Press release: Ban on unregistered XL Bully dogs now in force

It is now illegal to own an XL Bully dog unless it is registered and complies with strict rules including being neutered and muzzled in public

Guidance: Import plants and plant products from the EU to Great Britain

How to import plants, fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, trees, seeds and used agricultural machinery to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from the EU.

Map: Local nature recovery strategies: areas and responsible authorities

Map showing the local nature recovery strategy (LNRS) areas in England and the responsible authority who will lead the preparation of each strategy.

Guidance: UK border control posts: animal and animal product imports

Find an approved UK border control post (BCP) to check the animals, animal products or high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin in your consignment.

Guidance: Import plants and plant products from non-EU countries to Great Britain

How to import plants, fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, trees, seeds and used agricultural machinery from non-EU countries to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).