Tag Archives: China


HKSAR Government’s response on handling of visa application

     In response to media enquiries on a visa application, a Government spokesman issued the following statement today (October 28):

     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) will not comment on individual cases. As regards the handling of visa applications, the Immigration Department acts in accordance with the law and relevant policies (including that an applicant should meet normal immigration requirements, such as holding a valid travel document with adequate returnability to his/her country of residence or citizenship; be of clear criminal record and raise no security or criminal concerns to the HKSAR; have no likelihood of becoming a burden on the HKSAR, etc) in handling each application and will determine each application on its individual merits.

     For details, please refer to the “Immigration Guidelines for Entry to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China” which can be downloaded from the website of the Immigration Department at www.immd.gov.hk/eng/forms/forms/id939a.htmlread more

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra performs in Seoul (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) performed with Korean violinist Inmo Yang at the Seoul Arts Center in Seoul, Korea, today (October 28) as the first stop of their Korean tour.
     Speaking at a reception before the concert, the Principal Hong Kong Economic and Trade Representative (Tokyo), Miss Winsome Au, said that the HK Phil is truly Hong Kong’s cultural ambassador. 
     “The HK Phil serves not only as a beacon of joy for music enthusiasts in Hong Kong, but also carries our cultural voice to the world beyond borders. We are proud that it was named by British classical music magazine Gramophone as Orchestra of the Year in 2019 – the first Asian orchestra entering this world-class Hall of Fame,” Miss Au said.
     She noted that the first performance of the HK Phil in Korea dated back to 1986, and that it last toured Korea in 2017. 
     “Today, it is with immense joy that we welcome and support the HK Phil to return to the prestigious Seoul Arts Center. They come bearing the gift of extraordinary music, alongside celebrated Korean violinist Mr Inmo Yang, who is the first Korean to win the Sibelius Competition last year. We are thrilled by this much-anticipated collaboration among Asia’s finest musicians,” she said.
     After the concert in Seoul today, the HK Phil will proceed to Daegu to present another concert at Daegu Concert House tomorrow (October 29).
     The performances by the HK Phil in Korea are supported by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Tokyo, which is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government’s official representative in Japan and Korea.

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Case of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infection under CHP investigation

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (October 28) investigating a case of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection, and hence urged the public to maintain good personal hygiene, especially hand hygiene.

     The case involves a 72-year-old man with underlying illnesses. He was found unconscious and having a fever on October 19. He was sent to the Accident and Emergency Department of Kwong Wah Hospital and was admitted for treatment on the same day. He is in stable condition after treatment.

     His blood sample tested positive for Hib upon laboratory testing. His clinical diagnosis was pneumonia. 

     The patient lives alone and has no recent travel history. CHP’s investigations are ongoing.

     Invasive Hib infection has been a statutorily notifiable infectious disease since July 2008. Invasive Hib infection commonly presents clinically as an infection of membranes covering the brain (meningitis), often accompanied by bacteria entering the bloodstream. It may also affect other parts of the body such as the lungs, the upper part of the throat (epiglottis), joints and bones. Prompt antibiotic treatment is necessary.

     “Hib infection can be spread by contact with the nose or throat secretions of a patient. If a persistent fever, unusual changes in behaviour or other deteriorating conditions develop, or if in doubt, seek medical attention immediately,” a spokesman for the CHP said.

     Members of the public are advised to observe personal hygiene and take heed of the preventive measures below:

  • Maintain hand hygiene and clean hands properly;
  • Wash hands when they are soiled with respiratory secretions, such as after sneezing or coughing;
  • Cover the nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing and dispose of nasal discharge and sputum properly;
  • Do not share eating and drinking utensils, and wash them thoroughly after use;
  • Avoid going to crowded places if not feeling well; and
  • An effective vaccine against Hib is available. For personal protection, seek advice from a healthcare professional.

