Six nomination forms for District Council Ordinary Election received today (with photo)

     A total of six nomination forms for the 2023 District Council Ordinary Election were received by the Returning Officers for the 18 District Committees constituencies (DCCs) and 44 District Council geographical constituencies (DCGCs) today (October 27).
     This brings to 395 the total number of nomination forms received since the start of the nomination period on October 17. The nomination period will continue until October 30.
     The number of nomination forms received for each District Council is as follows:

District Council No. of nomination forms received today Cumulative total No. of nomination forms received today Cumulative total
Central and Western District Council 0 10 0 10
Eastern District Council 0 15 0 10
Kowloon City District Council 0 10 0 8
Kwun Tong District Council 2 17 0 15
Sham Shui Po District Council 1 11 0 8
Southern District Council 1 10 0 8
Wan Chai District Council 0 5 0 5
Wong Tai Sin District Council 0 10 0 8
Yau Tsim Mong District Council 0 11 0 10
Islands District Council 0 6 0 4
Kwai Tsing District Council 0 16 0 10
North District Council 0 10 0 8
Sai Kung District Council 0 15 0 11
Sha Tin District Council 1 20 0 14
Tai Po District Council 0 12 0 11
Tsuen Wan District Council 0 10 0 8
Tuen Mun District Council 0 15 1 11
(1 nominee withdrawn)
Yuen Long District Council 0 20 0 13
Total 5 223 1 172

     The Registration and Electoral Office reminds nominees that due to limited space in the Returning Officer's office, each nominee shall be accompanied by only one companion during submission of the nomination form. Please refer to the "Points to Note for Submission of Nomination Forms" on the election website (
     Particulars of the nominees received today will be available on the election website (


SCST congratulates Rockey Li and Tang Shun-yee on winning gold medal at Asian Para Games

     The Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, today (October 27) congratulated Rockey Li and Tang Shun-yee on winning a gold medal in Lawn Bowls Mixed Doubles – B2 for Hong Kong, China Delegation at the 4th Asian Para Games Hangzhou. 

     Mr Yeung said, "Li and Tang showed team spirit when winning a gold medal. The accomplishment made by their mutual support means so much more than a single person's victory. We are so proud of them."

Tung Chung Swimming Pool temporarily closed

Attention TV/radio announcers:

 Please broadcast the following as soon as possible and repeat it at regular intervals:

      Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

      The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (October 27) that Tung Chung Swimming Pool in Islands District has been temporarily closed for urgent cleaning works.

      It will be reopened at 6.30am tomorrow (October 28).

Building Safety Week 2023 closes with Building Safety Symposium (with photos)

     Some 360 participants from representatives of the building industry and the property management sector, government officials and academia attended the Building Safety Symposium organised by the Buildings Department (BD) at the Hong Kong Palace Museum today (October 27) to exchange views on the application of innovative technologies to enhance building safety as well as the safety of construction works.
     Speaking at the symposium, the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, said that the Development Bureau has taken the lead to strengthen collaboration among the Buildings Department, the Home Affairs Department and the Urban Renewal Authority, so as to address the issue of dilapidation of aged buildings. The Government will continue to provide practical support to owners to help them complete building inspections and repairs as soon as possible. At the same time, the Government has stepped up law enforcement against owners who have not actively fulfilled their obligations, including instigating prosecution.
     Ms Linn pointed out that in order to strengthen enforcement power to deal with building safety issues, it was announced in the recent Policy Address that the Buildings Ordinance will be comprehensively reviewed by exploring raising the penalties, streamlining prosecution procedures and lowering the prosecution threshold against non-compliance with notices served under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme, repair and investigation orders, unauthorised building works and other illegal building works, with a view to increasing deterrence and enforcement effectiveness. She appealed to enhanced collaboration among various departments and agencies as well as active co-operation from the community and the industries, so as to jointly safeguard building safety and to create a safe, quality and sustainable built environment.
     In her welcoming speech, the Director of Buildings, Ms Clarice Yu, said that in the face of challenges in design and construction of new developments, as well as the impact of ageing buildings on building safety, the Government and the industry have sought to integrate smart technologies into the life cycle of buildings to facilitate building design, building construction and preventive maintenance, which could also help promote building safety and sustainability, enhance efficiency, reduce costs and mitigate the impact of labour shortage on the construction industry.
     Ms Yu said that the BD is committed to exploring and adopting innovative technologies to enhance building safety control and services. She cited as an example that when dealing with cases of fallen concrete and rendering from the external walls of buildings and serious unauthorised building works (UBWs) in recent months, the BD had used drones to conduct inspections over the buildings concerned, coupled with the use of three-dimensional modelling, which enabled it to make an immediate assessment of the safety condition of the buildings, thereby enhancing work efficiency.
     The theme of this year's symposium is "Expanding Opportunities for a Safer and More Sustainable Built Environment". In the symposium, a number of local experts spoke on the following topics:

