Tag Archives: China


AFCD urges grave sweepers to prevent hill fires

     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) today (October 12) reminded people paying tribute to ancestors at graveyards in the countryside during the Chung Yeung Festival period to exercise caution and prevent hill fires.

     An AFCD spokesman said it is an offence under the Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96) to leave behind kindling or burn offerings without considering fire risks in the countryside. Any person who contravenes the ordinance may be prosecuted and is liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and one year’s imprisonment upon conviction.

     AFCD staff will step up patrols at graveyards in the countryside during the Chung Yeung Festival period and take enforcement action against any irregularities.

     The majority of hill fires in the countryside are caused by human negligence. Accidents can be prevented if grave sweepers observe some simple guidelines:

* Remove weeds around graves with tools and never burn weeds;
* Burning should only be done inside a container or iron bucket;
* Never leave burning offerings unattended; and
* Make sure all kindling is put out before leaving.
     The spokesman said that metal containers for burning offerings properly will be handed out to grave sweepers who have such a need at suitable locations in country parks during the Chung Yeung Festival. The AFCD will also patrol hill fire black spots and distribute hill fire prevention leaflets together with the Fire Services Department, the Hong Kong Police Force and the Civil Aid Service.

     Members of the public are reminded to keep the countryside clean and properly clean up their offerings or rubbish. read more

Hong Kong attracts award-winning digital marketing agency to set up regional office (with photo)

     â€‹Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) today (October 12) announced that it has brought to the city United States-based NP Digital, which will leverage Hong Kong’s international status to expand the company’s digital marketing coverage across the region.
     The company is the latest addition to the diverse portfolio of the department that is tasked to assist Mainland and foreign companies settling in Hong Kong. The Acting Director-General of Investment Promotion of InvestHK, Dr Jimmy Chiang, said that as Hong Kong plays a key role as the international gateway to the Mainland and Asia, it provides a solid ground from which NP Digital can capture the growth potential of digital marketing in this part of the world.
     Dr Chiang said, “Hong Kong has world-class internet connectivity with excellent online and mobile platforms for digital marketers. It is an ideal place for NP Digital from which to expand in the region. We wish it every success and beyond.”
     Co-founded by best-selling author and marketing guru Mr Neil Patel, NP Digital is a global award-winning digital marketing agency that provides performance-based marketing strategies to companies. The company’s general manager in Hong Kong, Mr Gary Cheung, said that the agency is committed to giving back to the marketing community via thought leadership, cutting-edge technology, and world-class client satisfaction. It brings the company’s proven best practices and local expertise in paid media, earned media, performance creative, and data and analytics to help brands in Hong Kong and across Asia. He said that the opening of the Hong Kong office is the company’s natural next step in its Asia-Pacific (APAC) expansion.
     Mr Cheung said, “Hong Kong is home to many multinational brands, making it a centre of gravity for advertisers and marketers. The city has always been a strategic location and an ideal connecting point between the East and West, a regional hub where businesses build a strong foundation before expanding operations to the Mainland or other parts of APAC. Our Hong Kong office is not only a local office but also acts as the North Asia headquarters, covering business for Mainland China and other prime markets.”
     He continued, “NP Digital’s services are in high demand in Hong Kong, driven by a fast-growing base of digital consumers. To meet this demand, NP Digital recognises the importance of offering a full-funnel expertise, from search engine optimisation, data, analytics, consumer insights and programmatic advertising services that can connect brands in Hong Kong with their customers.”
     For a copy of a related photo, please visit www.flickr.com/photos/investhk/albums/72177720311816476.
     For more information about NP Digital, please visit npdigital.com/hk.

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Hong Kong Customs detects money laundering case involving $48 million following narcotics investigation

     Hong Kong Customs yesterday (October 11) successfully detected a suspected money laundering case involving about $48 million in drug trafficking proceeds, subsequent to a follow-up investigation of a dangerous drugs case identified earlier this year. Two men suspected to be connected with the case were arrested.
     In April this year, Customs detected a dangerous drugs case involving about $5 million worth of drugs and arrested a 24-year-old man suspected to be connected with the case. A subsequent financial investigation and fund-flow analysis revealed that there were numerous suspicious transactions in the personal bank accounts of the arrested person and another man between January 2021 and April 2023. The funds were suspected to be drug trafficking proceeds.
     Upon further investigation, Customs arrested a 25-year-old man in Tuen Mun on October 10 for “dealing with property known or reasonably believed to represent proceeds of an indictable offence” (commonly known as money laundering) under the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance (OSCO), and raided his residential premises in the same district. A mobile phone was seized therein. Yesterday, Customs officers further arrested the 24-year-old man, who has been remanded due to the related drug trafficking case, for money laundering.
     The 24-year-old man continues to be remanded in custody, and the 25-year-old arrested person has been released on bail pending investigation. An investigation is ongoing and the likelihood of further arrests is not ruled out.
     Under the OSCO, a person commits an offence if he or she deals with any property knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that such property in whole or in part directly or indirectly represents any person’s proceeds of an indictable offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and imprisonment for 14 years while the crime proceeds are also subject to confiscation.
     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.
     Members of the public may report any suspected money laundering activities to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) or online form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/ced002). read more