Press release: £160m boost for UK poultry industry as exports to South Africa restart

UK farmers and traders will once again be able to export poultry to South Africa

Guidance: Controls of fish and shellfish diseases in England and Wales

Reduce the risk of disease and find out where listed diseases have been confirmed in England and Wales

Guidance: Single-use plastics bans and restrictions 

You must not supply certain single-use plastic items in England, except for some exemptions.

Form: Register temporary use of land or buildings to keep livestock

Use this form to apply for a temporary land association (TLA) or temporary county parish holding (tCPH) number. This is needed when you temporarily keep livestock on someone else’s land.

Guidance: Get a temporary land association (TLA) or temporary county parish holding (tCPH) number

What livestock keepers must do when they intend to use someone else’s land or buildings temporarily.