Statistical data set: Banana prices

Average weekly wholesale prices of bananas by country of origin

Policy paper: Animal Health and Welfare Pathway

The Pathway will push forward and support the gradual and continual improvement in farm animal health and welfare.

Guidance: Businesses approved to export to the EU

Check if your business in Great Britain or one of the Crown Dependencies is approved to export to the EU and find out what your TRACES number is.

Press release: Devon man sentenced to 32 months for dumping waste on floodplain

Christopher Garrett buried asbestos in floodplain in what is thought to be the worst offence of its kind in Devon and Cornwall.

Guidance: Restrictions on germinal product from bluetongue-susceptible animals

In the event of a bluetongue outbreak, controls will be imposed to prevent the spread of disease via the germinal product from bluetongue-susceptible animals.