Tag Archives: China


Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected crack cocaine worth about $600,000 (with photo)

     â€‹Hong Kong Customs today (October 21) seized about 500 grams of suspected crack cocaine with an estimated market value of about $600,000 in Tuen Mun. A man was arrested.

     During an anti-narcotics operation conducted in the vicinity of Tuen Mun this early morning, Customs intercepted a man. Although no dangerous drugs were found on the man, Customs officers found him suspicious and thus escorted him to a nearby residential premises for a search. Upon inspection, the batch of suspected crack cocaine was seized inside the premises and the man was immediately arrested.

     The arrested man, who claimed to be unemployed, is 22 years old. He has been charged with a count of trafficking in a dangerous drug and will appear at the Shatin Magistrates’ Courts next Monday (October 23).

     Under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, trafficking in a dangerous drug is a serious offence. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $5 million and life imprisonment.

     Members of the public may report any suspected drug trafficking activities to Customs’ 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account (crimereport@customs.gov.hk) or online form (eform.cefs.gov.hk/form/ced002).

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Fifth Greater Bay Area Forum on Teachers’ Professional Ethics (with photos)

     The Fifth Greater Bay Area Forum on Teachers’ Professional Ethics was held today (October 21). The forum was jointly organised by South China Normal University and the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), with guidance from the Department of Teacher Education of the Ministry of Education, the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education of Guangdong Province and the Education Bureau (EDB). The forum, with the theme “Teachers’ Professional Ethics under the High-quality Development of Education”, attracted the participation of about 500 scholars, experts, principals and teachers from Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macao. More than 50 000 Mainland educators participated online in parallel.
     The opening ceremony of the forum was jointly hosted by the Director of the Department of Teacher Education of the Ministry of Education, Dr Ren Youqun; Deputy Director-General of the Department of Education of Guangdong Province Mr Zhu Jianhua; the Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin; the Secretary of the Communist Party of China at South China Normal University Committee, Dr Wang Binwei; and the Chairman of the Council of EdUHK, Dr David Wong.
     Speaking at the forum, Dr Choi said that strengthening teachers takes precedence over strengthening education. Strengthening the building of teaching force is the most important foundation work of building a strong education nation. The EDB has all along been fully supporting the professional growth of principals and teachers as well as strengthening the building of morality and ethics of teachers, with a view to establishing a professional and excellent teaching force for Hong Kong. 
     In the newly promulgated Guidelines on Teachers’ Professional Conduct, the EDB has consolidated the consensus on teachers’ professionalism, with an emphasis on the integration of the pursuit of professionalism and commitment to upholding high moral standards of teachers such that students can be nurtured with correct moral values. Through stringent gatekeeping of the quality of teaching force, the education in Hong Kong can be promoted to higher-quality development.
     Dr Choi said that the EDB promotes the professional development of teachers in full force, with the hope of further promoting the professional exchange in the Greater Bay Area in the future to enable principals and teachers in the three places to learn from each other and work together to promote quality education.
     The forum brought together educators from the Mainland and overseas to explore the building of morality and ethics of teachers in the new era through multifarious forms such as thematic seminars, talks, parallel sessions and thematic salon.
     The keynote speakers included Distinguished Professor of Beijing Normal University and Emeritus President of the Chinese Society of Education, Professor Gu Mingyuan; the President of EdUHK, Professor John Lee; the Dean of Institute of Education of Tsinghua University, Professor Shi Zhongying; and Emeritus Professor of Faculty of Education in the University of Hong Kong Professor Cheng Kai-ming.

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Territory-wide flag day today

     Hong Kong Association of Youth Development has been issued a Public Subscription Permit to hold a territory-wide flag sale from 7am to 12.30pm today (October 21), a spokesman for the Social Welfare Department (SWD) said.

     Details of the charitable fund-raising activities, including any updated information, covered by the issued Public Subscription Permits have been published on the GovHK website (www.gov.hk/en/theme/fundraising/search). Permits for flag days containing information on contact methods of the flag-selling organisations and the approved flag-selling activities have also been uploaded to the SWD’s website (www.swd.gov.hk/en/ngo/controlofc/flagdays) for reference. For enquiries, please call the SWD’s hotline at 2343 2255, or the designated hotline of the 1823 Call Centre at 3142 2678.

     In the case of suspected fraudulent flag day activities, people should not make any donation and should immediately report the matter to the Police, the spokesman added. read more