SCST to visit Thailand

     The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, will depart for Bangkok, Thailand, on October 20 (Friday) morning. He will meet with senior officials of the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Thailand.
     During his stay in Bangkok, Mr Yeung will attend the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and participate in related activities, including the "Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Carnival" exhibition. He will also attend the opening ceremony of the "Next Generation: Emerging Directors Exhibition & Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation" organised by Create Hong Kong and the Film Development Fund.
     Mr Yeung will depart Bangkok and return to Hong Kong in the morning on October 23 (Monday). During his absence, the Under Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Raistlin Lau, will be the Acting Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism.

LCQ10: Measures to cope with extreme conditions

     Following is a question by the Hon Benson Luk and a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Tang Ping-keung, in the Legislative Council today (October 18):


     The authorities made the first-ever extreme conditions announcement amidst a once-in-500-years event of torrential rain and flooding last month. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(1) of the mechanism for making an extreme conditions announcement;

(2) whether it has compiled statistics on the number of persons from organisations of local communities, such as the District Services and Community Care Teams, who participated in coping with the aforesaid extreme conditions; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;

(3) of the number of civil servants (and among which, the number of disciplined services staff) mobilised by the Government to participate in coping with the disaster relief and recovery work of the aforesaid extreme conditions; whether the related operations involved additional public expenditure; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that;

(4) whether it has formulated a mechanism to disseminate alerts about natural disasters to members of the public through the Emergency Alert System, so that they can stay vigilant and make timely responses; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that; and

(5) whether it has formulated a more comprehensive response plan for making better preparations in the event of extreme conditions in the future; if so, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?



     In consultation with the Civil Service Bureau (CSB), the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB), the Development Bureau (DEVB), the Environment and Ecology Bureau (EEB), and the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB), our consolidated reply to the question raised by the Hon Benson Luk is as follows:

     The Government has developed a dynamic and proactive disaster management strategy to address actions required before, during and after a disaster as well as post-disaster review, and has also set out the duties of all relevant bureaux and departments (B/Ds) so that they could work in close partnership according to the contingency plan.

     Every year before the typhoon season, the Security Bureau (SB) organises an interdepartmental exercise to enhance the collaboration of B/Ds and other parties concerned in handling possible emergency situations if Hong Kong is struck by a typhoon. This year's interdepartmental exercise was held on May 18, with the participation of representatives from around 40 B/Ds and other organisations concerned.

(1) In the event of super typhoons or other natural disasters of a substantial scale, a steering committee will be set up under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary for Administration with relevant Principal Officials as members to enhance co-ordination in the preparedness, response and recovery stages. The Emergency Monitoring and Support Centre (EMSC) of the SB, together with relevant B/Ds, would assist the Steering Committee in assessing the impact the natural disasters may have on Hong Kong. In the event of extreme and widespread impact, such as large-scale power outage, extensive flooding, major landslides and serious obstruction of public transport services, the Steering Committee will consider making the extreme conditions announcement. Furthermore, following the passage of a typhoon, if there are factors that would seriously affect the working public to resume work effectively for a prolonged period, the Government may also make the extreme conditions announcement to advise the public to remain at safe places.

(2) The first extreme conditions announcement was made by the Government in early September. At the time, District Services and Community Care Teams (Care Teams) in Tsuen Wan and Southern District were already established. Respectively, around 120 and 170 Care Team members and volunteers were mobilised to assist in temporary shelters and other follow-up actions.

     Care Teams in the remaining 16 districts were also established in mid to late September. They would be mobilised in times of inclement weather, such as typhoons, to provide appropriate services to those in need.

(3) The SB activated the EMSC to co-ordinate the actions taken by the substantial manpower from departments handling the emergency situations, including the Information Services Department, various works departments, the Transport Department and the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), to deal with the various extreme situations arising from the torrential rain. The Hong Kong Police Force, the Fire Services Department, the Home Affairs Department and District Offices, etc also mobilised all available manpower to handle the issues arising from the rainstorm, as well as to assist in the recovery of the city. Respective departments did not maintain detailed statistics on the manpower deployed. Meanwhile, the Civil Aid Service and the Auxiliary Medical Service mobilised close to 300 members to assist in the rescue and medical treatment work.

