Civil Service College organises fourth seminar in Executive Series on “Connecting with the World – ASEAN” (with photos)

     The Civil Service College (CSC) has launched the Executive Series on "Connecting with the World – ASEAN". The fourth seminar in the series, on the topic of "Different Paths to Prosperity in ASEAN Economies", was delivered by Professor Krislert Samphantharak of the School of Global Policy and Strategy of the University of California San Diego at the CSC today (June 20).

     Addressing the seminar, the Head of the CSC, Mr Oscar Kwok, said that Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries have distinct cultural identities shaped by their histories, ethnic compositions, and religions, leading to significant differences in societal norms, values and practices. They also vary widely in terms of development levels, industrialisation and economic structures. ASEAN's diversity across cultural, economic, political, and social dimensions underscores the importance of a nuanced understanding and tailored approaches in regional co-operation.

     More than 140 civil servants in the directorate and senior ranks from 45 bureaux/departments attended the seminar today, including officers from Hong Kong, and from Mainland Offices and overseas Economic and Trade Offices of the Government in Beijing, Bangkok, Berlin, Brussels, Dubai, Geneva, Singapore, and Washington, DC, who joined the seminar via video conferencing.

     The Executive Series on "Connecting with the World – ASEAN" is designed to further broaden the international perspective of directorate and senior civil servants. It covers subjects pertaining to the changing international dynamics and the development of ASEAN countries, including economies of emerging markets, opportunities and challenges from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the role and positioning of ASEAN, and diversity of ASEAN economies. Prominent experts are invited to speak and engage in in-depth discussions with participants.

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Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao hold 2024 Joint Maintenance Management meeting in Macao

     The Deputy Director-General of the Flight Standards Department of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Mr Xue Shijun; the Director-General of Civil Aviation of Hong Kong, Mr Victor Liu; and the President of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Macao Special Administrative Region, Mr Pun Wa-kin, attended the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao 2024 Joint Maintenance Management (JMM) meeting convened in Macao yesterday (June 19).
     The three authorities were briefed by the working group about the overall work progress and future development plans, including the implementation of the Joint Maintenance Management Cooperation Arrangement signed by the three authorities in 2021. The three authorities also took the opportunity to proactively explore ways to expand the areas of co-operation amongst the three authorities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) from the perspectives of the JMM and continued airworthiness.
     Mr Liu said that the GBA civil aviation maintenance industry units signed the Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation on the GBA Civil Aviation Maintenance Industry Alliance (GCMA) earlier in March, which marked the formal establishment of the first civil aviation maintenance industry alliance in the GBA and created new momentum for the industry. The Civil Aviation Department, while continuing to play the roles of co-ordinator and facilitator, will further enhance comprehensive co-operation in the civil aviation field in the region in accordance with the directions of the National 14th Five-Year Plan and the Outline Development Plan for the GBA.
     At the meeting today (June 20), industry representatives of the GCMA reported to the three authorities on co-operation within the industry, and conducted in-depth discussions on enhancing the mobility of aircraft maintenance personnel, expanding mutual recognition of professional qualifications, as well as strengthening maintenance capabilities and training resources, with an aim to jointly promote the high-quality development of the aviation industry in the three places.

Immigration Department repatriates Vietnamese illegal immigrants and overstayers to Vietnam (with photos)

     The Immigration Department (ImmD) carried out a repatriation operation today (June 20). A total of 19 Vietnamese illegal immigrants and overstayers were repatriated to Vietnam. The persons removed comprised 11 men and eight women, all of which were unsubstantiated non-refoulement claimants. Among them were discharged prisoners who had committed criminal offences and had been sentenced to imprisonment.
     The ImmD has been committed to promptly removing unsubstantiated non-refoulement claimants from Hong Kong to maintain effective immigration control and safeguard the public interest. Under the updated removal policy effective from December 7, 2022, the ImmD may generally proceed with the removal of a claimant whose judicial review case has been dismissed by the Court of First Instance of the High Court, thereby enhancing the efficiency of, and efforts in, removing unsubstantiated claimants. 

     The ImmD will remain committed to expediting the removal process to repatriate illegal immigrants and overstayers from Hong Kong as soon as practicable according to the actual situation through appropriate measures as necessary.

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CHP investigates suspected case of paralytic shellfish poisoning

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (June 20) investigating a suspected case of paralytic shellfish poisoning affecting two members of a family.

     The case involves a male and a female aged 51 and 33 respectively, who presented with numbness of the mouth and tongue, vomiting and diarrhoea within one hour after consuming sea snails at home on June 18. The patients have been in a stable condition.
     Initial enquiries revealed that the seafood concerned was purchased from a seafood stall in Tai Po Hui Market in Tai Po. An investigation by the CHP is continuing.
     "Paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin is a natural toxin sometimes found in bivalve shellfish. It is heat-stable and cannot be destroyed through cooking," a spokesman for the CHP said.
     "The symptoms of paralytic shellfish poisoning are predominantly neurological and the onset is usually within minutes to hours after ingestion of the shellfish. Initial symptoms may include tingling, numbness of the mouth and extremities, a headache, dizziness and gastrointestinal discomfort. In the majority of cases, symptoms are resolved completely within a few days. In severe cases, difficulty in swallowing and speech, paralysis with respiratory arrest and even death may occur," the spokesman added.
     The spokesman reminded members of the public that they should seek medical advice immediately if they develop shellfish poisoning symptoms, and save any leftovers for investigation and laboratory testing.

