Tag Archives: China


LCQ13: Positioning and role of Kai Tak Sports Park in sports development

     Following is a question by the Hon Adrian Ho and a written reply by the Acting Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Raistlin Lau, in the Legislative Council today (June 12):
     Occupying an area of about 28 hectares and being the largest sports infrastructure project in Hong Kong’s history, the Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP) will open in the first half of next year. Some competition events of the 15th National Games (NG) will be held in the KTSP. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) given that while Hong Kong will organise eight competition events of the NG (including Basketball (men U22), Cycling Track, Fencing, Golf, Handball (men), Rugby Sevens, Triathlon and Beach Volleyball) and one mass participation event (i.e. Bowling), the events are scheduled to be held at different venues, of the reasons for the relevant arrangement (including whether it is based on the consideration on the capacity of the KTSP in organising mega events); the plans in future to showcase the KTSP’s world-class facilities and operation quality, thereby enabling it to contribute to the efforts in making Hong Kong a centre for major sports events;
(2) as it is reported that the competition events of the NG to be organised in Hong Kong will be shared among the KTSP and venues such as the Hong Kong Coliseum, the Hong Kong Velodrome and the Fanling Golf Course, and only the Rugby Sevens competition will be held at the KTSP’s Main Stadium, giving an impression of a limited role played by the Main Stadium in the NG, whether the authorities have set a target on organising other events at the Main Stadium, such as attracting more competitions comparable in scale with the Hong Kong Sevens to be held at the KTSP’s Main Stadium, so as to proactively develop the KTSP into an “iconic foothold” for hosting local and international major sports events; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and
(3) as there are views that with the commissioning of the KTSP in future, it may also serve as a performance venue for concerts of local artistes and international superstars, variety shows, etc, but such use may give an impression that the KTSP has deviated from its original purpose of development, how the authorities strike a balance among different development directions, thus allowing the KTSP to develop into a landmark for major sports events in Hong Kong, and at the same time promoting the development of the sports, performing arts and cultural industries in Hong Kong?
     The Government is committed to promoting sports development in Hong Kong by promoting sports in the community, supporting elite sports, developing Hong Kong into a centre for major international sports events, enhancing professionalism and developing sports as an industry. This include promoting sports at community level, increasing and enhancing sports and recreation facilities, and encouraging collaboration among communities in fostering a strong sporting culture; strengthening the support to elite athletes as well as attracting major international sports events to be held in Hong Kong. At the same time, we endeavour to promote sports development in Hong Kong through enhanced professionalism in the sports sector and the development of sports as an industry.
     Being the largest sports infrastructure project in Hong Kong’s history, the Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP) is crucial to the Government’s implementation of the relevant sports policies. The KTSP will provide modern and multi-purpose sports and recreation facilities upon completion, including a 50 000-seat Main Stadium, a 10 000-seat Indoor Sports Centre, a 5 000-seat Public Sports Ground and about 14-hectare landscaped open space and other ancillary facilities. According to the current construction progress, we expect that the major facilities of the KTSP will be completed by end of 2024 and the KTSP will be open in the first half of 2025.

     The consolidated reply to the questions raised by the Hon Adrian Ho is as follows:
(1) The 15th National Games (NG) will be unprecedentedly co-hosted in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao from November 9 to 21, 2025. Hong Kong will organise eight competition events, namely Basketball (men U22), Cycling Track, Fencing, Golf, Handball (men), Rugby Sevens, Triathlon and Beach Volleyball. Hong Kong citizens, people living in the Greater Bay Area and even sports lovers from all parts of the Mainland can visit the competition venues in Hong Kong to watch the high-level matches and cheer for the athletes.
     When organising major multi-sport events, host cities or regions would generally make full use of suitable existing venues and facilities. As the 15th NG will be held over a period of 13 days only, having carefully considered factors such as the expected number of competition days of the eight events (a number of events such as Basketball (men U22), Fencing, Handball (men) and Beach Volleyball are expected to take more than a week), venues that are currently or soon-to-be available in Hong Kong, the time required for setting up as well as the transportation arrangements and crowd management, we are planning to organise a total of three competition events in the KTSP, namely Fencing, Handball (men) and Rugby Sevens. Basketball (men U22), Cycling Track and Golf will take place at the Hong Kong Coliseum, the Hong Kong Velodrome and the Fanling Golf Course respectively. Triathlon will be held at the Central Harbourfront while Beach Volleyball will be organised in the Victoria Park. The above arrangements not only make effective use of the venues and facilities in Hong Kong, but also showcase to the visiting spectators or audience on television the outlook and characteristics of various districts of Hong Kong.

