Detailed guide: Call for project proposals on the theme ‘Smart Cities in Vietnam’ for financial year 2017/18.

The British Embassy is pleased to announce a call for project proposals focusing on the theme ‘Smart Cities in Vietnam’ for financial year 2017/18.


To support Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) in developing an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Architecture as part of its ambitious ‘Smart Cities’ plans.


HCMC has a plan to develop the City into a Smart City for the 2017-2020 period, with vision towards 2025. The UK is keen to support HCMC in realising this ambitious plan and we have been working closely with the City Department of Transport to support its efforts to build an Intelligent Transport System as part of the City’s wider strategy. With a focus on transport, we would like to invite interested bidders to submit their proposals in supporting the HCMC Department of Transport to develop an Intelligent Transport System Architecture for the City. Such a system architecture is an essential part of an overall ITS master plan and provides a strategic framework for future planning, development, implementation and integration of various ITS sub-systems. The end result would present the City with an ITS Architecture that clearly defines the main components as well as its inter-dependence and inter-operability amongst them.

A satisfactory ITS Architecture must deliver these following objectives:

(1) Provide a strategic vision for the development of an ITS for HCMC;

(2) Advise on an ITS framework that takes into consideration the transport infrastructure of the City and also allows flexibility for the City’s expanding requirements as well as the advancement of new technologies in the future. The ITS architecture should also ensure compatibility and inter-operability of the different sub-systems;

(3) Provide Ho Chi Minh City with a clear and concise document that could be used to engage with a wider range of stakeholders, including potential investors, consultants and companies offering transport solutions, enabling them to understand the City’s overall ITS strategy and potential areas for interventions.

Bidding information:

Potential bidders are encouraged to initiate discussions with Mr Đoàn Minh Huy – Official of Department of the Transport of Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee at to learn more about how to best meet HCMC requirement when preparing their bids. You are also encouraged to keep in touch with the British Consulate General to discuss your proposal before submitting the bid, notably in order to make sure it has fits well with the strategic priorities outlined above. For any inquiry regarding this call, please contact Ms Le Hoang Mai Giao– Senior Commercial Officer of the British Consulate General at

The total funding available for this package is up to £40,000. Project activities should be ready to start from October 2017, or as soon thereafter as the grant contract has been signed. The activities should end by January 2018 at the latest. At least 85% of project budget must be spent by 15 Dec 2017.

You are invited to fill in the
Project Proposal Form
(MS Word Document, 294KB)

. A full breakdown of costs in an
Activity based budget
(MS Excel Spreadsheet, 46KB)

must also be submitted with all proposals and following the expenditure rules set out in UN-EU cost norm 2015.
Bids should be submitted by email to: Ms Hoang Hong Hanh – Programmes and Projects Coordinator at by 29 August 2017 at the latest.

Successful bidder will be notified during the week commencing 18 September 2017.

If the successful bidder is a government agency, not for profit organisation, NGO or civil society, we will sign a standard grant contract. For businesses, this might be in the form of a commercial contract. The clauses in the commercial contract and grant contract are by default, not negotiable and exceptions are seldom approved. Sample contracts are for your reference. Please ensure that you read and are happy with their terms before applying for funds.

Please find related forms and documents below:

Form: Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund: 2017 application round

Updated: Stage 2 application form updated to correct an incorrect date on Page 1 (Box 3 Project Data and budget summary).

Application form and guidance notes for organisations wishing to apply for funding under the Challenge Fund.

Successful applicants to this stage will be invited to submit a more comprehensive application form (stage 2). These forms have been provided for information.

How to apply

Before applying, please read the guidance above and the Finance for Darwin and Illegal Wildlife Trade guidance.

Once you have read the guidance, please complete the Stage 1 application form.

If you are invited to Stage 2, please complete the Stage 2 application form (by invitation only). The budget form must also be submitted with your Stage 2 application form.

When to apply

There is a two-stage application process for IWT Challenge Fund projects. The timetable for Round 4 is set out below:

  • Stage 1 application process opens: Thursday 27 July 2017
  • deadline for Stage 1 applications: Thursday 21 September 2017
  • expected outcome of Stage 1 and notification of applicants invited to Stage 2: By mid- December 2017
  • deadline for Stage 2 applications: Tuesday 20 February 2018
  • expected notification of successful projects: May 2018
  • expected start date for successful projects: From 1 July 2018

Who can apply

Please refer to the guidance above for the list of countries and organisations eligible for the scheme.

Read about the Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund.

Research and analysis: Genetically Modified Organisms: University of Southampton (17/R50/01)

Updated: Added the variation to consent letter.

Consent documents for University of Southampton, to release genetically modified organisms for research purposes.

Each consent granted includes:

  • consent letter (confirming consent and outlining any conditions)
  • part A(1): Information required under schedule 1 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) regulations 2002
  • part A(2-6): (If applicable) Details of related previous releases, including any data, results and risks
  • part B: Information about the release application to be included on the public register

ACRE’s advice

Notice: BA4 4LG, The A & C Urch LLP: environmental permit issued

The Environment Agency publish surrenders that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the surrender letter and decision document for:

  • Operator name: The A & C Urch LLP
  • Installation name: Ashley Farm
  • Permit number: EPR/SP3536MC/S004

Notice: RH20 4HP, Island Gas Limited: environmental permit applications advertisement

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for waste operations, mining waste operations, installations, water discharge, radioactive substances activities and groundwater activities. The arrangements are explained in its Public Participation Statement

These notices explain:

  • what the applications are about
  • where you can visit to see the applications
  • when you need to comment by

The Environment Agency will decide:

  • whether to grant or refuse the applications
  • what conditions to include in the permits (if granted)