Guidance: OV13: Policy for the authorisation of OVs in Great Britain

Official guidance on the training, qualifications and appointments of Official Veterinarians (OVs) who seek to perform work on behalf of an EU member state.

Policy paper: TR541: Policy for authorisation of Approved Tuberculin Testers

This paper sets out the training, qualification and appointments of Approved Tuberculin Testers (ATTs).

Form: ET222: OCQ (AHP) – CSO request for eligibility

Certification Support Officers (CSOs) can use this form to ask for approval to register on the CSO Official Controls Qualification on the basis of experience.

Form: OVb37: Sam declaration form

Register a new practice or individual on Sam, the Animal and Plant Health Agency’s (APHA’s) online system for recording tuberculosis (TB) test results.

Form: OV09: Payment of Official Veterinarian (OV) fees

Use the OV09 form to tell APHA that you have read the OV10 guidance on self billing and will accept self-billing invoices for OV work from Defra.