     The public may visit the CHP’s invasive Hib page for more information. read more

EDB holds sharing session on “Important spirit of President Xi Jinping’s reply letter to Hong Kong students” (with photos)

     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (October 28) held a sharing session on the “Important spirit of President Xi Jinping’s reply letter to Hong Kong students” for the student ambassadors of the Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassadors Training Scheme to deepen their understanding of President Xi Jinping’s message to young people.
     President Xi Jinping gave a reply letter to students of Pui Kiu Middle School in Hong Kong on July 24, conveying his earnest expectations for the young generation of the city. The Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, said in her speech that to live up to the spirit of the President’s reply letter, the EDB will continue to organise diversified life-wide learning activities for enabling students to delve into the history, culture and the latest national affairs of the motherland and gain a deeper understanding of global trends.
     Dr Choi added that this year marks the 33rd anniversary of the promulgation of the Basic Law and the Policy Address proposed enhancing the national affairs education, including strengthening the training for the Constitution and Basic Law student ambassadors.
     She encouraged the student ambassadors to study the Constitution and the Basic Law earnestly to understand the role of Hong Kong in the development of the country and demonstrate their leadership skills in assisting their schools to promote national education.  Student ambassadors should also maintain physical and mental health for grasping every learning opportunity to accumulate knowledge and sharpen own skills and abilities with full dedication for the betterment of themselves and others.
     A teacher and students of Pui Kiu Middle School shared their feelings of participating in various national education activities.  In addition, representatives of the Curriculum Development Institute of the EDB conducted thematic talks.  The sharing session was attended by over 200 participants, including principals and teachers of primary and secondary schools, and student ambassadors from secondary schools.
     In the 2023/24 school year, about 7 400 student ambassadors from around 400 schools joined the Constitution and Basic Law Student Ambassadors Training Scheme.

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Delegations from Belt and Road countries attend Eco Expo Asia and visit local aquaculture farms, water treatment works and sewage treatment facilities (with photos)

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) today (October 28) arranged for delegations from the Belt and Road (B&R) countries (namely Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar) as well as representatives from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) visiting Hong Kong to visit aquaculture farms to learn about the latest development of the local modern aquaculture industry.
      The delegations, accompanied by EPD and AFCD officers, visited a modern mariculture demonstration farm at Tung Lung Chau to gain a better understanding about the work of Hong Kong in promoting modernised and sustainable mariculture. The delegations then toured a hairy crab and pond fish farm in San Tin, Yuen Long, to learn about the development and management of the local aquaculture industry as well as the AFCD’s Accredited Fish Farm Scheme.
      The B&R delegation yesterday (October 27) also visited the Triple Water System of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works of the Water Supplies Department (WSD) and Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works of the Drainage Services Department (DSD). During the visit, the Airport Authority Hong Kong shared the successful experience of the HKIA’s “Triple Water System” adopting seawater for toilet flushing and air conditioning, as well as recycling and reuse of grey water. The WSD introduced Hong Kong’s total water management strategy, and technologies of using seawater for flushing and water treatment, while the DSD officers presented to the delegations Hong Kong’s experience in sewage treatment and application of renewable energy. The entire system is established on Hong Kong’s unique and successful application of seawater flushing technology. This measure not only saves up to 20 to 30 per cent of precious fresh water, but also consumes 50 per cent less energy than supplying fresh water; 10 times less than wastewater reclamation as well as a hundred times less than seawater desalination. Seawater can also be used for central air-conditioning systems, which reduces electricity consumption by 35 per cent as compared with ordinary air-conditioning systems, making it the world’s leading water-saving and energy-saving system.
      A spokesperson for the EPD said, as the Eco Expo Asia is being held from October 26 to 29, EPD officers promoted multidimensional exchanges with the delegations from B&R countries and the RCEES of the CAS attending the Expo, including environmental water quality monitoring and management, application and development of advanced technology and smart enforcement in environmental protection. In addition, as invited by the Chairman of the Central Environmental Authority of the Government of Sri Lanka, the EPD and the CAS held a sharing session on Water Pollution Control and Smart Enforcement via video conferencing for the officers of pollution control and professional management of the Central Environmental Authority of the Government of Sri Lanka on October 24.
      “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government will continue to proactively connect with B&R regions and leverage Hong Kong’s experience and advantage in environmental protection, environmental water quality and water resources management, and aquaculture, to assist B&R regions in jointly achieving green and sustainable development,” the spokesperson said.

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