Fraudulent websites, internet banking login screens and phishing emails related to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to a press release issued by Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited relating to fraudulent websites, internet banking login screens and phishing emails, which have been reported to the HKMA. A hyperlink to the press release is available on the HKMA website.
     The HKMA wishes to remind the public that banks will not send SMS or emails with embedded hyperlinks which direct them to the banks' websites to carry out transactions. They will not ask customers for sensitive personal information, such as login passwords or one-time password, by phone, email or SMS (including via embedded hyperlinks).
     Anyone who has provided his or her personal information, or who has conducted any financial transactions, through or in response to the websites, login screens or emails concerned, should contact the bank using the contact information provided in the press release, and report the matter to the Police by contacting the Crime Wing Information Centre of the Hong Kong Police Force at 2860 5012.

Temporary traffic and transport arrangements at Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung from this Saturday night to Sunday morning to facilitate footbridge works

     The Transport Department (TD) today (October 26) reminded the public that the following temporary traffic and transport arrangements will be implemented at Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung from this Saturday night (October 28) to Sunday morning (October 29) to facilitate footbridge works:

(1) Road closures

– From 8pm on October 28 to 1.30am on October 29 and from 5.31am to 8am on October 29, the section of Castle Peak Road –  Kwai Chung (northbound) between Yip Shing Street and Shek Pai Street will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic, while the section of Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (southbound) between Yip Shing Street and Shek Pai Street will be converted to two-lane two-way traffic; and
– From 1.31am to 5.30am on October 29, the whole section of Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung between Yip Shing Street and Shek Pai Street will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic.

(2) Traffic diversions

     During the closure of the whole section of Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung between Yip Shing Street and Shek Pai Street, the following traffic diversions will be implemented:

– Vehicles travelling on Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (northbound) heading for Kwai Chung (North), Tsuen Wan or Sha Tin will be diverted to travel via Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (northbound), U-turn outside Greenknoll Court, Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (southbound), Butterfly Valley Road (southbound), Lai Chi Kok Road (eastbound), Tai Nan West Street (northbound), Cheung Sha Wan Road (westbound), Kwai Chung Road (westbound) and Kwai Chung Road (northbound);
– Vehicles travelling on Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (southbound) heading for Greenknoll Court will be diverted to travel via Shek Pai Street (eastbound), Wei Kek Street (northbound), Tai Loong Street (westbound), Tai Loong Street (northbound), Wo Yi Hop Road (eastbound), Wo Yi Hop Road (northbound), Cheung Wing Road (southbound), Kwai Chung Road (southbound), Kwai Chung Road (eastbound), Cheung Sha Wan Road (eastbound), Castle Peak Road (westbound) and Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (northbound); and
– Vehicles travelling on Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (southbound) heading for Kowloon will be diverted to travel via Shek Pai Street (eastbound), Wei Kek Street (northbound), Tai Loong Street (westbound), Tai Loong Street (northbound), Wo Yi Hop Road (eastbound), Wo Yi Hop Road (northbound), Cheung Wing Road (southbound) and Kwai Chung Road (southbound).

(3) Bus route diversions

     KMB route No. N237 departing from the Mei Foo Bus Terminus, from the second departure (i.e. 1.30am) to the last departure (i.e. 5am) on October 29, will be diverted via Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (northbound), U-turn outside Greenknoll Court, Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (southbound), Butterfly Valley Road (southbound), Lai Chi Kok Road (eastbound), Tai Nan West Street (northbound), Cheung Sha Wan Road (westbound), Kwai Chung Road (westbound), Kwai Chung Road (northbound), Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (westbound), Kwok Shui Road (eastbound) and Castle Peak Road – Kwai Chung (southbound), and resume to its original routing.

     The bus company will display notices to advise passengers on the special arrangements. Appropriate traffic signs will also be erected on-site to guide motorists. The TD anticipates that the travelling time at the road sections concerned will be slightly lengthened due to the diversion arrangements. Motorists should exercise tolerance and patience.

