Policy paper: Environmental principles policy statement

Policy statement setting out how policymakers apply environmental principles to support environmental protection and enhancement.

Corporate report: Environmental Improvement Plan 2023

Our delivery plan for the environment, building a greener, more prosperous country.

Form: Bovine germinal products: model health certificates

Competent authorities of exporting countries should use the relevant model health certificate as a template to create a version exporters can apply for to export bovine embryos to Great Britain, the Channel Islands or Isle of Man.

Guidance: Tree health pilot scheme 2022

Find out if you can apply for tree health pilot (THP) scheme grants to help slow the spread of tree pests and diseases.

Guidance: UK border control posts: animal and animal product imports

Find an approved UK Border Control Post (BCP) to check the animals, animal products or high-risk food and feed of non-animal origin in your consignment.