Transport Department alerts public to fraudulent SMS messages of HKeToll

     The Transport Department (TD) today (July 12) alerted members of the public to fraudulent SMS messages purportedly issued by the HKeToll. The SMS messages spoof the name of "HKeToll" and provide hyperlinks with the domain names (https://t[.]ly/autotolle and https://qrco[.]de/HKetoll) to fake HKeToll websites, which seek to deceive recipients into making payments and obtain their credit card information.

     The TD clarifies that the SMS messages were not issued by the HKeToll and has referred the case to the Police for follow-up. Members of the public are reminded that the HKeToll will not send SMS messages or emails to vehicle owners with hyperlinks which direct them to the websites to carry out transactions. If a vehicle owner wishes to pay an outstanding toll online, they must log in to the HKeToll website ( or mobile app.

     Members of the public should stay alert when receiving unidentified messages. They should not visit suspicious websites and disclose any personal information. Anyone who has provided their personal information to the websites concerned should contact the Police. For enquiries about the HKeToll, please call 3853 7333.

Tenders invited for site formation and infrastructure works for public housing development near Chai Wan Swimming Pool

     The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) today (July 12) gazetted a notice to invite tenders for the contract for site formation and infrastructure works for public housing development near Chai Wan Swimming Pool, Chai Wan (Contract No. SD/2024/03). The closing time for the tender is noon on September 20.

     The works mainly include:

  • formation of a work site of about 2.3 hectares and construction of associated retaining walls and slopes;
  • construction of a single two-lane carriageway with a length of about 150 metres and a width of about 8.2m, and a roundabout; provision of a new lay-by and associated road improvement works connecting San Ha Street and the proposed public housing development;
  • construction of a covered footbridge (including associated lift facilities) with a length of about 60m and a width of about 3m, and a covered walkway with a length of about 95m and a width of about 3m connecting Siu Sai Wan Road and the road mentioned above;
  • road improvement works at (i) the junction of Wing Ping Street/Chai Wan Road, (ii) the junction of Wing Ping Street/San Ha Street, (iii) the junction of Chai Wan Road/San Ha Street and (iv) the roundabout of Chai Wan Road, Wan Tsui Road and Island Eastern Corridor; and
  • ancillary works including reprovision of existing skateboard ground, drainage, sewerage, water supply and landscaping works. 

     The works are scheduled to commence in the first quarter of 2025 and will take about 45 months to complete.

     The CEDD has commissioned AECOM Asia Company Limited to design and supervise the works. Interested contractors can download the tender forms and other particulars from the e-Tendering System (e-TS). Tenderers must submit their tenders in electronic format via the e-TS.

     Details of the tender notice are available on the CEDD website ( For enquiries, please call AECOM Asia Company Limited at 3922 9000 during office hours.

Red flag hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (Jul 12) that due to inclement weather, the red flag has been hoisted at Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at the beach.

Appointments to Financial Reporting Review Panel

     The Financial Secretary has, under the authority delegated by the Chief Executive, appointed two new Convenors and one new member to the Financial Reporting Review Panel (FRRP) and re-appointed nine incumbent members for a term of three years from July 16, 2024, to July 15, 2027. 
     The appointments and re-appointments, made in accordance with the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance (Cap. 588) (AFRC Ordinance), are:
New Convenors
Mr William Lo Chi-chung
Professor Phyllis Mo Lai-lan
New member
Mr Mak Kwong-fai
Re-appointed Members
Ms Bella Chhoa Peck-lim
Ms Caroline Chiu Su-yuen 
Ms Irene Chu Ngar-yee
Mr Benny Chung Koon-chung
Ms Bernardine Lam Sin-yu
Mr Gilbert Lee Man-lung
Ms Alva Lee Yi-ling
Mr Benjamin Lo Man-chuen 
Mr Simon Ng Wing-fai
     A spokesman for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau today (July 12) said, "The Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC) is a key regulator for corporate governance of companies listed in Hong Kong. One of the statutory functions of the AFRC is to initiate enquiries concerning non-compliance with legal, accounting or regulatory requirements in a listed entity's financial reports.
     "The FRRP, a statutory body established under the AFRC Ordinance, is indispensable to the discharge of the AFRC's statutory functions of enquiries. The work of the FRRP will benefit from the rich experience and professional knowledge of the members."
     "We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation to the five outgoing Convenors and six outgoing members for their valuable contribution to the work of the FRRP in the past years," the spokesman added.
     When an enquiry case arises, the AFRC may appoint one Convenor and four or more members from the FRRP to form a Financial Reporting Review Committee which will enquire into the relevant non-compliance of the case. The Committee will submit an enquiry report on the case to the AFRC for consideration and, where appropriate, follow-up action.

Over 100 EatSmart Schools promote healthy eating environment for primary students (with photos)

     The EatSmart School Accreditation Scheme (ESAS) under the (ESS) campaign, has been jointly organised by the Department of Health (DH) and the Education Bureau (EDB) since the 2009/10 school year. The ESAS has long received full support from the education sector. So far, over 100 schools have attained the accreditation of EatSmart School, the highest honour in the ESAS, to promote healthy eating on campus, and encourage and cultivate students to develop healthy eating habits to safeguard their health in the long run.

     The ESAS is one of the key programmes under the ESS campaign. According to the accreditation criteria of the ESAS, accredited schools have to demonstrate a commitment to continuously implement administrative measures, providing healthy lunches and snacks in accordance with the nutritional requirements stipulated in the "Nutritional Guidelines on Lunch for Students" and the "Nutritional Guidelines on Snacks for Students" of the DH, and organising educational programmes and publicity events to create a nutrition-friendly learning environment for students.

     Over 290 primary schools and special schools have participated in the ESAS since its inception. Among them, 132 have attained accreditation, of which 103 have achieved the honour of EatSmart School. The school accreditation is valid for three years. Eight of the accredited schools attained the EatSmart School accreditation for the fifth consecutive time and were presented with the Award for Continuous Promotion of Healthy Eating at School this year. To recognise their efforts, representatives of the Health Promotion Branch (HPB) of the DH visited the schools accredited in the 2023/24 school year in June to present the awards and share tips for creating an environment conducive to healthy eating for students. For details about the ESAS Awards Presentation 2024, please visit
     In addition, the campaign's Joyful Fruit Month event and the Salt Reduction Scheme for School Lunches have both received widespread support from stakeholders. In the 2023/24 school year, a record-breaking total of 1 657 kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and special schools participated in the Joyful Fruit Month event. For the Salt Reduction Scheme for School Lunches, 12 participating school lunch suppliers have provided sodium-reduced school lunch options for about 500 primary schools in Hong Kong.
     The Head of the HPB of the DH, Dr Leung Yiu-hong, said that schools, parents and lunch suppliers play vital roles in developing healthy eating habits among students, and stakeholders are advised to adopt a low-sodium eating routine at school and at home cohesively, and encourage students to consume a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits every day.
     Dr Leung added that the support and guidance of the EDB and steering committee members of the campaign over the years have been key to the smooth running of the campaign in the past 18 years. He also expressed his sincere gratitude for the active participation and support of principals, teachers, parents and students from different schools, as well as the co-operation of food suppliers. He appealed to all parties to continue their support for the campaign and help nurture a nutrition-friendly environment of learning and living for students.
     More information on the campaign is available at the DH's thematic website (

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