Tag Archives: China


Flag-raising ceremony cancelled

     Owing to the thunderstorm warning, the flag-raising ceremony to be conducted at Golden Bauhinia Square, Wan Chai at 8am today (June 19) will be cancelled.      If the thunderstorm warning is cancelled and weather conditions permit by th… read more

HKSAR Government strongly condemns Christian Zheng Sheng Association for harbouring wanted former directors

     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) accords great importance to students’ interests, and has placed the welfare of the teachers and students of the Christian Zheng Sheng College (the College) as a top priority.  Noting that the newly formed Board of Directors (the Board) of the Christian Zheng Sheng Association (the Association) claimed in its urgent statement on June 12 this year that it would make decisions relating to the College with a responsible attitude, the Narcotics Division of the Security Bureau immediately met with the Board. To our dismay, we found that the Board did not substantiate its claims, and there are reasons to question the truthfulness of its claims that it has cut all ties with its former directors Lam Hay-sing and Alman Chan Siu-cheuk, who have absconded from Hong Kong. There are three points uncovered from the meeting that are worth paying attention to:

(1)  The Board claimed that the suspension of the College’s operation was due to financial difficulties. However, the Board, after a reorganisation, immediately passed a resolution at its first meeting refusing to recover the funds amounting to over $50 million, which were raised in the name of the College and transferred abroad by Lam Hay-sing and Alman Chan Siu-cheuk earlier. At the meeting, the Board again refused to recover the money concerned, which clearly shows that the Board has no intention to help the teachers and students of the College, and it is suspicious that the Board is trying to harbour the absconders.

(2)  On June 12, the Board claimed that it has cut all ties with Lam Hay-sing and Alman Chan Siu-cheuk, and that the two persons have no power to direct the Board’s decisions. The fact is that the two wanted persons are still Board members of the “Christian Zheng Sheng College Limited” and/or the “Zheng Sheng Charities Limited” under the Association, and can also operate the bank accounts of the Association and its subsidiaries.

(3)  The current Board has taken up office for around two months since mid-April, but has neither proposed any specific measures to resolve the problems faced by the College, nor shown any commitment and capacity to manage the College. As stated in point (1) above, notwithstanding that the College is facing an acute crisis, the Board refused to recover the funds from the two absconders Lam Hay-sing and Alman Chan Siu-cheuk, which was raised in the name of the College in Hong Kong earlier. Instead, the Board passed a questionable resolution and issued an inaccurate statement to mislead the public.

     The Board has not fulfilled its role and duty, and harbours wrongdoers. The HKSAR Government strongly condemns the vile actions of the Board and has completely lost faith in it. Relevant government departments would provide the most appropriate assistance and arrangements for students who are leaving the College, and law enforcement agencies would investigate in, and follow up on, matters concerning the Association and the College in accordance with the law. read more

Civil Service College and Peking University’s joint programme holds lecture on contemporary Chinese economy and graduation ceremony (with photos)

     The Civil Service College (CSC), in collaboration with the Institute for Hong Kong and Macau Studies, Peking University, held the concluding lecture of the in-depth programme on “one country, two systems” and contemporary China at the Central Government Offices today (June 18). The Dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University, Professor Lin Yifu, was invited to elucidate how, amidst profound changes unseen in a century, new quality productive forces can be harnessed to fulfill the two major tasks – Chinese modernisation and high-quality development as outlined at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Around 170 senior officials, including politically appointed officials and directorate officers, attended the lecture.

     Addressing the lecture, the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, said that the development of new quality productive forces is closely linked to Hong Kong’s better integration into the country’s overall development and the Government Work Report this year clearly prioritises “striving to modernise the industrial system and developing new quality productive forces at a faster pace” as the first major task. The report also outlines a comprehensive plan across various fronts of the country’s agenda, providing clear guidance for Hong Kong as it embraces new responsibilities and breaks new ground on the new journey towards Chinese modernisation and high-quality development. He also encouraged colleagues attending the lecture to reflect on how to better consolidate and promote Hong Kong’s distinctive advantages of enjoying the strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world under the “one country, two systems” principle and the strategic positioning of the “eight centres”, so as to better capitalise on Hong Kong’s strengths to serve the country’s needs. 

     The lecture was closely followed by a graduation ceremony officiated by the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, and Vice President of Peking University Professor Fang Fang. A total of 71 participants who had successfully completed the programme were awarded certificates of completion jointly issued by Peking University and the CSC. Mrs Yeung and the Director of the Institute for Hong Kong and Macau Studies at Peking University, Professor Chen Duanhong, addressed the ceremony, with the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Clement Leung, and the Head of the Civil Service College, Mr Oscar Kwok, also in attendance. 

     Addressing the ceremony, Mrs Yeung expressed her gratitude to the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and Peking University for their support for the programme. Congratulating all the participants on their successful completion of the programme, she encouraged them to apply the knowledge and insights gained from this series of 12 lectures to their work and stay united to complement the HKSAR Government in giving full play to Hong Kong’s unique strengths for better integration into the country’s overall development, jointly contributing to the steadfast and successful implementation of “one country, two systems”.

     The programme was organised to further strengthen training for senior officials and directorate civil servants. It consists of 12 monthly lectures covering a wide range of topics, such as the Communist Party of China and contemporary China, socialism with Chinese characteristics, the theory and practice of “one country, two systems”, as well as developments in contemporary Chinese society, economy, national defence, technology, and more. Distinguished scholars from the Mainland delivered the programme and engaged in in-depth discussions with participants. The number of senior officials and directorate officers attending the programme’s lectures in person and online was about 2 100.

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