HKETO San Francisco presents “Spotlight on Hong Kong” at Hawai’i International Film Festival (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco (HKETO San Francisco) sponsored the 43rd Hawai'i International Film Festival (HIFF) that takes place from October 12 to November 5 (Honolulu time). "Spotlight on Hong Kong", a curated cinema showcase of the city's movies, is featured as part of HIFF's special presentation.
     Each year in "Spotlight on Hong Kong", a Hong Kong filmmaker is honoured for their work in and contributions to the film industry. This year, HIFF pays tribute to Daniel Wu, an actor, director, producer and race car driver, who has won critical acclaim in Hong Kong and the United States for his performances in various genres from action to drama and comedy over the years.
     With support from the Film Development Fund and Create Hong Kong, this edition of the "Spotlight on Hong Kong" programme features five Hong Kong productions. A retrospective screening of "One Nite in Mongkok" honouring Daniel Wu is being presented alongside "In Broad Daylight”, "NOMAD (4K Restored Director's Cut)", "One More Chance" and "The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell".
     Speaking at the Spotlight on Hong Kong Reception on October 17 in Honolulu, the Director of HKETO San Francisco, Ms Jacko Tsang, said that HKETO San Francisco was proud to be a long-term partner of HIFF. She expressed that Wu's success story was also Hong Kong's story, as Hong Kong is a city where talents from all over the world can find opportunities and thrive. She also introduced new measures implemented by the Hong Kong Government through the Film Development Fund to inject new power into Hong Kong cinema.
     Wu visited Honolulu to meet audience at the reception and the screening of "One Nite in Mongkok". He spoke on his experience in the Hong Kong film industry and was welcomed by a full house of film enthusiasts.

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Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo (with photos/video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting today (October 24):
Reporter: The first question regarding the visit of California Governor Gavin Newsom, saying that Hong Kong will soon host an annual event bringing together the bay areas of the US and the Greater Bay Area. How do you see the city's role as a bridge for co-operation between the US and China amid continued tensions between the two countries? And also regarding the Policy Address, the Government will reportedly consider measures such as offering cash handouts to newborns and also prioritising newborn parents for subsidised housing, which are both unprecedented and controversial. Do you believe that you have any confidence in convincing the public using these measures and whether or not they will buy into this? Thank you.
Chief Executive: Hong Kong is always in support of good relations with all countries. We promote and support free trade. We promote and support free economies. We promote and support collaboration, because through co-operation and collaboration, I think governments and people can work together to bring benefits to the overall good of both places. So we are in support of promoting co-operation and collaboration in different areas, whether it relates to climate change, whether it relates to how to sail through this economic storm, and also green economy and all these. Yes, Hong Kong will continue to play the role of creating opportunities for co-operation and collaboration. We have been holding a lot of international conferences in Hong Kong in regard to different topics. We will continue to do that, and we will be happy for anybody to take part including people from different parts of the world. And of course, we welcome US players to come, particularly those from the business sector, because I think business means opportunities for everybody. And business also, I think, is the biggest force that will drive economic development and people-to-people exchange, so we'll continue that role.
     In regard to issues that may have relevance to the Policy Address, I thank you for the big interest in the Policy Address, but I really would hope that you just wait for one more day and all the issues that will be covered in the Policy Address will be made known tomorrow.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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Various fabulous programmes of Muse Fest HK 2023 to roll out in November (with photos)

