Tag Archives: China


CSTB responds to media enquiries on declaration of interests of Mega ACE Committee

     In response to media enquiries on the declaration of interests of Mega Arts and Cultural Events (ACE) Committee, a spokesman for the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau gave the following response today (July 9):
     Mega ACE Committee is an advisory body of the Government, responsible for advising the Government on the strategies to attract mega arts and cultural events to be held in Hong Kong, advising the Government on the operation of Mega Arts and Cultural Events Fund, and assessing applications under the Fund for the Government’s approval. The Committee is fully committed to the principles of integrity, fairness and impartiality. All Members (including the Chairman and the Vice Chairman) are required to, and have strictly observed the requirement on declaration of interests when handling all the applications in the past in accordance with the established mechanism. read more

CE: Sichuan visit produces three achievements (with photos)

     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, continued his visit programme in Sichuan today (July 9), meeting local Hong Kong people and representatives of Hong Kong enterprises, and attending a working lunch hosted by the Mayor of Chengdu.
     In the morning, Mr Lee met and exchanged views with Hong Kong people and representatives of Hong Kong enterprises in Sichuan to learn more about their work, studies and daily life. Noting that economic, trade, and cultural exchanges between Sichuan and Hong Kong are frequent, Mr Lee said that Hong Kong people and enterprises in Sichuan have witnessed and helped to establish ties between Sichuan and Hong Kong, contributing to the economic and trade exchanges and people-to-people bonds between the two places. Mr Lee expressed his hope that they will continue to support the work of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government in Sichuan and deepen co-operation and exchanges in various areas between the two places.
     At noon, Mr Lee and the delegation attended a working lunch hosted by the Mayor of Chengdu, Mr Wang Fengchao. Mr Lee expressed his gratitude to Sichuan Province and Chengdu for their thoughtful arrangements for this visit, and for their continuous support to the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Chengdu (CDETO) of the HKSAR Government.
     In the afternoon, the delegation led by Mr Lee visited the CDETO to understand the work of its staff. He encouraged them to continue to act as a bridge to enable exchanges and co-operation between the two places to reach new heights.
     Later, accompanied by member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Vice Governor of Sichuan Province Mr Pubu Dunzhu, Mr Lee and the delegation visited the Chengdu People’s Park to learn more about the unique local lifestyle and food culture.
     Concluding the visit, Mr Lee expressed his sincere gratitude to the Central Government for gifting another pair of giant pandas to the HKSAR, which fully demonstrates the Central Government’s care and support for the city. He pointed out that this visit has produced three achievements: the pair of giant pandas to be gifted to Hong Kong have been selected; Ocean Park and the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda are working at full steam to draft a co-operation agreement on the details to expedite the approval and implementation of the process; and the establishment of communication channels between Ocean Park, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda to collaborate with and assist one another in facilitating the smooth transfer of the giant pandas to Hong Kong.
     Mr Lee and the delegation will return to Hong Kong tonight.  

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Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Customs enhance collaboration to fully support new measure of increasing duty-free allowance for luggage articles for visitors who are Mainland residents (with photo)

     The Assistant Commissioner (Boundary and Ports) of Customs and Excise, Mr Kenneth Chu, today (July 9) attended a meeting in Zhuhai with representatives of the Guangdong Sub-Administration of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, the Shenzhen Customs District, the Gongbei Customs District and the Macao Customs Service to discuss how to tie in with the Central Government’s new policy of increasing the duty-free allowance for luggage articles brought into the Mainland from Hong Kong by visitors who are Mainland residents.

     During the meeting, the three sides explored ways to enhance the management of clearance at control points and enforcement co-operation to align with the new measure.

     Hong Kong Customs will continue to strengthen co-operation with the Mainland Customs and local law enforcement agencies and step up investigation and enforcement efforts against parallel trading activities. It will also report in a timely manner and launch joint operations through a point-to-point liaison mechanism established with the Mainland Customs to combat parallel trade syndicates and effectively mitigate the risks of related activities.

     The three Customs administrations agreed to flexibly deploy manpower, conduct real-time monitoring and notification of the situation of each control point, and take contingency actions where necessary during the summer holidays and other peak outbound travel periods to ensure the smooth operation of Customs clearance, which could create favourable conditions for the new measure and facilitate passenger movement.

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