Guidance: Calculate biodiversity value with the statutory biodiversity metric

When and how to measure a habitat or development’s impact on biodiversity.

Guidance: SFI actions for farmland wildlife on arable and horticultural land

Find out about the SFI actions for farmland wildlife on arable and horticultural land, what land is eligible for each action and what to do to get paid.

Press release: UK businesses welcome protection for iconic British food and drink in Japan

Businesses have welcomed the news that 37 Geographical Indications (GIs) for UK food and drink will formally gain protection on Thursday

Press release: UK to establish world’s first UN-backed centre for circular economy research

Sustainable approaches to the circular economy and resource efficiency will be developed to enable the transition to a greener future

Press release: UK businesses welcome protection for iconic British food and drink in Japan

Businesses have welcomed the news that 37 Geographical Indications (GIs) for UK food and drink will formally gain protection on Thursday