    The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) will launch the Muse Fest HK 2023 with the theme of "Hong Kong H.A.S. (History. Arts. Science.) Museums" in November, rolling out about 80 fabulous programmes in LCSD museums and cultural spaces to enable members of the public to delve into the amazing world of arts and culture.
     The first programme to open the curtain on this year's museum festival is A Fiesta of Imagination to be held at the Hong Kong Science Museum (HKScM) on November 4 and 5 (Saturday and Sunday). The fiesta is a joint venture of various cultural sections under the LCSD including the HKScM's Science Promotion Unit, Conservation Office, Hong Kong Public Libraries, Film Programmes Office, Community Programmes Office and Music Office, aiming to give the public a fascinating experience through exploring the wonders of science fiction. The fiesta is also one of the premier events of the "Science Fiction: Voyage to the Edge of Imagination" exhibition by the HKScM.
     Programmes of the fiesta include Gear Up – Nano World organised by the Science Promotion Unit, which will introduce nano science and showcase the applications of nanotechnology in people's daily lives through interactive exhibits and a classic mini exhibition van. The HKScM has also invited local sci-fi author Felix Tse to share his series of works with interactive activities so as to explore science in fiction together with participants. The Hong Kong Public Libraries will bring visitors a selection of about 300 books and an interactive storytelling device which allows them to go into different stories settings and engage in a dynamic way of reading by controlling avatar characters with motion detection devices. The Music Office's youth string orchestras and symphonic band will present "Sci-Fi. Time Travel" concerts, offering audiences classic film music from popular sci-fi films. The Community Programmes Office will present In Your Sight. In Your Mind 2.0 by incorporating elements of science and technology into the magic performance so that audiences can feel the wonder of magic both visually and psychologically. The Film Programmes Office's Sci-Fi and Animation Films Screening will bring audiences of all ages two movies including the sci-fi classic "Frankenstein" (1931) and the animation movie "Big Hero 6" (2014). The educational and entertaining Conservator’s Ingenious Trick – Agar Gel booth activity by the Conservation Office will introduce the ingenious applications of innovative material in the conservation of cultural heritage.
     A number of museums will host fun days in November. They include the Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum, the Hong Kong Railway Museum, Oil Street Art Space (Oi!), the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery, and the Hong Kong Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre located in the Sam Tung Uk Museum. In addition, the Hong Kong Space Museum (HKSpM), the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (HKHM) and the Conservation Office will launch special programmes namely Behind-the-Scene Tours, Love Hong Kong: Fun@HKHM and Conservation Lab Tour respectively.
     Various new exhibitions will be open in November. They include "The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Titian and the Venetian Renaissance from the Uffizi" at the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA), "Cinderella and Her Qipao Exhibition" at the Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA), and the HKHM's "The Reflection – Art & Design of Hon Bing-wah".
     Besides the daytime programmes, museums also offer exciting night-time activities. To echo the Night Vibes Hong Kong campaign, the HKMoA, the HKScM and the HKSpM will extend their opening hours to 10pm on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays until the end of November, and offer special programmes on Saturday evenings. The HKMoA, in collaboration with the HKFA, will present Movie Date at the Museum, allowing audiences to watch classic local romantic movies. Members of the public can make interesting crafts or try different science experiments to enjoy science at the game booths featured at the HKScM's Science Fun Night, while the HKSpM will be turning into a Starry Wonderland where participants can enjoy the night sky with astronomical telescopes at its rooftop.

     LCSD Museum Pass holders may also enjoy exclusive admission to experience special programmes during the festival period. Oi! will present Oi! Night Walk and lead participants into an immersive journey through the mix of drama, dance performance and story telling. The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence's "Riddles from the Coastal Defence" Virtual x Reality Puzzle will take participants onto an unexpected adventure. Curators from the HKHM and the Conservation Office will share lesser-known stories behind the conservation, handover and permanent collection of retired transportation vehicles in "Meet the Curators: Get on board our vintage transport journeys".
     Last but not least, members of the public must not miss the Selected Museum Publications and Souvenirs Mega Sale which offers a 50 per cent discount for spotlight books, and a 60 per cent discount for any purchase of two or more exclusive spotlight books.
     Apart from the abundant programmes offered by LCSD museums, members of the public will also find a number of recommended programmes by the museum partners in Guangdong, Macao and Hong Kong that they should not miss.
     For details of Muse Fest HK 2023, please visit the website

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Czech puppetry company ALFA Theatre Pilsen to make Hong Kong debut with “Zorro” in December (with photos)

