Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok opens in Thailand today (with photos)

     The opening ceremony for Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok was held today (October 21, Bangkok time) at the Prince Mahidol Hall in Thailand. The opening concert, "Shostakovich Piano Concerto" performed by Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) under the baton of resident conductor Lio Kuokman, brought enchanting melodies to the local audience. The concert also included joint performance featuring renowned Thai pianist Poom Prommachart and the HK Phil's principal trumpet Nitiphum Bamrungbanthum who is also from Thailand. The performance, which marked the grand opening of Hong Kong Week, was well received by the local audience.
     The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, addressed the opening ceremony in a video message, saying that as a metropolis blending Chinese and Western cultures, Hong Kong believes that people-to-people bond could be fostered by cultural exchange. He said that Hong Kong is eager to share its artistic achievements with the world and endeavours to capitalise on its unique strengths as a conduit between the Mainland and the rest of the world, bringing quality artworks encompassing rich Chinese culture to more overseas cities.
     Addressing the opening ceremony, the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, said that Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok offers a wide variety of programmes covering music, dance, intangible cultural heritage, film and fashion to showcase the essence of Hong Kong's East-meets-West cultural DNA, and its Chinese and Hong Kong stories and aesthetics.
     Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok is the first overseas cultural exchange extravaganza organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). It is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Kingdom of Thailand. Other officiating guests attending the opening ceremony included the Minister of Culture, Kingdom of Thailand, Mr Sermsak Pongpanit; the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mr Vincent Liu; the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra, Khunying Patama Leeswadtrakul; the Director of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Bangkok, Mr Parson Lam; the Dean of the College of Music of the Mahidol University, Dr Narong Prangcharoen; and the Chief Executive of the HK Phil, Mr Benedikt Fohr.
     Apart from the opening concert, Hong Kong Week will bring a diverse array of programmes for audiences in Thailand from today to November 12. They include a chamber concert "Brass and Percussion" by the brass and percussion sections of the HK Phil and the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra; a dance performance "Convergence" by the Hong Kong Dance Company; two chamber music concerts by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, including one with students from the Mahidol University; pop music performances "Pop Beat by SENZA A Cappella" and "Pop Beat by Respire and Friends"; "Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Carnival" exhibition; film programme "Movies to GO – Border Crossings in Hong Kong Cinema – Thailand"; "Next Generation: Emerging Directors Exhibition & Hong Kong Film Gala Presentation" and "JUXTAPOSED 2023 Hong Kong Fashion in Bangkok" fashion exhibition and fashion show.
     For more programme information, please visit www.hongkongweek.gov.hk.
     In addition to Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok, the LCSD is also organising various cultural exchange activities. They include the Asia+ Festival, the New Vision Arts Festival and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Culture and Arts Festival and more, promoting the cultural exchanges and co-operation of different places.

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CHP investigates case of severe paediatric influenza A infection

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (October 21) investigating a case of severe paediatric influenza A infection and reminded the community to heighten vigilance against influenza. The 2023/24 seasonal influenza vaccination programmes have started and the CHP appealed to members of the public to receive free seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) to better protect themselves in the coming influenza season.

     The case involves a 16-year-old male patient with good past health. He developed runny nose on October 19 and was found unconscious today. He was brought to the Accident and Emergency Department of Tuen Mun Hospital where he was noted to have fever and convulsion. He was admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit for treatment subsequently. His nasopharyngeal swab was positive for influenza A (H3) virus upon laboratory testing. The clinical diagnosis was paediatric influenza infection complicated with encephalopathy. He is still hospitalised and is in serious condition.

     Initial enquiries by the CHP revealed that the patient had no travel history during the incubation period. His home contact is currently asymptomatic. The CHP's investigations are ongoing.

     A spokesman for the CHP said, "Influenza can cause serious illnesses in high-risk individuals and even healthy persons. SIV is one of the most effective means to prevent seasonal influenza and its complications, as well as reducing influenza-related hospitalisation and death. SIV is recommended for all persons aged 6 months or above except those with known contraindications. Persons at higher risk of getting influenza and its complications, including the elderly and children, should receive SIV early. As it takes about two weeks to develop antibodies, members of the public are advised to receive SIV early for protection against seasonal influenza. Please see details of the vaccination schemes on the CHP's website."