     To reduce the risk of shellfish poisoning, the public should:

  • Buy shellfish from reliable and licensed seafood shops;
  • Remove the viscera, gonads and roe before cooking and discard any cooking liquid before consumption;
  • Eat a smaller amount of shellfish in any one meal; and
  • When symptoms occur after consuming shellfish, seek medical advice immediately.

eHealth App pilots new functions to facilitate cross-boundary healthcare collaboration

     The Health Bureau (HHB) announced today (June 20) that to facilitate cross-boundary healthcare collaboration, the eHealth mobile application (eHealth App) will pilot two new functions named "Cross-boundary Health Record" and "Personal Folder" starting from July 15. Under the principle of "bring your own health records", the new functions will enhance the continuity of care for Hong Kong citizens through facilitating the use of electronic health records (eHRs) at designated medical institutions outside Hong Kong in a secured manner.
"Cross-boundary Health Record" function
     Currently, elderly persons eligible to receive Elderly Health Care Vouchers (ECHVs) can seek medical consultations and claim ECHVs at the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital (HKU-SZH). Under the pilot scheme which will start on July 15, elderly persons using ECHVs at the HKU-SZH can apply for their eHRs deposited in eHealth over the past three years through the eHealth App in advance. Family members can also submit applications for elderly persons via the "Caregiver" function in the eHealth App. Upon verification of elderly persons' authorisation, they will receive a QR code linking to their health records ("File QR Code") and another QR code containing the password ("Password QR Code") on their eHealth App. Healthcare professionals of the HKU-SZH can then access and browse the health records by scanning the two QR codes presented by the elderly persons at the time of consultations to help them formulate diagnoses and provide treatments. The new function adopts multi-factor authentication to ensure that personal information is accessed in a safe environment. The verification of applications and preparation of eHRs generally take no more than 72 hours. Elderly persons should submit their applications three days prior to receiving a consultation at the HKU-SZH to ensure that the eHRs would be ready for use at the time of the consultation.
     The Government has implemented the Elderly Health Care Voucher Scheme at HKU-SZH since 2015, allowing eligible elderly persons to pay for outpatient healthcare services at designated medical centres or medical service departments of the HKU-SZH with EHCVs. Moreover, the HKU-SZH has been providing subsidised consultation services for eligible patients of the Hospital Authority (HA) through special support schemes and the Pilot Scheme for Supporting Patients of the Hospital Authority in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) since the end of 2020. As such, the HKU-SZH has more experience in handling patients and medical records from Hong Kong. On this basis, the HHB chose to conduct the trial run for the two new eHealth functions at the HKU-SZH. With adequate operational experience accumulated, the HHB plans to expand relevant arrangements to other GBA medical institutions that will accept EHCVs, thereby supporting citizens' need for cross-boundary healthcare in a more effective manner.
     A spokesperson for the HHB said, "At present, citizens may access important information such as their medications, allergies and adverse drug reactions, appointments, and investigation records through the eHealth App. Starting from mid-July, eligible elderly persons can use the new 'Cross-boundary Health Record' function when they seek medical consultations at the HKU-SZH. With the authorisation of the elderly persons, healthcare professionals at the HKU-SZH will be able to browse more comprehensive and detailed eHRs such as diagnostic and medical procedures as well as clinical summaries to support their diagnostic formulation. Subject to the feedback gathered during the pilot period, we will streamline the workflow and enhance user experience with a view to expanding the pilot arrangements to other medical institutions under the Elderly Health Care Voucher Greater Bay Area Pilot Scheme."
"Personal Folder" function
     The eHealth App will also activate its "Personal Folder" function, which enables users to deposit medical-related personal records obtained from different sources, including those obtained during consultations received in medical institutions outside Hong Kong. Records deposited in the "Personal Folder" of their eHealth accounts are centrally stored to provide convenience to users, including access by authorised medical institutions in Hong Kong through the eHealth system during follow-up care.
     To familiarise the public with the use and applications of the two new functions, the HHB is launching promotions and public education through various channels. Citizens can now browse videos introducing the new functions through the eHealth App, eHealth thematic website or social media:
"Cross-boundary Health Record" function:
"Personal Folder" function:
     In addition, the HHB has already set up a support station at the HKU-SZH to assist Hong Kong citizens to register for eHealth, download the eHealth App, and have a better grasp of the relevant functions. The HHB is also partnering with the Home Affairs Department's District Services and Community Care Teams across the 18 districts to set up "e+ Support Stations" at various community events to introduce the eHealth App functions, including how the public can utilise the eHealth App to manage their own and their family members' health, and highlight the convenience brought about by the two new functions. The staff of the "e+ Support Station" will also provide on-site health services, including weight and blood pressure measurements, blood sugar testing, as well as traditional Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis, etc. The first "e+ Support Station" event was held today in Yau Tsim Mong District. Two other events will be held on June 29 and July 1 at Tai Yuen Community Hall in Tai Po District and Telford Gardens Community Hall in Kwun Tong District respectively.
     For further details, citizens may visit the eHealth thematic website or call the hotline at 3467 6300. The hotline service runs from 9am to 9pm from Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).