Government response: Bluefin tuna in UK waters

Atlantic bluefin tuna is recognised as an endangered species by the WWF and the IUCN Red List.

Within EU waters, it is prohibited for commercial or recreational vessels to catch or target bluefin tuna unless authorised to do so by an EU member state. The UK has no specific quota to catch bluefin tuna and as such does not currently issue authorisations to UK recreational vessels.

Bluefin tuna is a prohibited species for UK registered commercial fishing vessels and if caught as a by-catch must be returned to the sea, alive and unharmed to the greatest extent possible.

Bluefin tuna caught as a by-catch which are dead must be reported to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) by contacting the local MMO office, landed whole and unprocessed. Bluefin tuna landed as a result of this requirement must not be sold or given away unless it is for scientific research following approval from the MMO.

More information on bluefin tuna on the MMO blog.

More information

Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1627

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/98

Guidance: Contracts for Difference, renewables obligation and small scale feed-in tariffs: companies awarded exemption or compensation

Updated: We have added details of companies awarded compensation for RO / FIT in 2017 and those awarded an exemption from CFD for 2018.

The government has committed to publishing a list of those companies receiving compensation or relief for the indirect costs of CFD, RO and FIT.

The CFD document lists companies awarded an exemption from indirect costs up until the end of August 2018. The RO / FIT document lists companies awarded compensation up to 2017.

Guidance: EU Emissions Trading System and Carbon Price Support: companies awarded compensation

Updated: We have added details of companies awarded compensation in 2017.

The government committed to publishing a list of those companies receiving compensation for the indirect costs of the EU ETS and CPS.

The document above lists those companies awarded this compensation up to 2017.

Notice: IP14 5EF, EC Drummond (Agriculture) Ltd: environmental permit issued

The Environment Agency publish permits that they issue under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).

This decision includes the permit and decision document for:

  • Operator name: EC Drummond (Agriculture) Ltd
  • Installation name: Stonham Poultry Unit
  • Permit number: EPR/AP3331AV/V002

Notice: SG8 7SL, ION Science Limited: environmental permit application advertisement

The Environment Agency consults the public on certain applications for Radioactive Substances Activity. The arrangements are explained in its Public Participation Statement

These notices explain:

  • what the application is about
  • which Environment Agency office you can visit to see the application documents on the public register
  • when you need to comment by

The Environment Agency will decide:

  • whether to grant or refuse the application
  • what conditions to include in the permit (if granted)