Guidance: Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS)

Use IPAFFS to notify enforcement authorities about imports to Great Britain.

Press release: Government makes next set of crucial changes to improve biosecurity at UK’s trade border

Today (30 April 2024), the Government is strengthening its trade border to better detect pests and diseases from imported products.

Guidance: Import plants and plant products from non-EU countries to Great Britain

How to import plants, fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, trees, seeds and used agricultural machinery from non-EU countries to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales).

Guidance: Import composite products from the EU to Great Britain

Find out what a composite product is, and how to import or move composite products from the EU to Great Britain.

Guidance: Import compound products from the EU to Great Britain

Find out what compound products are, and how to import or move them from the EU to Great Britain.