Over 140 participants from 15 cities attend C40 Climate Action Seminar in Hong Kong (with photos)

     The C40 Climate Action Seminar (Asian and Oceania Regions) was held today (October 27) at the AsiaWorld-Expo. Organised by the Environment and Ecology Bureau (EEB), it brought together representatives from 15 C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) cities in Asian and Oceania Regions to share the cities' climate action, including the promotion of green transport and infrastructure, and the development of green economy and finance. Including representatives from local organisations, the seminar was well attended by over 140 participants.
     Speaking at the seminar, the Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, said, "While the three years of the pandemic have made in-person exchange with our fellow C40 cities representatives much more challenging, such difficult times have not impeded our quest for carbon neutrality. During the pandemic in 2021, we promulgated Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050 that would lead Hong Kong towards the goal of carbon neutrality before 2050."
     Hong Kong's climate strategies embrace all the key components of climate action planning advocated by the C40, namely emissions neutrality, resilience to climate hazards, inclusivity and benefits, as well as governance and collaboration. Noting the urgent need to achieve emissions neutrality and having regard to the decarbonisation potential of hydrogen fuel, Mr Tse said, "As announced in 'The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address', we will publish the Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong in the first half of 2024 to support the exploration of hydrogen application in different fields, including electricity generation and storage, construction equipment and machineries, as well as transport, which offers an exciting opportunity to demonstrate the role of hydrogen in driving a low-carbon transition."
     Other speakers at the seminar included the Secretary General of the Executive Council of Dubai, Mr Abdulla Mohammed Al Basti; the Lead Climate Mitigation Advisor of Auckland Council, Mr Adrien Bouzonville; Consultant for the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Mr Hridbijoy Chakraborty; Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality Mr Li Baozhao; Deputy Director of the Beijing Climate Change Management Center Ms Yu Fengju; the President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Dr Barry Lee; and the Head (Market Development) of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Ms Georgina Lok.
     Established in 2005, C40 is a global network of mayors committed to connecting cities around the world to take urgent action to confront the climate crisis. Hong Kong became a member city in 2007. Currently, the Secretary for Environment and Ecology is a member of the C40 Steering Committee representing the Central East Asia Region, which includes 13 Chinese cities.
     The seminar is a concurrent event of the Eco Expo Asia 2023, which is held from October 26 to 29. Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, and co-organised by the EEB, the Eco Expo Asia is an annual exhibition and conference that showcases global green solutions, technologies, services, and products while promoting international collaborations on environmental protection.

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“HA Risk Alert” latest issue published

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The 71st issue of "HA Risk Alert" was published today (October 27) by the Hospital Authority (HA) as a risk management and communication initiative to further strengthen the reporting and monitoring of clinical incidents in public hospitals.
     In the second quarter of 2023 (April to June), four sentinel events were reported, comprising three cases of retained instrument/material after surgery/interventional procedure and one case of a procedure involving a wrong body part. Among the 20 reported serious untoward events, there were 19 related to medication errors and one patient misidentification.
     "Subsequent to the incident review and analysis of the root causes of these incidents, important lessons for patient safety have been identified, while recommendations are made and shared in this publication to avoid similar events in the future," the HA spokesperson said.
     The HA Head Office has released the latest "HA Risk Alert" to all staff. It can also be accessed by the public at www.ha.org.hk/riskalert. "HA Risk Alert" is published on a quarterly basis and posted on the HA website on the last working Friday in the months of January, April, July and October. The next issue is scheduled for January 26, 2024 (Friday).

Temporary suspension of LCSD’s Mobile Library 3, 4 and 7 services

     Mobile Libraries 3, 4 and 7 will suspend services during designated periods in November and December for routine maintenance, a spokesman for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (October 27).

     Mobile Library 4 will suspend services from November 6 to 11. The affected service points are Yat Tung Estate in Tung Chung, Discovery Bay, Pui O, Shui Hau and Tong Fuk. For enquiries about Mobile Library 4 services, please call 2984 9417.

     Mobile Library 3 will suspend services from November 13 to 25. The affected service points are Prime View Garden, Siu Hong Court, Shan King Estate, Sam Shing Estate, Leung King Estate and Fu Tai Estate in Tuen Mun; Kingswood Country Club and Tin Ching Estate in Tin Shui Wai; and Sheung Tsuen Park, Wang Chau, San Tin, Long Shin Estate and Fairview Park in Yuen Long. For enquiries about Mobile Library 3 services, please call 2450 1857.

