Hong Kong Customs alerts public to unsafe racket projectile toy (with photos)

     â€‹Hong Kong Customs today (June 21) reminded members of the public to stay alert to an unsafe racket projectile toy. Test results indicated that the toy could pose an injury risk to children. To avoid an accident, parents should immediately stop their children from playing with the racket projectile toy. Traders should also remove the racket projectile toys from their shelves.

     Customs officers earlier test-purchased various models of projectile toys from retailers in different districts for safety testing. Test results revealed that one model of racket projectile toy could launch objects other than its original accessories. It could cause injury if the objects were shot at one's eyes or faces. Customs also found that the toy did not carry a safety warning about the risk of choking caused by the small balls it contains. Moreover, the identification markings of the toy did not comply with the related requirements prescribed by the Toys and Children's Products Safety Ordinance (TCPSO). 

     Customs later conducted an operation to search the retailer's premises in connection with the case. No other suspected unsafe racket projectile toys were found, and a prohibition notice was served at the same time to prohibit the continued sale of the unsafe racket projectile toy by the retailer.

     An investigation is ongoing.

     Customs reminds members of the public to observe the following safety tips when purchasing and playing with projectile toys:

     • Pay attention to age recommendations shown on labels;
     • Pay attention to and follow the instructions associated with the toys;
     • Do not put items other than original accessories into toys for shooting;
     • Do not shoot items into eyes or faces;
     • Beware of whether the small parts of toys are easily detachable. Detached small parts may block a child's throat and lead to suffocation if swallowed;
     • Check the structure of the toys to see, for example, whether they have an easily broken structure, hidden sharp points, rough surfaces, sharp edges or gaps that may pinch children's fingers;
     • Throw away plastic packages of toys and children's products to avoid children being suffocated; and
     • Stop children from playing with the toys immediately if any damage is observed.

     Customs is committed to the protection of consumer interests and regularly conducts spot checks and safety tests on toys and children's products to ensure that they are reasonably safe for use by consumers.

     Under the TCPSO, it is an offence to supply, manufacture or import unsafe toys or children's products. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year on first conviction, and a fine of $500,000 and imprisonment for two years on a subsequent conviction.

     Members of the public may report information relating to suspected unsafe toys or children's products via Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) or online form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/ced002).

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SHYA attends Public Fuxi Commemoration Ceremony 2024 in Gansu Province (with photos)

     The Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Miss Alice Mak, today (June 21) attended the Public Fuxi Commemoration Ceremony 2024 in Tianshui City in Gansu Province on behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. 

     Fuxi is the humanistic root of the Chinese nation, while Tianshui City is Fuxi's birthplace and the origin of Fuxi culture. The Public Fuxi Commemoration Ceremony, jointly organised by the Gansu Provincial People's Government, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, is a significant event held annually in Gansu Province to promote Chinese traditional culture.

     Miss Mak said that the Public Fuxi Commemoration Ceremony is important to the Chinese national identity. By attending the ceremony, Hong Kong compatriots can enhance their sense of belonging to the nation and strengthen the affection for the Chinese people. She expressed gratitude for being invited to attend the meaningful event. Miss Mak added that Tianshui City is not only the source of Fuxi culture, but also an important node city on the Silk Road, containing a strong cultural ambience. She encouraged Hong Kong youth to visit the motherland more often, to gain in-depth understanding of the history and culture of the country and look for the origin of national culture, so as to deepen their sense of national identity, serve society and contribute to the country in the future.

     During her visit to Tianshui City, Miss Mak met with Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress Mr Shohrat Zakir; the Executive Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Zhou Ji; the Secretary of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial People's Congress, Mr Hu Changsheng; and the Deputy Secretary of the CPC Gansu Provincial Committee and Governor of Gansu Province, Mr Ren Zhenhe.

     Miss Mak will conclude her visit and return to Hong Kong this afternoon.

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Proposed sewerage works in Ma Wan Chung and Shek Mun Kap, Tung Chung for Tung Chung New Town Extension authorised

     The Chief Executive in Council has authorised the scheme for sewerage works in Ma Wan Chung and Shek Mun Kap, Tung Chung for Tung Chung New Town Extension. The notice was gazetted today (June 21).

     The sewerage scheme comprises the following:

  1. construction of about 1 700 metres of gravity sewers, associated manholes and facilities; and 
  2. ancillary works including temporary closure and reinstatement of carriageways, footpaths and open space or parts thereof.

     Details of the sewerage scheme were published in the Government Gazette on November 25, 2022, December 2, 2022, July 28, 2023, and August 4, 2023.

Proposed sewerage works at Roads, Ngau Au, Lam Che, Nim Yuen, Mok Ka and Shek Lau Po and Sewage Pumping Stations in Area 61B, 45C and 68B, Tung Chung for Tung Chung New Town Extension authorised

     The Chief Executive in Council has authorised the scheme for sewerage works at Road L22, Road L24, Road L25, Road L26, Road L28, Ngau Au, Lam Che, Nim Yuen, Mok Ka and Shek Lau Po and Sewage Pumping Stations in Area 61B, Area 45C and Area 68B, Tung Chung, for Tung Chung New Town Extension. The notice was gazetted today (June 21).
     The sewerage scheme comprises the following:

  1. construction of about 5 500 metres of rising mains, gravity sewers, associated manholes and facilities;
  2. construction of two sewage pumping stations; and
  3. ancillary works including temporary closure and reinstatement of carriageways, footpaths and open space or parts thereof.

     Construction works for the scheme by the Civil Engineering and Development Department are to be carried out in conjunction with the road works at Road L22, Road L24, Road L25, Road L26 and Road L28.
     Details of the sewerage scheme were published in the Government Gazette on December 23, 2022, December 30, 2022, July 28, 2023, and August 4, 2023.

Appointments to Board of Directors of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

     The Government today (June 21) announced that the Chief Executive has reappointed Dr Sunny Chai as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) for two years starting from July 1, 2024.

     The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, said, "Dr Chai has continued to make valuable contributions to the work of the HKSTPC. Under his sterling leadership, the HKSTPC has made significant contributions to the innovation and technology (I&T) and new industrialisation development of Hong Kong through developing new and upgrading existing facilities, introducing measures to support I&T start-ups and enterprises, as well as attracting I&T talent."

     The Government also announced the appointment of four new members and reappointment of five serving members by the Financial Secretary for a period of two years from July 1, 2024.

     Ms Dilys Chau, Ms Susanna Hui, Mr Timothy Leung and Ms Eunice Yung are appointed as new Board members of the HKSTPC.

     Mr Conrad Chan, Professor Stephanie Ma, Mr Daryl Ng, Dr Samson Tam and Ms Phoebe Tse are reappointed as Board members of the HKSTPC.

     Professor Sun said, "With their extensive experience and professional knowledge, I am confident that the Board will continue to guide the HKSTPC to fulfil its public mission effectively and further strengthen Hong Kong's competitiveness as an international I&T hub."

     The tenure of four incumbent Board members, Mr Herbert Chia, Mr Donald Choi, Mr Dennis Ho and Mr Jimmy Ng, will expire on June 30 this year.

     Professor Sun also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing Board members for their valuable contributions to the HKSTPC and the local I&T development over the past six years.

     Established in 2001, the HKSTPC manages the Hong Kong Science Park, three InnoParks and the InnoCentre. It provides a comprehensive range of services to support and nurture I&T start-ups and enterprises, as well as land and relevant facilities for the I&T industry.