Dedicated 100% Loan Guarantee Scheme for Cross-boundary Passenger Transport Trade and Dedicated 100% Loan Guarantee Scheme for Travel Sector extend application period

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     As entrusted by the Government, HKMC Insurance Limited announced a six-month extension of the application period of the Dedicated 100% Loan Guarantee Scheme (DLGS) for Cross-boundary Passenger Transport Trade and the DLGS for Travel Sector to April 28, 2024.
     The above schemes were launched on April 29, 2023 to support the business resumption of the cross-boundary passenger transport trade and the travel sector after the COVID-19 epidemic. Details are available on the schemes' website: Eligible enterprises/persons wishing to apply for the loans may approach the relevant lending institutions. For public enquiries, please call the schemes' hotline at 2536 9788.

Cases of making ex gratia payment from Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund gazetted

     The Commissioner for Labour today (October 27) gave notices in the Gazette under section 16(1A) and/or section 18(2) of the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance (Chapter 380) for cases with ex gratia payment from the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund made to employees. 
     For details of the notices, please refer to Government Notice Numbers from 6481 to 6515 at the website of the eGazette of the Government Logistics Department.

Proposed road works at Tung Chung Road and proposed Cheung Sha residential site authorised

     â€‹The Chief Executive in Council has authorised the proposed road works at a section of Tung Chung Road and the proposed residential site in Cheung Sha. The notice was gazetted today (October 27).
     Details of the works are set out in the Annex.

LD to launch exhibition on Employment Ordinance and Minimum Wage Ordinance

     Members of the public are invited to visit an exhibition on the Employment Ordinance and the Minimum Wage Ordinance organised by the Labour Department in Tsuen Wan on October 30 and 31 (Monday and Tuesday).
     The exhibition will feature the main provisions of the Employment Ordinance and the Minimum Wage Ordinance, good human resource management measures, as well as employment rights and benefits for foreign domestic helpers. Related publications and souvenirs will be distributed, and promotional videos will be shown.
     The exhibition will be held at Atrium, Belvedere Square, Belvedere Garden Phase III, 625 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, from 11am to 6pm. Admission is free.

Appointments to the Process Review Panel for the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

     The Government announced today (October 27) appointments to the Process Review Panel for the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (PRP-MPFA).
     The Financial Secretary (FS), in exercise of his authority delegated by the Chief Executive, has reappointed Mr Eugene Fung Ting-sek, SC, as the Chairman of the PRP-MPFA. He also appointed Mr Johnny Ip Chun-yuen and Mr Liu Kin-sing, and reappointed Mr Abraham Chan Lok-shung, SC, Mrs Agnes Koon Woo Kam-oi and Mr Jeff Wong Kwan-kit as members of the PRP-MPFA. The appointments will take effect from November 1, 2023, for a term of two years until October 31, 2025, both dates inclusive.
     Welcoming the above appointments, a spokesperson for the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau said, "The PRP-MPFA comprises members from various sectors with professional knowledge and extensive experience. I am confident that the serving and the newly joined members will continue to provide valuable advice to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA), in order to enhance the effectiveness and transparency in exercising its statutory and regulatory functions."
     The spokesperson also expressed gratitude to the outgoing members of the PRP-MPFA, namely Miss Grace Chan Man-yee and Dr James Lin, for the dedicated services during their tenure.
     Following is the membership of the PRP-MPFA with effect from November 1, 2023:
Mr Eugene Fung Ting-sek, SC
Mr Abraham Chan Lok-shung, SC
Mr Johnny Ip Chun-yuen
Mrs Agnes Koon Woo Kam-oi
Mr Allen Lau Kai-hung
Mr Liu Kin-sing
Mr Jeff Wong Kwan-kit
Ms Grace Yu Ho-wun
Ex-officio Members
Chairman of the MPFA
Secretary for Justice (or his representative)