     A person who gets influenza and COVID-19 at the same time may be more seriously ill and would have a higher risk of death. It is important to receive both SIV and COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible, in particular for children and elderly persons residing in the community or residential care homes. The public should also maintain good personal and environmental hygiene against influenza and other respiratory illnesses and note the following:

  • Surgical masks can prevent transmission of respiratory viruses from ill persons. It is essential for persons who are symptomatic (even if having mild symptoms) to wear a surgical mask;
  • For high-risk persons (e.g. persons with underlying medical conditions or persons who are immunocompromised), wear a surgical mask when taking public transport or staying in crowded places. It is important to wear a mask properly, including performing hand hygiene before wearing and after removing a mask;
  • Avoid touching one's eyes, mouth and nose;
  • Wash hands with liquid soap and water properly whenever possibly contaminated;
  • When hands are not visibly soiled, clean them with 70 to 80 per cent alcohol-based handrub;
  • Cover the mouth and nose with tissue paper when sneezing or coughing. Dispose of soiled tissue paper properly into a lidded rubbish bin, and wash hands thoroughly afterwards;
  • Maintain good indoor ventilation;
  • When having respiratory symptoms, wear a surgical mask, refrain from work or attending classes at school, avoid going to crowded places and seek medical advice promptly; and
  • Maintain a balanced diet, perform physical activity regularly, take adequate rest, do not smoke and avoid overstress.

     â€‹The public may visit the CHP's influenza page and weekly COVID-19 & Flu Express for more information.

Kwong Wah Hospital announces safety incident of hospital facility

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     â€‹The spokesman for Kwong Wah Hospital made the following announcement today (October 21) regarding a hospital facility safety incident:

     A door closer of an automatic door in the Ambulatory Orthopaedic Service Centre was detached last night (October 20). No patients or staff were injured during the incident and patient services were unaffected.

     The hospital is very concerned about the incident, and emergency repair was arranged immediately. After preliminary investigation, it is believed that the door closer was detached from the door frame. Twenty pairs of the same type of automatic doors have been switched to manual operation mode, immediate inspections have been arranged, and strengthening work will be completed tomorrow (October 22) to ensure operation safety.

     The hospital has requested the automatic door contractor to investigate the cause of the incident thoroughly and submit a report. The hospital had reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office via the Advance Incident Reporting System.

AFCD concerned about injury case caused by wild pig

     The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) is very concerned about an incident today (October 21) where a wild pig injured a member of the public in Mong Kok Flower Market. 

     The AFCD received a referral from the Police this morning regarding a wild pig found in Mong Kok Flower Market. The Department immediately sent a dedicated team to the scene to follow up and found a wild pig upon arrival. During the incident, the wild pig dashed into a flower shop on Yuen Ngai Street and injured a member of the public. An AFCD veterinarian anesthetised the wild pig with a tranquiliser gun and captured it. 

     The concerned wild pig is an adult female weighing about 55 kilograms with a body length of about 1.2 metre. Considering that the wild pig had attacked members of the public and its continual presence in urban areas would pose a danger to the public, the AFCD officers dispatched it humanely to safeguard public safety.

     To safeguard public safety and maintain public hygiene, the AFCD implemented new measures in November 2021 to capture the wild pigs for humane dispatch at sites with presence of large numbers of wild pigs, with cases of wild pigs injuring citizens, or with wild pigs posing risks to members of the public. Furthermore, the AFCD also conducts operations to capture the wild pigs upon receiving wild pig sighting reports in urban areas or near residential areas from the public or other government departments. During the operations, the AFCD officers use dart guns with anaesthetics to capture the wild pigs, and perform humane dispatch on them through medicine injection.

     An AFCD spokesman said, "Since the implementation of the new measures, a total of over 670 wild pigs have been humanely dispatched, with the number of wild pig nuisance blackspots decreased from 63 in 2021 to 28 as of today. There has also been a downward trend in the number of public reports of wild pig sightings or nuisances received by the AFCD, from over 1 400 cases in 2021 to about 1 100 cases in 2022. The number of cases this year as of September 2023 was about 770. Furthermore, the number of injury cases caused by wild pigs has decreased from 20 cases in 2021 and 36 cases in 2022, to eight cases in 2023 as of today."

