare review and endemic disease follow-up

Find out sampling, testing and laboratory requirements for cattle in reviews and follow-ups.

Statutory guidance: Get funding to improve animal health and welfare: Terms and Conditions

Farmers who enter into an agreement to get funding to improve animal health and welfare must follow the agreement terms and conditions.

Guidance: Vets: how to do an animal health and welfare review and endemic disease follow-up

Check what to do when you visit a farm for a review or follow-up. This includes details of testing, how to advise the farmer, and what information you need to provide.

Guidance: Controls of fish and shellfish diseases in England and Wales

Reduce the risk of disease and find out where listed diseases have been confirmed in England and Wales