     The Government also activated the civil service mobilisation protocol to deploy civil servants of non-emergency services departments to provide support, with a view to restoring normal community operations and resuming citizens' daily lives as early as possible. To cope with the widespread impact of the rainstorm and flooding, the Government activated the mobilisation protocol on three occasions after the extreme conditions ended, mobilising some 510 civil servants from 13 B/Ds (including 20 law enforcement officers from the Independent Commission Against Corruption) to assist in clearing roads, homes and school premises, and in applying for emergency relief funds for persons facing financial hardship as a result of the disaster. Expenditure arising from the mobilisation protocol was absorbed by the Government's general revenue.

(4) Launched in November 2020, the Emergency Alert System (EAS) aims to enable B/Ds to disseminate time-critical public announcements and messages (EAS Messages) to mobile service users during unforeseen emergency situations that may cause territory-wide/large-scale outage of critical infrastructure or extensively endanger lives and properties.

     There are two alert levels of EAS Messages, namely "Emergency Alert" for emergency situations that may extensively endanger lives and properties (e.g. extensive infrastructure damage after massive typhoons), and "Extreme Emergency Alert" for extremely urgent situations requiring immediate notification to citizens for protection of lives and properties (e.g. serious earthquake, tsunami, terrorist attack).

     According to the established mechanism, under truly justified emergency situations, B/Ds may, after obtaining the approval of the relevant Director of Bureau (and the Chief Secretary for Administration in the case of "Extreme Emergency Alert"), disseminate EAS Messages through the EAS terminals as far as practicable so as to facilitate members of the public to take immediate responsive actions.

(5) Government departments will make effective preparations, response, and recovery actions with respect to typhoons, rainstorms or other natural disasters. For example, prior to the rainy season and before the onset of a typhoon or rainstorm, the Drainage Services Department (DSD) will make pre-arrangements to inspect and clear the public drainage systems, including rivers, open nullahs, drainage gullies and roadside drainage systems, to prevent them from being clogged by debris such as mud, stones, leaves and rubbish. Departments under the DEVB and other relevant Government departments, including the tree management departments, works departments and the Buildings Department, will step up inspection, preparatory works and other preventive measures, including removing signboards with obvious danger, managing roadside trees with risk of falling, and ensuring that construction sites have implemented measures to effectively cope with the impacts of inclement weather.

     The DEVB will activate the Emergency Command System on a needs basis to assist works departments in co-ordinating and flexibly deploying emergency works resources, including machinery, tools and manpower to carry out emergency remedial work expeditiously. This may include the clearing of fallen trees on roads, and the handling of flooding and landslide incidents. After the extreme weather conditions have subsided, departments under the DEVB and other relevant Government departments will immediately commence dedicated inspections to identify slopes, trees and structures with potential risks, and carry out necessary emergency removal, clearance and repair works to ensure public safety.

     The HKO will also enhance information dissemination related to heavy rain and brief the media hourly with a video about the latest weather condition when Black Rainstorm Warning is in force to allow the general public to get hold of the latest situation and forecast.

     In addition, the Government will review the content of relevant contingency plan in the light of experience gained from the handling of natural disasters, so as to ensure that the plan can be further improved and kept abreast of development. The Government conducted such a review after Super Typhoon Mangkhut battered Hong Kong in 2018, focusing on enhancing the preparations for natural disasters, the efficiency in clearing fallen trees and other debris, as well as arrangements for resumption of work in the wake of super typhoons.

     The Government is currently conducting a review with the experience gained from the handling of typhoons, rainstorms and flooding in recent months, to improve our ability to handle natural disasters and enhance the safety factors in order to minimise the impact natural disasters may bring to the public.

Fraudulent mobile applications related to Chong Hing Bank Limited

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to a press release issued by Chong Hing Bank Limited relating to fraudulent mobile applications (Apps), which have been reported to the HKMA. A hyperlink to the press release is available on the HKMA website.
     The HKMA wishes to remind the public that banks will not send SMS or e-mails with embedded hyperlinks which direct them to the banks' websites to carry out transactions. They will not ask customers for sensitive personal information, such as login passwords or one-time password, by phone, email or SMS (including via embedded hyperlinks).
     Anyone who has provided his or her personal information, or who has conducted any financial transactions, through or in response to the Apps concerned, should contact the bank using the contact information provided in the press release, and report the matter to the Police by contacting the Crime Wing Information Centre of the Hong Kong Police Force at 2860 5012.

