Statutory guidance: Catching or landing of berried lobsters and crawfish in England

Updated: Guide updated

A lobster or crawfish which is carrying eggs attached to its tail or some other exterior part,or which was carrying eggs at the time when it was caught.

Government response: Kent aggregate dredging application

A public consultation on additional information to support an application by Dover Harbour Board (DHB) for aggregate dredging activity off the Kent coast closed on 28 September 2017.

The MMO recognises there is a high level of public interest in this application, particularly relating to proposed extraction of aggregate from the Goodwin Sands.

The MMO is currently in the process of gathering and considering the representations received as part of the consultation process.

The MMO will also work with DHB to consider issues raised before making a determination.

Stakeholders who responded directly to the MMO about the consultation will be sent an acknowledgement. These people will also be notified directly once the MMO has considered the representations received and reached a decision.

Although the MMO aims to determine licence applications within 13 weeks, in some cases, such as where an application is for a complex activity and/or significant representations have been made, the process may take longer as it is important to take into account all relevant representations.

The MMO is required to base its decisions on the best available scientific evidence. We are committed to being a transparent regulator and will publish documents and evidence relating to the case via the public register on our website, case reference MLA/2016/00227. This does not include details of any other permissions developers may also need to carry out work in the marine area, such as agreements with the owner of the seabed.

News story: Contract termination notice

The termination notice is effective from 1 September 2017, allowing for a 24 month notice period, ending on 31 August 2019.

NDA and CFP have reached agreement on the work to be performed on the sites during the contract’s remaining two years, as well as the arrangements and agreed state in which CFP will leave the sites at the end of the contract.

The NDA continues to believe that this is the best course of action for the taxpayer, removing the legal risk and ensuring the continued safe, secure operations of the sites.

Research and analysis: Natural Capital Committee advice on government’s 25 year environment plan

Updated: Advice document: minor revision 31 January 2018 for formatting and typographical issues.

This report sets out the NCC’s advice to government on the development and implementation of the 25 year environment plan.

It includes the NCC’s thoughts on what the plan should aim to achieve, how it will do that and what success will look like.

You can read more information about the work of the Natural Capital Committee.

Press release: Helping pupils prepare for flooding

Around 800 school children are better prepared for flooding following vital Environment Agency information sessions.

Community Engagement Officer for Cleveland, Sarah Pearce, led assemblies at schools across the area last week to help pupils understand flood risk and know what to do in a flood.

The schools involved were Handale Primary School at Loftus, Rift House Primary School in Hartlepool and Oxbridge lane Primary School in Stockton-on-Tees.

She was joined at Rift House by Coun. Marjorie James, Hartlepool Council’s representative on the Northumbria Regional Flood and Coastal Committee.

Sarah also launched a competition for school pupils to design a new logo which will be worn by Community Flood Wardens throughout the North East.

Awareness raising

Sarah said:

It’s hoped that through these sessions with children I will raise awareness of flooding and issues associated with flooding and will be able to pass on key safety messages to young people.

Working with schools means children can be educated about what it means to be flood resilient and ensure the messages delivered have a long-term impact in flood risk areas.

It’s absolutely vital that future generations understand flooding, what we do during a flood and what they can do to stay safe.

The Flood Warden Logo competition is being run right across the North East with schools taking part from the whole area. Once the winning design has been selected this will be printed on to the new Flood Warden jacket which will be presented to all flood wardens to wear during a flood incident.

Helping communities be resilient

Sarah is one of four Community Engagement Officers for the North East appointed by the Environment Agency to help communities to be more flood resilient.

Funded by the Northumbria Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (NRFCC) for the next four years, the officers are working alongside partner organisations to help support communities.

Sarah works closely with Cleveland Emergency Planning Unit, and her work includes helping businesses and residents to understand their risk of flooding and ensuring those in flood risk areas are signed up to receive free flood warnings.

She’s also helping communities prepare themselves for flooding, such as supporting them to develop community flood plans and recruit volunteer Flood Wardens in at risk communities.

To find out more about your local flood risk and sign up to the Flood Warning Service Visit the website

You can contact Sarah at or 07867 441 697.