  • Prevention is Better than Cure: Periodic Inspection and Maintenance of Buildings;
  • Application of/Experience on Technologies and AI in Inspection and Maintenance of Buildings;
  • Safety Roles and Responsibilities: from Truss-out Scaffold to Design for Safety;
  • Innovation to Enhance Quality, Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness in Building Management and Maintenance;
  • Intelligent Building Management with BIM – Asset Management; and
  • Innovation in Design and Monitoring of Building Works for Safety.

     In addition to the above speeches, the symposium also featured two panel discussion sessions and four innovative technology booths were set up in the foyer of the venue. The University of Hong Kong, Cyberport Startups, the Architectural Services Department and the BD demonstrated the use of drones, artificial intelligence and related innovative technologies to assist in the inspection of dilapidation at building exterior walls and UBWs.
     The Building Safety Symposium was the closing event of the Building Safety Week 2023. Over the past week, the BD also organised the Building Safety Carnival and the BD Inno Tech Open Day to enable the public to gain a better understanding of the importance of building safety and to experience the convenience and improvement which innovation has brought to the building industry. A total of about 7 200 attendees participated in the two events.

Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  

Cooperation arrangement on management of cross-boundary dumping between Hong Kong and Mainland updated (with photo)

     The Development Bureau (DEVB) and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) today (October 27) signed the updated Cooperation Arrangement on Management of Cross-boundary Dumping. 
     Hong Kong has been adopting a multipronged approach, such as reducing, reusing, recycling and temporary storage, to deal with inert construction and demolition materials (i.e. public fill) generated by the local construction industry. However, local reusing and recycling cannot absorb all the inert construction and demolition materials and the capacity of temporary fill banks is limited. Local disposal facilities of dredged materials also face pressure of insufficient capacity.
     With the support of the Central Government, the former Environment, Transport and Works Bureau and the former State Oceanic Administration signed an agreement in 2004, providing a foundation for closer co-operation and communication on the accommodation of inert construction and demolition materials in Mainland waters and the management of cross-boundary dumping of dredged materials generated in Hong Kong.
     Premised on the existing management principles, the Cooperation Arrangement updates the details of the arrangement of the accommodation of inert construction and demolition materials on the Mainland as well as cross-boundary dumping of dredged materials generated in Hong Kong. It also reflects the changes in the government structure of both sides in recent years. Witnessed by Vice Minister of the MEE Ms Guo Fang, the Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, and representative of the Department of Marine Ecology and Environment of the MEE Mr Zhou Zhiqiang signed the Cooperation Agreement in Hong Kong.
     Under the Cooperation Arrangement, the Civil Engineering and Development Department will continue to transfer surplus public fill to the designated reception site in Taishan in Guangdong Province for disposal. As for dredged materials, project proponents, based on the need of individual projects, can submit applications for cross-boundary dumping based on specific requirements in accordance with the mechanism to the relevant department under the MEE.
