Robotics tech helps boost efficiency

     To speed up the construction of public housing, the Housing Authority has been embracing innovation and technology, including the use of cutting-edge robots to support manual workers, creating a safer and more efficient environment. Construction robots have been and will be utilised in 37 projects. spoke to a site foreman and a Housing Department structural engineer to find out how robots help increase productivity and enhance worker safety.

     The story is available at today (October 15) in text and video format.

Dragon Boat Festival in Italy supported by HKETO, Brussels attracts hundreds of spectators (with photos)

     Hundreds of people flocked to the Castel Gandolfo Olympic lake near Rome in Italy on October 14 (Rome time) to watch the Pink Butterfly Dragon Boat Festival races that were sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels (HKETO, Brussels) for the first time. Around 200 breast cancer paddlers and 100 supporting athletes took part in the races.
     The Pink Butterfly Dragon Boat Festival was organised by Pagaie Rosa Dragon Boat Onlus, a non-profit organisation that supports women who have undergone breast cancer surgery and are rediscovering the joy of living through paddling as a sports therapy. 
     Deputy Representative of the HKETO, Brussels Miss Fiona Li expressed her appreciation for the work of the organiser in promoting sports therapy. She said that Hong Kong is also encouraging sports activities in the community and promoting healthy lifestyles. 

     In addition, Hong Kong supports the development of elite sports and is developing the city into a centre for major international sports events. Hong Kong is recognised as a birthplace of modern competitive dragon boat racing and is known internationally as a leading dragon boat competition destination. Highlighting the most recent International Dragon Boat Races held in late June in Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong, Miss Li invited participants to visit the city. 

     "I hope that we will meet in Hong Kong soon, not only for the dragon boat races, but also for many more that our city offers – from diversified cosmopolitan lifestyle and vibrant culture to fantastic food, sensational shopping and beautiful countryside, islands and beaches," she said.

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Yellow fire danger warning

Attention duty announcers, radio and TV stations:

Yellow fire danger warning

     The fire danger situation today (October 15) is yellow and the risk of fire is high. People are urged to prevent fires breaking out and hikers should also be vigilant.

United Christian Hospital appeals to public for missing patient

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman for the United Christian Hospital (UCH) made the following appeal today (October 15) regarding a patient leaving the hospital without notification:

     A 43-year-old male patient was sent to the Accident and Emergency Department (AED) of the UCH for treatment at around 3.15pm yesterday (October 14) by ambulance with accompanying person. After consultation and pending for further assessment, the patient left the AED without notification.

     Security guards were deployed to search for the patient within the hospital compound and the vicinity. After checking closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage, it was confirmed that the patient left the hospital at about 5.30pm yesterday. The hospital has reported the case to the Police and will fully co-operate with the Police in the search operation.

     The patient is about 1.7-meter tall, with short black hair. CCTV footage showed that the patient was wearing a green and white short-sleeved top, a black shorts and white shoes when he left the AED. The hospital appeals to the public to contact the hospital at 3949 4002 or the Police if they know the whereabouts of the patient.

     The hospital has reported the incident to the Hospital Authority Head Office through the Advanced Incident Reporting System.

FS meets with representatives of central banks and financial institutions in Marrakech, Morocco (with photos)

     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, continued to participate in the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group in Marrakech, Morocco, today (October 14, Marrakech time).
     In the morning, Mr Chan met with the Governor of the Central Bank of Malaysia, Mr Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour. Both sides exchanged views on issues such as regional economic conditions, the development of digital banking services, Islamic finance and central bank digital currencies. Mr Chan also introduced Hong Kong's efforts in fostering economic development and innovation and technology, as well as the progress in attracting strategic enterprises and talent.
     Mr Chan also met with the Chief Executive Officer of the Global Banking and Markets at HSBC Holdings plc, Mr Greg Guyett. They exchanged views on the evolving global economic and investment landscapes, as well as the development of Hong Kong as an international financial centre.
     Mr Chan will depart for Hong Kong today (October 14, Marrakech time) and is expected to arrive in Hong Kong in the late afternoon of October 15 (Hong Kong time).

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