(2) The KTSP adopts a “Design, Build and Operate” model, with Kai Tak Sports Park Limited (KTSPL) being the Contracted Party responsible for the design, construction and future operation of the Sports Park. 

     In accordance with its operational requirements, KTSPL has to achieve key performance indicators (KPIs) on the hosting of sports events at the major facilities during the operation period. If it fails to achieve the KPIs, the Government can require the Contracted Party to make payment according to the contractual requirements. The KPIs on sports events are listed as follows:

  Sports events in operating year 1 to 5 Sports events in operating year 6 to 10 Performance failure payment
Main Stadium 40 days per annum 54 days per annum $500,000 per day below the minimum level
Main arena of Indoor Sports Centre 76 days per annum 88 days per annum $100,000 per day below the minimum level
Public Sports Ground and the rest of precinct 69 days per annum 75 days per annum $50,000 per day below the minimum level
Total attendance at sports events 600 000 attendees per annum 700 000 attendees per annum $25 per attendee below the minimum level
     On the other hand, KTSPL also undertakes to implement a Sports Events Support Scheme (SESS) to support sports events. Its financial commitment under the SESS is $1.583 billion in total, which is to be disbursed over a period of around 20 years. Commitment under the SESS will be met either by waiving venue hiring charges for sports events held in the Sports Park or by making direct financial contribution to any sports events. The above arrangements will encourage the Contracted Party to proactively promote the KTSP as “the destination” for local and international large-scale sports events.
(3) As aforementioned, KTSPL has to comply with the contractual requirements to ensure that its operation can achieve the KPIs, such as ensuring the number of days of hosting sports events in each major facility, the time provided for sports use in each venue and the usage rate of the major facilities, etc, with a view to meeting the objectives of the Government’s sports policy.
     At the same time, we believe that the facilities of the KTSP will be welcomed by organisers of large-scale events. In particular, the Main Stadium, being equipped with a retractable roof, offering different stage positioning and seating configurations as well as adopting a flexible pitch system design, provides more options for hosting different types of large-scale events such as sports competitions and pop concerts. The outdoor event space adjacent to the Main Stadium also allows the hosting of different kinds of outdoor sports and entertainment events. As for the Indoor Sports Centre, its retractable seating system and flexible configuration of the play field provide another option for hosting various kinds of sports, culture or entertainment events.
     Indeed, KTSPL has so far made contact with over 200 local and international sports and non-sports events’ promotion bodies, organisations and agencies, amongst which around 50 of them have expressed interest in utilising the facilities at the KTSP and are learning about the leasing arrangements. The Government will establish an inter-departmental working group led by the Chief Secretary for Administration to ensure the successful completion and commissioning of the KTSP. In addition, we will closely monitor the usage of the KTSP after its commissioning to balance the staging of large-scale sports and non-sports events with a view to showcasing Hong Kong as an events capital. We believe that the KTSP will bring about significant synergy to the development of Hong Kong. While promoting sports in the community, supporting elite sports, maintaining Hong Kong as a centre for major international sports events, enhancing professionalism and developing sports as an industry, the KTSP will also drive the development of related industries such as entertainment, performances and tourism. read more

