Form: Egg marketing: technical inspection report

Updated: Technical inspection report and continuation sheet updated.

Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) inspectors carry out checks, in England and Wales, to ensure eggs for the table egg market meet Class A standards and comply European Union legislation.

The inspectors:

  • check batches of eggs for quality, weight and labelling
  • inspect farms to ensure free range, barn and cage producers comply with welfare, hygiene and registration regulations and that eggs are produced in the system claimed
  • check that an annual Salmonella sample is tested as part of the National Control Programme
  • collect egg samples to test for residue of medicines

Failure to meet the minimum legal standards for egg quality and weight, may result in a notice of contravention being served on the whole batch of eggs. This prevents further marketing until satisfactory compliance with regulations can be demonstrated.

APHA does not regulate egg production and distribution in Scotland. See the Scottish Government website for information on egg inspections in Scotland.

Guidance: Protecting our water, soil and air

Updated: Added a new link to the new Code of Good Agricultural Practice for reducing ammonia emissions.

Protecting our Water, Soil and Air: A Code of Good Agricultural Practice for farmers, growers and land managers (the ‘CoGAP’) offers practical interpretation of legislation and provides good advice on best practice. Good agricultural practice means a practice that minimises the risk of causing pollution while protecting natural resources and allowing economic agriculture to continue.  It has been written by technical specialists from Defra and Natural England.

All farm staff and contractors on the farm who handle, store, use, spread or dispose of any substances that could pollute water, soil or air should be aware of their responsibilities and know about the causes and results of pollution. They should know how and when to operate and maintain the equipment they use, and know what to do in an emergency.

The CoGAP provides an important point of reference, based around the main operations that farmers, growers and land managers might undertake; the advice covers activities carried out in the field, but also management plans, farm infrastructure and waste management.

Official Statistics: Rural innovation statistics

Updated: Published today, latest statistics on business innovation in rural areas

The Department for Business Innovation & Skills define innovation activity where enterprises have been engaged in any of the following:

  1. Introduction of a new or significantly improved product (good or service) or process;
  2. Engagement in innovation projects not yet complete or abandoned;
  3. New and significantly improved forms of organisation, business structures or practices and marketing concepts or strategies;
  4. Activities in areas such as internal research and development, training, acquisition of external knowledge or machinery and equipment linked to innovation activities.



  • businesses engaged in broader innovation

Data source: BIS Innovation survey

Coverage: England

Rural classification used: Office for National Statistics Rural Urban Classification

Next release date: tbc

Defra statistics: rural

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Guidance: MOD byelaws: Dumfries and Galloway

Updated: Updated the web content after the latest internet review.

To be reviewed

The following sites are on the current programme to be reviewed. Unfortunately in some cases the department no longer holds copies of the relevant byelaws listed below or byelaws do not currently exist and consequently in these cases no active hyperlink is in place. It is possible, however, that copies may still be held in local county record offices, but no physical check has been made by MOD.


Over the years the MOD has sold or transferred the freehold or relinquished the leasehold at a significant number of sites that were once the subject of byelaws. This list may also be helpful in showing for environmental and historical research those areas of the country once occupied by MOD. Unfortunately in some cases the department no longer holds copies of the relevant byelaws listed below and consequently in these cases no active hyperlink is in place. It is possible, however, that copies may still be held in local county record offices, but no physical check has been made by MOD.


Over the years the MOD has reviewed existing byelaws, in the process revoking previous byelaws. The MOD has also revoked byelaws on land that is in the process of being disposed of. This list may be helpful in showing for environmental and historical research those areas of the country once occupied by MOD. Unfortunately in some cases the department no longer holds copies of the relevant byelaws listed below and consequently in these cases no active hyperlink is in place. It is possible, however, that copies may still be held in local county record offices, but no physical check has been made by MOD.

  • Burrow Head Anti-Aircraft Artillery Range byelaws 1938 ^
  • [Luce Bay (in the County of Wigtown) Air Gunnery and Bombing Range byelaws 1938]( [See Attached]

    ^  No copy of the Byelaw document is currently available

Ministry of Defence: byelaws review

List of Byelaws to be Reviewed

Public access to military areas

The defence training estate

Military ranges firing notices

Guidance: Code of practice for the sustainable use of soils on construction sites

Updated: We have clarified the status of this old publication, which has been retained for reference purposes.

This document, which dates from 2009, has not been reviewed or updated since. It may not exactly reflect current legislation or controls. It still provides relevant advice, and has been retained for reference purposes.

This code of practice is a practical guide to assist anyone involved in the construction industry to protect the soil resources with which they work. It is particularly intended for use in England.