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FEHD steps up publicity and educational work on amended Fixed Penalty Ordinance (with photos)

     A spokesman for the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) said today (October 20) that with the amended Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness and Obstruction) Ordinance (Cap. 570) (Fixed Penalty Ordinance) coming into effect on Sunday (October 22), the department has stepped up publicity and educational work to remind public of the new fixed penalty levels. Members of the public are urged to observe the law and to maintain a hygienic environment through concerted efforts.

     Upon commencement of the amended Fixed Penalty Ordinance, the level of fixed penalty for depositing of litter or waste, spitting, displaying bills or posters without permission in public places, and fouling of street by dog faeces will be raised to $3,000, while the fixed penalty level for shopfront extension and illegal disposal of construction waste or a large amount of other wastes will be raised to $6,000.

     The Government has been reminding public of the new fixed penalty levels and the commencement date through various channels including Announcements in the Public Interest on TV and radio, as well as advertisements on public transport, etc. The FEHD has further disseminated the relevant messages to members of the public through social media content, displaying banners and posters and distributing promotional leaflets in collaboration with members of the local community. Staff of the FEHD has recently carried out publicity and educational work in various districts. Promotional leaflets were distributed to foreign domestic helpers, retail shops and other members of the public, appealing to them to abide by the law and to support to the Government’s work for achieving continuous improvement in environmental hygiene and cityscape.
     The spokesman said the FEHD has formulated enforcement guidelines, which will be regularly updated and enhanced. Furthermore, in order to assist frontline staff in carrying out their duties, the department has also enhanced the training and equipment for frontline staff.

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HKETONY promotes cross-border asset and wealth management in New York (with photos)

     Enthusiastic financial and business executives in New York gathered on October 19 (New York time) at the seminar on “Unlocking Opportunities in Cross-Border Asset and Wealth Management”, co-organised by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in New York (HKETONY) and the Hong Kong Association of New York.
     In her opening remarks, the director of the HKETONY, Ms Maisie Ho, highlighted Hong Kong’s achievement and its development as an international asset and wealth management hub despite challenges from the post-pandemic world and ever-changing external environment.
     “To enhance the city’s competitiveness as an international asset and wealth management centre, the Government has issued a Policy Statement on Developing Family Office Businesses in Hong Kong in March this year, highlighting eight major strategies to develop a vibrant and holistic family office ecosystem,” she said.
     Ms Ho shared some of the latest developments since the Policy Statement was issued, such as the policy on profits tax exemption for family-owned investment holding vehicles managed by single family offices in Hong Kong, as well as a new Capital Investment Entrant Scheme.
     “All these exciting new progresses have added to Hong Kong’s appeal as a leading asset and wealth management hub,” she added.
     Ms Ho remarked that the city’s underlying strength lies in its robust common law system and a clear and certain financial regulatory system which aligns perfectly with global standards, all thanks the long standing implementation of the “one country, two systems” principle.
     During the interactive panel discussion, the Director and Head of Policy Research of Hong Kong’s Financial Services Development Council, Dr Rocky Tung, gave an in-depth update on the asset and wealth management industry, as well as private wealth management and family offices landscape in Hong Kong. He also spoke on the city’s thriving ecosystem for global family offices and asset owners.
     Also joining the panel conversation were the Chief Representative of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in New York, Mr Anson Law; the Senior Vice President of International Private Wealth Advisor of UBS, Mr Andrew Tse, and the International Director of Ernst & Young Global Desk, Ms Winona Zhao. The panel was moderated by renowned asset management marketing strategist Ms April Rudin.

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