LCQ3: Promoting the development of the film industry

     â€‹Following is a question by the Hon Vincent Cheng and a reply by the Acting Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Raistlin Lau, in the Legislative Council today (June 12):
     It has been reported that following the splash made recently by the film “Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In” at the Cannes Film Festival, the morale of the film industry has been greatly boosted. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) as there are views pointing out that “Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In” has enjoyed the opportunity to triumph beyond Hong Kong only because it is invested by private enterprises with a production budget as high as $300 million, whereas most Hong Kong films, especially those subsidized by the Film Development Fund (FDF), are low-‍budget productions with varied box-office numbers, whether the authorities will consider enhancing the funding schemes under the FDF, such as raising the amount of financing that each film can receive under the Film Production Financing Scheme (FPFS), enhancing the training subsidies for prospective film directors and scriptwriters, or introducing other enhancement measures; if so, of the details, and whether they will consult the film industry;
(2) of the amounts of public funds used for the various schemes under the FDF (including the FPFS, the First Feature Film Initiative, and the Scriptwriting Incubation Programme) and set out, by title of subsidized film, the amounts of subsidies under FDF, the amounts of investment from private enterprises, and the box-office takings; whether it has assessed the effectiveness of various schemes; and
(3) apart from participating in the international film festivals as well as launching the Film Financing Scheme for Mainland Market and the Hong Kong-Europe-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme recently, of the other deployments put in place by the authorities to enable Hong Kong films to tap into the markets in other places and generate economic benefits, including whether they will support the release of Hong Kong films in other places?
     Our reply to the Hon Vincent Cheng’s question is as follows:

(1) and (2) The Government has been supporting the development of the Hong Kong film industry through the Film Development Fund (FDF) along four strategic directions, namely, nurturing talent, enhancing local production, expanding markets and building audience. The Government reviews the operation of the FDF and the scope of funding from time to time in response to the development needs of the film industry.

     In order to encourage the film industry to enhance Hong Kong film production, the Government introduced the Film Production Financing Scheme (FPFS) in 2007 to provide Government finance to small and medium-budgeted film productions. The recommended financing ratio is determined based on the score obtained by the film project, which ranges from 20 to 40 per cent of the production budget, with a cap of $9 million. The Government further launched the Film Production Financing Scheme – Relaxation Plan (Relaxation Plan) in 2020, taking into account the challenges faced by the industry due to the epidemic at that time, the mechanism was enhanced and the actual financing amount was increased. Each approved film project would receive a maximum financing ratio, which is 40 per cent of the production budget or $9 million, whichever is less. This measure was well received by the film industry. Having regard to the positive feedback from the sector, the deadline for application under the Relaxation Plan has been further extended for one year to January 14, 2025. The Government will consolidate the experiences from implementation of the relaxation measures so as to enhance the scheme. Taking into account the significance of sustainable projects in promoting the development of Hong Kong films, we will continue to reach out to the film sector to gauge their views on the financing/funding ceiling for considering further enhancements to the current mechanism.

     The FDF has also been committed to nurturing talents. The First Feature Film Initiative (FFFI) was launched in 2013 with the aim to providing funding to support new directors and their film production teams to make their first feature films on a commercial basis, with an aim of nurturing talents for the film industry. The FFFI identifies new talents through competitions. The winning new directors and their film production teams will receive funding from FDF to make their first feature films. The FDF also launched the Directors’ Succession Scheme in July 2020. It invites veteran directors to partner with young directors to co-produce local films in the spirit of mentorship, with a view to encouraging directors to groom young talents and enhancing the quantity of quality local film productions. In addition, Scriptwriting Incubation Programme under the FDF aims at identifying and nurturing local screenwriting talent to help incubate quality screenplays, thereby enhancing the quality of Hong Kong film productions. The FDF also supports other film-related talent nurture programmes, such as the Screenwriting Apprenticeship Programme, which aims to provide talents for different positions in film production, thereby improving the quality of films.

     In response to the rise of online social platforms and streaming platforms, the Content Development Scheme for Streaming Platforms was launched under the FDF in 2023. Teams are recruited through a competition under this Scheme to develop content for streaming platform series, thereby nurturing cross-sectoral production teams for streaming platforms and facilitating the film industry to enter new distribution markets by creating quality streaming content.

     To date, over 100 emerging directors and producers were engaged in some 100 films funded under the FDF, which have won more than 160 local and international awards. Many of the Government financed films in recent years, for example, “A Guilty Conscience”, “Mama’s Affair”, “Chilli Laugh Story”, “Time Still Turns the Pages”, “Hong Kong Family”, “A Light Never Goes Out” and “Lost Love”, etc have achieved good box office. More than 3 500 job opportunities were also created by the projects funded under the Film Production Financing Scheme. The Government will evaluate the effectiveness of the schemes from various aspects, including the numbers of talents nurtured, job opportunities created, box office receipts, as well as local and international awards attained. The Government reviews the schemes according to the development needs of the film industry from time to time.