     â€‹Members of the public are advised to plan their journeys in advance and allow sufficient traveling time to cater for unexpected delay, and stay alert to the latest traffic news through the media or the TD's mobile application "HKeMobility" or website (

Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) Statistical Forum successfully held in Shenzhen (with photos)

     The Second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) Statistical Forum was held on October 24 and 25 in Qianhai, Shenzhen. Under the guidance of the National Bureau of Statistics, the forum was hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics and co-organised by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other government statistical agencies from the "9+2" cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr Leo Yu, led a delegation to participate in this meaningful event.
     In addition to the attendance of leaders from the National Bureau of Statistics and the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, the forum brought together statistical experts from various fields, including representatives from the government statistical agencies of the "9+2" cities in the GBA, as well as those from higher education institutions and research institutes on the Mainland. Themed "Deepening statistical co-operation to promote high-quality development", the forum offered an opportunity to foster statistical exchanges and co-operation in the GBA by providing a platform for statistical professionals from the "9+2" cities to leverage the collective wisdom and insights to explore more collaborative paths, and to jointly drive innovation in statistical work, with a view to elevating the level of statistical work amid the rapid development of the times.
     Speaking at the opening ceremony of the forum, Mr Yu remarked, "Perhaps you have heard the saying 'data is the new oil', which means that data, like oil, will become valuable after proper refining. Therefore, we also have to actively strengthen our statistical infrastructure, adopt modern techniques and methods for data collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination, in order to properly refine the data. This does not only enhance the value of data, but also reduces the workload of junior colleagues and improves work effectiveness. In this connection, it helps release more manpower for further research and innovation, expand the scope and improve the quality of our services, enabling our statistical work to advance faster, farther, and more proactively."
     Senior statistician of the C&SD Mr Tsang Tat-shing also delivered a presentation entitled "Modernisation of Statistical Business Processes in Hong Kong" at one of the sessions of the forum. Colleagues who participated in the forum unanimously expressed that it was a very valuable experience for them to exchange knowledge and learn from statistical professionals from the Mainland cities. It enabled them to acquire insights into the ongoing advancement of statistical techniques on the Mainland, and served as a reminder for them to actively explore and embrace changes in the dynamic era of big data, in order to seize opportunities and tackle challenges in the future.
     The forum was held in Shenzhen and was attended by representatives of statistical organisations from Beijing, Guangdong Province, Hong Kong, Macao, etc, through online and in-person participation. Relevant officials from the statistical systems of the cities in the GBA, as well as experts and scholars from national think tanks and renowned universities also shared their views on the statistical measurement of digital economy, statistical monitoring of high-quality development, research on data science and big data statistical applications, statistical reform and innovation, etc.

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Red flags hoisted at some beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (October 26) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Shek O Beach and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island; and Clear Water Bay First Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

HKSAR Government’s response to 2023 World Justice Project Rule of Law Index

     In response to media enquiries on 2023 World Justice Project Rule of Law Index (Index), a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government spokesman made the following reply today (October 25):

     Hong Kong continues to rank the 6th in East Asia and the Pacific, and attains the 23rd out of 142 countries and jurisdictions covered in the Index. Hong Kong remains high in the overall ranking, ahead of some European and American countries which often unreasonably criticise the rule of law and human rights situation of Hong Kong.

     In respect of "Order and Security", Hong Kong's score is higher than last year and continues to attain the 6th in its global ranking. It is sufficient proof of the important role of the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) in maintaining the order and security of Hong Kong. The NSL has provided the necessary conditions for ensuring the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, and enables Hong Kong residents to enjoy their rights and freedoms in a safe and peaceful environment. This is conducive to the rule of law, the protection of human rights, the successful implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle, and the long-term interests of both the country and the "two systems".

     In respect of "Absence of Corruption", Hong Kong's score remains unchanged, ranking the 9th globally. This demonstrates that the city's anti-corruption efforts have been widely recognised. The Government will continue to promote the exchange of anti-corruption experience among experts and scholars from Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas, thereby strengthening Hong Kong's international status in integrity building.

     In respect of "Fundamental Rights", Hong Kong's score is also higher than last year and ranked three places higher globally. In relation to "Regulatory Enforcement" and "Criminal Justice", whilst Hong Kong's scores remain the same as last year, its global rankings climb one and two places respectively. Hong Kong's scores slightly drop in relation to "Constraints on Government Powers", "Open Government" and "Civil Justice".

     As a matter of fact, Hong Kong's overall score (0.73) is the same as the countries ranked globally from the 20th to the 22nd. Regarding the minor drop in scores in some aspects and the slight adjustment in the global ranking, the HKSAR Government will continue to enhance the international community's proper understanding of the rule of law situation in Hong Kong, thereby telling the good stories of Hong Kong.

     The HKSAR steadfastly safeguards national sovereignty, security and development interests, and fully and faithfully lives up to the top priority of the principle of "one country, two systems". The HKSAR Government will resolutely, fully and faithfully implement the NSL and further strengthen the HKSAR's legal framework and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security to prevent, suppress and punish in accordance with the law acts and activities that endanger national security. At the same time, it will safeguard the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law with a view to ensuring the steadfast and successful implementation of "one country, two systems".