  Upon the invitation of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, renowned Czech puppetry company ALFA Theatre Pilsen will make its Hong Kong debut at the "Cheers!" Series in late December. It will stage four performances of "Zorro", a retelling of the legend of the sword-wielding vigilante Zorro by traditional Czech marionettes with live band music and vocal accompaniment, bringing winter delights to kids and adults during the festive season.
  Czech puppet theatre was inscribed on the representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2016. In this comedy puppet show, talented Czech puppeteers will skillfully manipulate puppets to make many great action scenes, accompanied by the Mexican live band music in Mariachi style, giving audiences a fast-paced and funny performance.
  The story is about Zorro, a masked superhero who trounces the bully and rescues the weak. Highly respected by the villagers, Zorro always leaves behind the symbol "Z" after he saves the villagers from danger. One day, the beautiful young lady Isabella is proposed by the rampant captain. Her mother, on the other hand, has already arranged for her marriage to the son of a wealthy landlord. Then, Isabella and her mother end up being taken to jail by the rampant captain. After many twists and turns, Zorro rescues the duo successfully from the rampant captain and the true identity of Zorro is finally revealed.
  ALFA Theatre Pilsen was formerly a Children's Theatre and established in Pilsen, the well-known cradle of traditional puppetry, in the Czech Republic in 1966. As the largest Czech puppetry company, it captivates audiences around the world with its incredible artistry and funny style. Since 1967, the theatre has been the joint organiser of the International Festival of Puppet and Alternative Theater Skupa's Pilsen, which is the largest puppet festival in the Czech Republic. The company has undertaken over 100 tours to countries and regions around the world since 1970.
  "Cheers!" Series: "Zorro" by ALFA Theatre Pilsen (Czech Republic) will be performed in English and Czech with Chinese and English surtitles. It will be held at 8pm on December 29 (Friday), at 3pm and 8pm on December 30 (Saturday), and at 3pm on December 31 (Sunday) at the Studio Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Tickets priced at $260 and $320 are now available at URBTIX ( For telephone bookings, please call 3166 1288. Package discounts will be available for ticket purchases with different stage shows in "Cheers!" Series to be held between December 2023 and February 2024. For programme enquiries and concessionary schemes, please call 2268 7323 or visit
     Moreover, a workshop (conducted in English with Cantonese interpretation) will be organised, in which the puppeteers of the company will introduce the history of ALFA Theatre Pilsen as well as the puppets' structure and manipulation techniques. Participants can enjoy close encounter with the traditional Czech puppets. The workshop will be held at 11am on December 31 (Sunday) at the Studio Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Tickets priced at $120 are now available at URBTIX. For details, please refer to the above-mentioned website.
     Another highlight in the "Cheers!" Series is "Passengers" by The 7 Fingers (Canada) which will be held from December 1 to 3. For details of the "Cheers!" Series programmes, please visit

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Ombudsman probes management of records on Government websites and social media accounts (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Office of The Ombudsman:
     The Ombudsman, Ms Winnie Chiu, today (October 24) announced the launch of a direct investigation into the management of records on Government websites and social media accounts.
     With the advancement of information technology, the Internet and social media are playing greater and considerably more important roles in enhancing public administration. Currently, GovHK provides web links to main websites of more than 80 government bureaux and departments. To cater for specific official business or operational needs, the Government also launches thematic websites from time to time. Moreover, around 70 per cent of government bureaux and departments have created accounts on social media platforms such as Weibo, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Under the Government's prevailing records management policy, any recorded information in any physical format or medium created or received by a bureau/department during its course of official business and kept as evidence of policies, decisions, procedures, functions, activities and transactions should be captured and properly maintained in the recordkeeping system of the bureau/department. The existing requirements for managing traditional records (such as printed and email records) equally apply to the records on government websites and social media accounts.
     A preliminary inquiry by the Office of The Ombudsman reveals that, in comparison with the long-standing practice of managing traditional records, the Government Records Service (GRS) launched two pilot projects of archiving government websites in 2018 and 2022 and conducted a preliminary study of social media archiving in 2021. Relevant work is still at its initial stage. Meanwhile, complaints received by the Office in recent years show that information made available to the public via government websites or social media at different points in time may continue to be a source of concern or discontent despite amendments or removal of such information with the passage of time or due to specific considerations. Where information keeps changing rapidly, when and how bureaux/departments update their websites or social media accounts could become crucial information or evidence of their responses to enquiries or complaints. Hence, proper preservation of records is of paramount importance. The Office has also noticed that development in records management of government websites and social media accounts in other regions has reached different levels.   
     Ms Chiu said, "Records are valuable resources enabling the Government to learn from experience and make evidence-based decisions as well as meeting operational and regulatory requirements. Proper records preservation and management are indispensable to good governance. As the use of information technology has become part of daily life, it is a dominant trend for the Government to make use of websites and social media in performing public functions. It falls upon the Government to properly manage the voluminous electronic records that come with such usage in this digital era. Being the Government's central records management agency, the GRS is duty-bound to provide specific guidelines and necessary support to bureaux/departments to ensure proper records management. Therefore, I have decided to launch a direct investigation into the GRS to examine the management of records on government websites and social media accounts, the scope of which covers how relevant records are currently managed, whether the GRS has given sufficient and effective guidelines and support to bureaux/departments, and the results of the GRS's pilot projects and preliminary study on archiving government websites and social media accounts. Where necessary, we will make recommendations for improvement. Furthermore, we will examine and make reference to relevant records management work in other regions."
     In conducting this direct investigation into the GRS under the Administration Wing, the Office will also enquire with certain bureaux/departments having more frequent contact with the public and considerable data traffic about their websites or social media accounts, so as to grasp the current practice of various bureaux/departments in managing such records.
     The Ombudsman welcomes information and views from members of the public on this topic. Written submissions should reach the Office of The Ombudsman by November 24, 2023:

Address: 30/F, China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre
168–200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
Fax: 2882 8149