     Mobile Library 7 will suspend services from November 20 to December 2. The affected service points are Hoi Fu Court in Mong Kok West, Sceneway Garden in Lam Tin, Chuk Yuen (South) Estate and Fung Tak Estate in Wong Tai Sin and Kai Yip Estate in Kowloon Bay. For enquiries about Mobile Library 7 services, please call 2926 3056.

     Readers are welcome to use other public libraries during the service suspension periods. They may also renew library materials by telephoning 2698 0002 or 2827 2833, or via www.hkpl.gov.hk.

2023 Edition of “Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics” published

     The 2023 Edition of the "Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics" was published by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (October 27). The Digest is available for downloading at the website of the C&SD (www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/EIndexbySubject.html?pcode=B1010003&scode=460).
     The Digest is a comprehensive and convenient collection of official statistics. It contains some 310 statistical tables on a wide range of topics, including:
–     Population
–     Labour
–     External trade
–     National income and Balance of Payments
–     Prices
–     Business performance
–     Innovation and technology
–     Energy
–     Housing and property
–     Government accounts, finance and insurance
–     Transport, communications and tourism
–     Education
–     Health
–     Social welfare
–     Law and order
–     Culture, entertainment and recreation
–     Environment, climate and geography
     This Digest aims to provide key annual statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic developments of Hong Kong. Most of the data series presented reflect the latest situation covering a time span of the last decade, enabling readers to understand the trends of development in recent years. Descriptions of the scope of the statistical data and definitions of the terms used in this Digest are provided in the "Concepts and methods" in each chapter.
     Enquiries about the "Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics" can be directed to the Statistical Information Dissemination Section (1) of the C&SD (Tel: 2582 5073; email: gen-enquiry@censtatd.gov.hk).

Research Grants Council to present public lecture on “Happy, Healthy, Longevity” on November 4

The following is issued on behalf of the University Grants Committee:
     In line with the Government's initiative to promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) education for all, for fun and for diversity in support of the direction of promoting innovation and technology development, the Research Grants Council (RGC) will organise a series of public lectures from October 2023 to January 2024, covering areas including technology, innovation, health and culture.
     The second lecture titled "Happy, Healthy, Longevity" will be held at the Hong Kong Central Library on November 4 (Saturday). All are welcome.
     The RGC has invited four scholars of the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to share their knowledge and research findings. Assistant Professor Dr Wong Min Ney and Associate Professor of Practice Dr Janet Ng will talk about post-stroke language impairment, while Associate Professor Dr Elaine Kwong and Associate Professor and Associate Head Dr Cindy Ngai will explain swallowing disorders in the ageing population. Details are as follows:
Time: 3pm to 5pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library
Language: Cantonese
Admission: Free (seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis)
     Members of the public can also watch a live broadcast of the lecture through the YouTube Channel of the Hong Kong Public Libraries (www.youtube.com/channel/UCJUipdvSACZjO1ldoO3YQBA).
First session: A path to language recovery following stroke: Neurological functions, impairments, and therapy
     Language impairment is one of the common consequences of stroke. Patients will experience difficulties in understanding the language, troubles with expressing and unclear speech. These could greatly affect daily communication and activities. Dr Wong and Dr Ng will provide an overview of language processing in the brain, review symptoms of post-stroke language impairment, examine language recovery with speech therapy and discuss possibilities of new treatments with reference to local research evidence.
Second session: Navigating swallowing disorders: Enhancing diagnosis, treatment, and therapist-patient collaboration in an ageing population
     Dr Kwong and Dr Ngai will delve into the realm of swallowing disorders in an ageing population to unravel the diagnostic techniques and illustrate the latest advancements in treatment modalities, as well as exploring how an open and effective communication between therapists and patients will enhance therapeutic outcomes.
     The RGC has been regularly organising public lectures since 2009, featuring various distinguished scholars as speakers. These lectures aim to promote research knowledge of Hong Kong's tertiary institutions and to raise public awareness of the significance and values of local research work.
     For enquiries, please call 2524 3987 or visit the University Grants Committee webpage (www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/about/events/lectures/lectures.html). In addition, members of the public can register for the RGC's email subscription service at www.ugc.edu.hk/eng/rgc/about/subscribe to receive regular updates.