Tag Archives: China


EDB launches electronic certificates of school registration in phases

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (June 24) announced that starting from July 1, newly issued Certificates of Registration of a School and Certificates of Provisional Registration of a School will fully adopt an electronic version with an e-Proof and a digital signature to replace the existing manually signed or stamped paper certificates. The EDB will also renew the paper certificates in phases.
     An EDB spokesman said, “In line with the Government’s policy objective of providing more electronic public services, new electronic certificates of school registration offer greater convenience to the school sector and the public. Once the school’s application for registration is approved, the school supervisor will instantly and conveniently receive an electronic certificate of school registration in portable document format (pdf) by email for downloading and printing, without the need to visit the EDB’s office in person for collection of the certificate.”

     Electronic and paper certificates of school registration carry the same legal status and information, namely the registration number, school name and address, date of issue, period of validity (if applicable) and signature of the responsible EDB officer. Schools are required to exhibit a printout of the electronic certificate in the same manner as the paper certificate. 

     Each Certificate of Registration of a School and Certificate of Provisional Registration of a School contains an e-Proof QR code. The public may access the e-Proof website (www.eproof.gov.hk) of the Government by mobile phone and scan the QR code of the electronic certificates to verify the validity of the certificates. 

     â€‹For schools with paper certificates, the EDB will conduct a replacement exercise in phases from September for them to obtain an electronic certificate at no cost. Schools will receive the EDB’s written notice about the replacement exercise in due course. Information on the electronic certificates of school registration and the schedule of the replacement exercise are available on the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/en/sch-admin/sch-registration/about-sch-registration/e_licensing.html). read more

Speech by FS at International Bio-Computing Innovation Summit (English only) (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at the International Bio-Computing Innovation Summit today (June 24):

Robin (Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Baidu, Chairman and Co-founder of BioMap, Mr Robin Li), Liu Wei (Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of BioMap), Clara (Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Investment Corporation Limited (HKIC), Ms Clara Chan), distinguished speakers and guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     I am pleased to join this inaugural International Bio-Computing Innovation Summit, and the launch of BioMap’s first AI for Life Science Hub here in Hong Kong. Today, we will also witness the signing of a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the Hong Kong Investment Corporation Limited and BioMap.

     I am also delighted to extend a warm welcome to Mr Robin Li, who has come to Hong Kong specially for this event and the signing ceremony.

     The relationship between artificial intelligence and life science is transformative, and holds immense potential to drastically change the pharmaceutical industry and the medical and health sector. Large Language Models, or LLMs, have enabled researchers to decode protein or molecular sequences, generate new protein structures and construct new combinations with unprecedented speed. This capability will not only accelerate the drug discovery process but also significantly reduce costs.

     And LLMs in life science certainly have far-reaching applications. AI-generated protein (AIGP) platforms and other bio-computing innovations will not just benefit pharmaceutical product development and bring improvements to human health, but also create new solutions for industrial production, agriculture, consumer products, and above all, for our sustainable future. 

     BioMap is certainly a pioneer – and leader – in this field. Using its AI LLM, that is xTrimo, BioMap is diving deep into unmasking nature’s rules and creating novel therapeutic solutions. “AI for Life Science”, as the theme of BioMap’s InnoHub to be established in Hong Kong, beautifully encapsulates the company’s vision. 

Hong Kong’s potential for biocomputing   

     This is a vision that Hong Kong shares, too. The combination of AI and life science is opening up a new frontier in bio-computing. Hong Kong has solid foundation in both areas, and I believe that we should endeavour to accelerate the development of bio-computing so that we could seize the “first mover advantage”. 

     First, we boast a robust ecosystem for innovation. We are home to some of the world’s leading universities and research institutions, producing groundbreaking work in both biological sciences and computational technology. 

     Yet we recognise that our strengths in basic research must be complemented by stronger translational research, outcome commercialisation and industrialisation capabilities. That is why we have emphasised the need to develop a complete innovative industry chain from upstream to downstream. 

     Stepping up co-operation with sister cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will accelerate our endeavours. In particular, we are working to set up an InnoLife Healthtech Hub in the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop, attracting top-notch life and health research teams, talent, and organisations from around the world to establish there.