     The projects funded under the schemes of the FDF are shown at Annex. The amount of investment by private companies is a kind of commercial information, thus it is not appropriate for the Government to disclose such information.

(3) In order to further subsidise Hong Kong films to explore overseas markets, the Government has actively launched a number of new schemes under the FDF in the past two years. Following the launch of the Hong Kong-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme in 2023, the Film Financing Scheme for Mainland Market was launched in May this year to support Hong Kong film companies and the Mainland cultural enterprises to invest in and promote the productions of Hong Kong directors. This will also help boost the chance of Hong Kong films for release in the Mainland market. The Government will also expand the original Hong Kong-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme to the Hong Kong-Europe-Asian Film Collaboration Funding Scheme, which will subsidise film projects co-produced by filmmakers from European and Asian countries to produce films featuring Hong Kong, European and Asian cultures. This would help promising Hong Kong filmmakers broaden their regional cultural horizons, draw inspiration from film productions of other countries and have better understanding of the market demands of other countries. These schemes have just been launched, and some are just entering the assessment stage. We will take the work forward as soon as possible so that the projects can be released and the effectiveness of the schemes can be evaluated.

     The Government has been actively organising and subsidising screenings of Hong Kong films in Mainland and overseas international film festivals and cities in recent years so that audiences from around the world can watch Hong Kong films and know about the unique charms about Hong Kong from these films. Through the support of the FDF, the Government and film-related groups have organised Hong Kong film screenings at many overseas film festivals and cities. Among them, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices in the overseas have sponsored screenings of Hong Kong films at different international film festivals since 2023. Create Hong Kong also organised Hong Kong film screening in more than 30 cities from 2022 to 2024 to promote the works of the new Hong Kong directors/actors. The above activities aim to increase the exposure and popularity of Hong Kong films and build audience. Some of the films of the new directors have been given local distribution opportunities after being screened, and the results are encouraging. In addition, the FDF also subsidises promotional activities for individual films at major international film festivals to increase publicity effects and distribution opportunities. Create Hong Kong will collaborate with the Hong Kong Film Development Council to study and consider providing further support for the overseas distribution of Hong Kong films. read more

LCQ15: Measures to attract new capital to Hong Kong

     Following is a question by the Hon Jeffrey Lam and a written reply by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, in the Legislative Council today (June 12):
     To further enrich the talent pool, attract more new capital to Hong Kong, and strengthen the development of the asset and wealth management, financial and related professional service sectors in Hong Kong, the Government introduced the new Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (the new CIES) in March this year. Under the scheme, persons who intend to invest in Hong Kong and their dependants (including spouses and unmarried and dependent children aged under 18 years) can apply for entry to stay in Hong Kong. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the number of enquiries and applications received so far under the new CIES; in respect of the applications received, a breakdown of the figures and percentages by age and nationality of the applicants and whether they are applying for entry to Hong Kong with their dependants;
(2) of the current number of applications which have passed the Net Asset Assessment, and the latest progress in the vetting and approval of such applications; and
(3) as it is learnt that some banks have recently launched integrated dedicated services targeting applicants of the new CIES to help them capture local investment opportunities through the provision of various tailor-made asset allocation solutions, whether the Government will collaborate with the relevant organisations to provide one-stop services, including enquiry, consultation, application and subsequent follow-up, to the applicants of the new CIES, with a view to enhancing the competitiveness and effectiveness of the new CIES in attracting new capital to Hong Kong; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
     In consultation with Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and the Immigration Department (ImmD), the consolidated reply to the various parts of the question is as follows:
(1) and (2) The New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES) has been launched for application from March 1, 2024, with the aim to further enrich the talent pool and attract new capital to Hong Kong. InvestHK is responsible for assessing whether the applications fulfill the financial requirements, and the ImmD is responsible for assessing the applications for visa/entry permit and extension of stay, etc.
     Since the launch of the New CIES on March 1 up to end-May, InvestHK received over 3 000 enquiries (mainly from the potential applicants and service providers) and received over 250 applications. The Net Asset Assessment for over 100 applications was approved. The ImmD granted “approval-in-principle” for over 40 applications, enabling the applicants to enter Hong Kong as visitors for not more than 180 days and make the committed investment during the period. Details of the age, nationality, and dependants of the applicants and the assessment of the applications are set out in Annex.
(3) To facilitate the financial services industry’s better understanding of the details of the New CIES, InvestHK has organised a series of briefings for around 2 000 participants from various industry sectors, covering the banking, securities, funds and insurance sectors as well as the professional bodies of the accounting and legal sectors. Industry stakeholders generally welcome the launch of the New CIES. In particular, service providers for high-net-worth individuals or family offices are positive towards their business prospects brought by the New CIES.
     InvestHK will continue to maintain close communication with the industry and stakeholders to enhance their understanding of the scheme details. In 2024-25, InvestHK will launch extensive publicity to target client groups through the Dedicated Teams for Attracting Businesses as well as the Talents and Investment Promotion Divisions (which base in the Economic and Trade Offices around the globe), and plans to further promote the New CIES to industry practitioners such as private banks, lawyers and accounting firms through the Private Wealth Management Association in the third quarter of 2024, thereby enhancing their awareness of the New CIES. InvestHK is also planning to promote the New CIES as well as Hong Kong’s competitiveness and unique advantages as a family office hub by means of physical events and online seminars in the Mainland and overseas places. read more

