Updated: Year end Bovine TB area epidemiology reports 2017 now available.
These are detailed reports covering the epidemiology of bTB in the various counties or regions that make up the low risk areas (LRA) of England.
These supplement the regional breakdowns of the official bovine TB (bTB) statistics published every month, and provide cattle keepers and other interested parties with a clear overview of the TB situation in their area.
The reports pull together descriptive statistics on new and ongoing TB herd breakdowns (cases) in LRA at county level and include, among other information:
- a brief description of the cattle industry and demographics in each county of the LRA
- regional/county maps of the distribution of new and ongoing TB herd breakdowns
- an assessment by APHA vets on the likely source(s) of infection for new lesion or culture-positive TB breakdowns occurring in each county
- an overview of the developing bTB situation regarding potential risks to different parts of the LRA from higher risk areas of GB
The reports are cumulative narratives and will be available at 6-monthly intervals during the year. For each calendar year, we publish an interim (mid-year) report covering the period from 1 January to 30 June, followed by a final (year-end) report.
In addition to these reports, the iBTB interactive map shows the location details of current TB breakdowns and breakdowns resolved in the last 5 years in England and Wales.