Updated: Updated contact details for All Reservoir Panel engineers.
As a reservoir owner or operator you are required to appoint a panel engineer for large raised reservoirs, including those classed as ‘high-risk’:
- during the design and construction of any reservoir with an ‘escapable’ volume greater than 25,000 cubic metres (construction engineer)
- where an abandoned reservoir is to be restored and will be brought back into use as a large raised reservoir again (construction engineer)
- to supervise the reservoir once built (at all times) and produce a statement once a year (supervising engineer)
- to carry out an inspection every 10 years, identify safety work and set you deadlines for the work to be completed (inspecting engineer)
- to supervise and certify any recommended measures to be taken in the interests of safety (inspecting engineer)
Reservoirs that have been determined as ‘not high-risk’ only need to appoint a construction engineer during the design and construction, restoration or alteration of the reservoir. Supervising and inspecting engineers are not required.