Secretary for Health meets Xiamen Municipal Public Health delegation (with photos)

     The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, met with the Xiamen Municipal Public Health delegation led by the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Xiamen Municipal People's Congress, Mr Zheng Yuelin, today (October 18) to explore the room and potential for collaboration between Xiamen and Hong Kong on healthcare aspects.
     At the meeting, Professor Lo introduced to the delegation Hong Kong's policy and latest developments in the primary healthcare area including various measures rolled out since the release of the Primary Healthcare Blueprint last December, such as the establishment of a community-based primary healthcare system, advocacy of the family doctor concept and promotion of the mindset of early management of health and chronic diseases among citizens, as well as enhancements to the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth).
     Moreover, Professor Lo also shared with the delegation the latest developments in various healthcare fields in Hong Kong, covering work in medical innovations, public health enhancement, hospital management, service quality advancement, etc. Both sides also agreed to give priority to exploring co-operation on the aforementioned healthcare aspects in the future. 
     Professor Lo said, "The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has all along been reinforcing co-operation on healthcare service developments with various Mainland provinces and cities under the principle of complementarity and mutual benefits, and on the premise of benefitting the healthcare development of both the Mainland and Hong Kong to level up the healthcare quality. Looking ahead, we will remain committed to fostering cross-boundary medical co-operation so as to propel the important national strategy of 'Healthy China' through concerted contributions."
     The Acting Director of Health, Dr Amy Chiu; the Commissioner for Primary Healthcare of the Health Bureau (HHB), Dr Pang Fei-chau; the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, Dr Tony Ko, and other officials of the HHB also attended the meeting today. 

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Acting SFST’s speech at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023 press conference (English only) (with photo)

     Following is the speech by the Acting Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Joseph Chan, at the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023 press conference today (October 18):

Jimmy (Acting Director-General of Investment Promotion of Invest Hong Kong, Dr Jimmy Chiang), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good morning and thank you for joining us today. It is my great pleasure to officially announce the details for the Hong Kong FinTech Week 2023.

     This year marks the eighth edition of this remarkable event. Building on the success of previous years, it is a flagship conference which continues to attract top industry leaders, entrepreneurs, regulators and investors from all corners of the world, with the conversations happening here in Hong Kong reverberating globally.

     Fintech has rapidly evolved from being merely a buzzword to the driving force shaping the future of finance. It has revolutionised the way we access financial services and make payments. It also plays an important role in the development of our digital economy. Hong Kong has been at the forefront of this transformation, embracing fintech as a catalyst for progress and growth.

     With this year's theme "Fintech Redefined.", we are now entering a new era of fintech where new technologies are transforming how financial services intersect with our everyday lives in an ever-changing world. Consider the transformative potential of frontier technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) and blockchain. The new possibilities and business models that will emerge with the evolution of Web3. The rising demand for green finance to support the global decarbonisation effort.

     Hong Kong is at the beating heart of these new forces and our fintech sector is in the best position to harness these opportunities to shape the future of finance.

     This year's Hong Kong FinTech Week promises to be a truly immersive experience, with captivating metaverse experiences taking centre stage where you can expect the unexpected. These experiences go beyond traditional conference formats, offering participants interactive and engaging encounters with cutting-edge technologies. Attendees will be able to explore the latest advancements in fintech, such as blockchain, AI, and augmented reality.

     But it's not just about the technology. It's about how we can apply it in our daily lives. Hong Kong FinTech Week will emphasise the real-life applications of fintech, demonstrating how it can improve financial inclusion, enhance customer experience and drive sustainable growth.

     The conference will also provide a platform for thought-provoking discussions, insightful keynote speeches, and interactive workshops, inspiring participants to reimagine the possibilities of fintech in a rapidly changing world.

     For investors, we have created dedicated spaces such as the Investor Lounge and the Venture Stage. These areas are designed to promote investment opportunities and facilitate connections between investors and start-ups.

     This year, we will also see the return of the popular cross-boundary Greater Bay Area (GBA) Day on October 31. This day will allow entrepreneurs to immerse themselves in the vast opportunities in the GBA. It will serve as a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and business matchmaking, further strengthening the ties that bind us in this dynamic region.

     Hong Kong FinTech Week is not just an event. It is a symbol of Hong Kong's long-term and unwavering commitment to fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and creating a sustainable future.

     I invite each and every one of you to join us in this exciting journey. Let us embrace the new fintech era, where frontier technologies meet real-life applications, and where innovation is harnessed for the betterment of all. Together, we will shape the future of finance and unlock its full potential. Thank you.