     The spokesman further said, "The AFCD is very concerned about the incident of a wild pig injuring a citizen. The department expresses sympathies to the injured and hopes that he will recover soon."

     He reminded the public to stay calm upon encountering wild pigs, refrain from approaching and disturbing them, and do not throw any objects at them or drive them away so as not to provoke the wild pigs and cause danger. If necessary, the public may hide behind obstacles and wait for the wild pigs to leave before proceeding. If wild pigs pose an immediate threat to personal safety, please call 999 immediately for help.

     The spokesman pointed out that the amended Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170) has extended the feeding ban area for wild animals to the entire territory of Hong Kong. Anyone who illegally feeds wild animals (including wild pigs) shall be liable to a fine of $10,000 upon conviction. The Government hopes to be able to introduce an amendment bill into the Legislative Council within this year for further amendments to the Ordinance, with a view to regulating activities of feeding feral pigeons, increasing the maximum penalty for illegal feeding, and introducing a fixed penalty.

     The spokesman reiterated that the AFCD will continue to implement wild pig capture and dispatch operations to reduce wild pig nuisances, and strengthen law enforcement on wild pig feeding activities to reduce the incentives that attract wild pigs to appear in urban areas or near residential areas. He appealed to the public not to feed wild animals so as not to change their natural habits and disrupt the ecological balance, and cause problems such as environmental hygiene and nuisances.

Speech by SCST at opening ceremony of Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, at the opening ceremony of Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok in Bangkok, Thailand, today (October 21):
Minister Sermsak (Minister of Culture of the Kingdom of Thailand, Mr Sermsak Pongpanit), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon! Welcome to the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok.

     Hong Kong and Bangkok enjoy close ties. In recent years Thai cultural and arts offerings are always well-received in Hong Kong. Likewise, the pop culture and high arts offerings from Hong Kong are also very popular among citizens in Thailand.

     Following the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Cooperation between Hong Kong and Thailand in 2018, we have developed even deeper cultural partnership and bonding. It is our pleasure to present our overseas edition of Hong Kong Week in Bangkok, to showcase to our Thai friends Hong Kong's enchanting arts and cultural offerings.

     In the coming weeks, we will connect Hong Kong's unique artistry and creativity with audiences and viewers in Bangkok. We have brought a wide variety of programmes, covering music, dance, intangible cultural heritage, film and fashion to showcase the essence of our East-meets-West cultural DNA, our Chinese and Hong Kong stories, and our aesthetics.

     Our Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, one of Asia's foremost orchestras, will perform two concerts during the festival and the Hong Kong Dance Company will also present an award-winning piece, Convergence, fusing Chinese martial arts and dance and presenting our rich Chinese cultural treasures in a modern way. 

     If you are more interested in our films and fashion, or Hong Kong-style milk tea making technique with local characteristic, please join us at our film screenings, fashion presentations, and thematic exhibition on Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage.

     Taking the opportunity, we would also like to introduce to you our young talents and aspiring artists, as well as promote exchanges between them and our Thai counterparts.

     Our young musicians in arts groups "SENZA A Cappella" and "Respire Harmonica Ensemble" will perform the best of Hong Kong pop songs for the audience in Thailand. Students of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, our number one performing arts institute in Asia, will collaborate with students of Mahidol University for a wind and brass concert. I look forward to the sparks and inspirations from the events. 

     I am sure that the Hong Kong Week will bring rich and dazzling performances to the audiences here in Bangkok, and provide platforms and networking opportunities for Hong Kong artists, expanding their horizons and audience base, thereby contributing to the development of Hong Kong into an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.

     Last but not least, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to Thailand's Ministry of Culture and Mahidol University, along with all other Thai and Hong Kong partners for their generous support for the Hong Kong Week.

     I wish Hong Kong Week 2023@Bangkok a resounding success and I hope all of you will enjoy the opening concert and other performances of our Hong Kong Week. Thank you.