LCQ7: Public toilets provided along the New Territories Cycle Track Network

     Following is a question by the Hon Steven Ho and a written reply by the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, in the Legislative Council today (June 12):
     It is learnt that the Tuen Mun to Ma On Shan backbone section of the New Territories Cycle Track Network is about 60 kilometres long, and it takes more than six hours to complete the entire route by cycling. Regarding public toilets provided along the cycle track network, will the Government inform this Council:
(1) of the number, locations and facilities of public toilets provided along the aforesaid cycle track network; how the Government assesses the demand of cyclists and residents in the vicinity of the cycle track network (especially villagers) for such public toilets;
(2) given that as shown on the map and according to site visits conducted by the staff of my office, the distances between public toilets (not temporary public toilets) along the cycle track network vary, whether it has compiled statistics on the respective average and farthest distances between each public toilets, as well as the corresponding travel time needed by walking and cycling;
(3) whether temporary public toilets have been provided along the cycle track network; if so, of the specific number and locations of such toilets;
(4) as the staff of my office are given to understand, temporary public toilets in a number of villages along the cycle track network have been provided in-situ for more than five years, whether it has assessed if such a situation reflects the long-term need of such temporary public toilets (e.g. whether it has compiled statistics on the number and locations of temporary public toilets which have been provided in-situ for more than five years in Ting Kok Road, whether it has received views or applications from the residents concerned for converting such temporary public toilets into permanent ones, as well as the corresponding ways and progress of handling such views and applications); and
(5) as there are views that while temporary public toilets can provide an interim solution to the problem faced by members of the public due to the shortage of toilet facilities, the design of some temporary public toilets gives rise to odour and hygiene problems and poses potential safety hazards, whether the authorities will consider expeditiously converting temporary public toilets along the cycle track network into permanent ones; if so, of the locations and number of additional permanent public toilets to be provided; if not, the reasons for that?
     The Government strives to implement the New Territories Cycle Track Network (NTCTN) in stages, with an aim of connecting the cycle tracks in the New Territories East and West. Currently, the Tuen Mun to Ma On Shan backbone section of about 60 kilometres, the section from Tsuen Wan Riviera Park to Bayview Garden of about two km, and the branching off section of cycle track in Sam Mun Tsai in Tai Po of about one km, are open for public use. To facilitate the enjoyment of cyclists, the Government provides ancillary facilities along the cycle tracks, including cycling entry/exit hubs near public transport interchanges to provide bicycle parking spaces, bicycle rental and repairs kiosks, practising areas, first aid stations or information kiosks, as well as resting stations and public toilets at suitable locations. Public toilets along the NTCTN are mainly managed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), while those in the parks and recreational facilities along the route are managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and those in the Wetland Park and country parks along the route are managed by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD).
     In response to the Hon Steven Ho’s question, having consulted the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the FEHD, the LCSD, the AFCD and the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), the Development Bureau’s consolidated reply is as follows:
(1) When planning for the provision of public toilets, the Government will consider the number of existing nearby public toilets, utilisation data, land requirements, feasibility, as well as the opinions and requests of nearby residents, local community and District Councils. The public can locate public toilets available along the NTCTN through the “HKeMobility” app. In the course of planning and design for the NTCTN, the CEDD consulted and obtained support from relevant District Councils and cycling groups regarding the number, locations and facilities of the newly provided public toilets. Apart from about 100 existing public toilets in the vicinity of the NTCTN, the CEDD has provided a total of eight public toilets stated below at cycling entry/exit hubs and suitable resting stations. These public toilets are in use and handed over to the FEHD for management.