     Second, AI infrastructure. One of our key initiatives to support this ecosystem is the establishment of an AI supercomputing centre at Cyberport. This facility will begin its first phase of operations in the second half of 2024. Upon completion of its second phase, the supercomputing centre will offer a computing power of 3 000 petaFLOPS by early 2026. This computational capability will support research and development in artificial intelligence, life science, and other cutting-edge fields.

     We are also going to provide subsidies to support local universities, research institutions, and business enterprises in using these supercomputing services, thus empowering research breakthroughs.

     Third, the convergence of data. This is an area where Hong Kong enjoys an advantageous position. Under the “one country, two systems” framework, we continue to maintain the free flow of information and data. At the same time, with the support of the Central Authorities, we are working to enable the orderly flow of Mainland data to Hong Kong for research and development, on the premise that data security is properly protected.  

     Finally, Hong Kong as an international financial centre. Hong Kong has a complete funding chain, ranging from a rich private equity and venture capital ecosystem to a deep and wide listing platform. The establishment of the HKIC is a milestone development. The company will not only invest, but also help channel other possible funding sources into enterprises and projects, maximising Hong Kong’s support for innovative technologies, new business models, new sectors and relevant ecosystem building.
Looking beyond

     Ladies and gentlemen, the strategic co-operation between the HKIC and BioMap that we are witnessing today underscores our belief in the promising future of integrating AI and life science. BioMap’s InnoHub is set to become a global focal point for research in biocomputing, a hub for relevant translational research and outcome commercialisation, a platform for fostering co-operation among innovators, the industries and investors, and a base for talent development. 

     Talent, in particular, will be of utmost importance to our AI-powered future. Companies like BioMap and others with cutting-edge technologies are collectively establishing a vibrant AI industry in Hong Kong. Their technologies and entrepreneurship, along with the R&D (research and development) work and job opportunities that they create, will help nurture an AI-literate workforce with multidisciplinary knowledge which is vital for enhancing our competitiveness and attracting more tech companies to cluster in the city. 

     And I wish to highlight that this project marks the second strategic partnership announced by the HKIC in just two weeks. Whether it is AI for industrial production, or AI for life science, Hong Kong is committed to growing AI as a pillar in our technological development, and capitalising on its vast potential to transform industries and to nurture talent of the future. I am confident that more and more tech companies will choose Hong Kong as their base for R&D and international co-operation as well as a platform to explore the broader Asian and global market. 

     And of course, we welcome companies such as BioMap to list on our Stock Exchange, using our world-class fund-raising platform to grow bigger and stronger. 

     Today’s inaugural Summit has gathered many experts in the field, and I look forward to the new thoughts and wise counsel that will inspire our future development direction, both in Hong Kong and beyond. 

     I wish you all a very successful summit, and the best of health and business in the time to come. Thank you. 

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Applications open for Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships and Scholarships for Overseas Studies 2025/26

The following is issued on behalf of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council:
         The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council announced today (June 24) that applications for its Fellowships and Scholarships for Overseas Studies (including the award for students with disabilities) for the 2025/26 academic year are now open. The closing date for all applications is September 6, 2024.
         The fellowships and scholarships aim at encouraging outstanding students to pursue further studies in renowned institutions overseas. Successful candidates are expected to have a strong sense of commitment to Hong Kong and be ready to contribute to the community upon graduation.
         The fellowships are for studies leading to postgraduate degrees either by research or coursework. The maximum value of a fellowship is HK$300,000 per year, tenable for up to three years for a doctoral degree or two years for a master’s degree. The scholarships are for studies leading to undergraduate degrees. The maximum value of a scholarship is HK$280,000 per year, tenable for up to three years.
         The applicants will be responsible for fulfilling all application procedures and admission requirements of the academic institutions of their choice.
         Information notes for the applications are available on the website of the Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/forms/form.htm). Applicants should submit the completed form through the GovHK website (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/sfo031/en/). For details, please visit the website of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund (www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/seymf/en/whatwedo/index.htm), or call (852) 2150 6097 or (852) 2150 6110.
         Shortlisted applicants of the Fellowships and Scholarships for Overseas Studies will be invited to attend interviews in Hong Kong. The first round of interviews is scheduled for January 2025. If found suitable, applicants will be invited for a final interview to be held in February or March 2025. For the Overseas Fellowship/Scholarship for Disabled Students, shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend one interview in Hong Kong in February or March 2025. read more