District Name and location of Public Toilets
1 Tuen Mun Siu Hong Public Toilet
Siu Hong Court near Ng Lau Road
(located at the Tuen Mun Cycling Entry/Exit Hub)
2 Yuen Long Tin Fuk Road Public Toilet
Tin Fuk Road, Tin Shui Wai
(located at the Tin Shui Wai Cycling Entry/Exit Hub)
3 Yuen Long Small Traders New Village (1) Public Toilet
Long Wo Road, Yuen Long
(located at the Yuen Long Town Cycling Entry/Exit Hub)
4 North Ho Sheung Heung Public Toilet (III)
At Side of Cycle Track, Ho Sheung Heung Pai Fung Road, Sheung Shui
(located at the Sheung Shui Sheung Yue River Resting Station)
5 North Shek Wu Hui Public Toilet
San Wan Road, Sheung Shui
(located at the Sheung Shui Cycling Entry/Exit Hub)
6 Sha Tin University Station Public Toilet
Chak Cheung Street, Sha Tin
(located at the University Station Cycling Entry/Exit Hub)
7 Tsuen Wan Hoi Hing Road Public Toilet
Cycle Track, Hoi Hing Road, Tsuen Wan
(located at the Tsuen Wan Waterfront Cycling Entry/Exit Hub)
8 Tai Po Sam Mun Tsai Road Public Toilet
Sam Mun Tsai Road, Tai Po
(located at the Sam Mun Tsai Resting Station)
Note: All public toilets are equipped with accessible toilets
(2) Based on the abovementioned considerations in planning for the provision of public toilets, the distribution along the route varies and they are not rigidly provided at a fixed interval. Based on the total length of 63 km and about 100 public toilets along the route of the cycle track, the average distance between public toilets is about 0.6 km. The farthest distance between two public toilets is about seven km, which are located between Yuen Long Town Cycling Entry/Exit Hub and Mai Po Tsuen. Calculated from the midpoint of these two public toilets, the journey of the nearest public toilet is about 3.5 km which requires not more than 20 minutes to cycle (about 50 minutes for cyclists who choose to walk under special circumstances). Currently temporary toilets are provided by the FEHD at Pok Wai South Road for that section, so that users can reach a toilet with half the time required.
(3) For temporary public toilets in the villages along the cycle track network, there are currently temporary toilets provided by the FEHD at three locations, including Pok Wai South Road in Yuen Long, Ting Kok Road near Ting Kok Tsuen and near Tung Tsz Road in Tai Po, as well as temporary toilets provided by the AFCD at three locations in Long Valley Ecological Park near to the cycle track.
(4) and (5) The FEHD and the AFCD inspect temporary toilets and arrange their service contractors to regularly clean them and repair damaged facilities so as to ensure the hygiene and normal operation of the toilets. The FEHD and the AFCD will also arrange staff to follow up upon receipt of complaint(s).
     The FEHD and the AFCD will review the provision of temporary toilets on need basis, and based on considerations such as utilisation data, land requirements, feasibility, as well as the opinions of nearby residents, local community and District Councils, etc., propose and explore with relevant Government departments the need and feasibility of converting temporary public toilets to permanent public toilets. Considering these factors, the FEHD and the AFCD currently have no plan to convert those temporary toilets mentioned in part (3) above to permanent public toilets. read more