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Advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product for third quarter of 2023

     The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) released today (October 31) the advance estimates on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the third quarter of 2023.
     According to the advance estimates, GDP increased by 4.1% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023 over a year earlier, compared with the increase of 1.5% in the second quarter. The continuous expansion in GDP in the third quarter of 2023 was mainly attributable to the further improvement in domestic demand and services trade.
     Analysed by major GDP component, private consumption expenditure increased by 6.5% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023 over a year earlier, after the increase of 7.7% in the second quarter.
     Government consumption expenditure measured in national accounts terms recorded a decline of 4.5% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023 from a year earlier, compared with the decrease of 9.8% in the second quarter.
     Gross domestic fixed capital formation increased by 18.2% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023 over a year earlier, as against the decrease of 0.5% in the second quarter.
     Over the same period, total exports of goods measured in national accounts terms recorded a decline of 8.6% in real terms from a year earlier, narrowed from the decrease of 15.1% in the second quarter. Imports of goods measured in national accounts terms fell by 6.0% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023, compared with the 15.8% decline in the second quarter.
     Exports of services rose by 24.0% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023 over a year earlier, compared with the increase of 22.8% in the second quarter. Imports of services increased by 28.5% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023, after the increase of 25.4% in the second quarter.
     On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison basis, GDP increased by 0.1% in real terms in the third quarter of 2023 when compared with the second quarter.
     A Government spokesman said that the Hong Kong economy continued to revive in the third quarter of 2023, supported by inbound tourism and private consumption. According to the advance estimates, real GDP grew by 4.1% in the third quarter over a year earlier. On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter basis, real GDP increased by 0.1%.
     Analysed by major expenditure component, total exports of goods continued to fall amid weak external demand for goods. Exports of services expanded notably further thanks to the continued revival of visitor arrivals. Domestically, private consumption expenditure increased further alongside rising household income and the Government’s various support initiatives, though the rate of increase moderated somewhat. Overall investment expenditure rebounded sharply against a low base of comparison a year ago.
     Looking ahead, inbound tourism and private consumption will continue to underpin economic growth for the rest of the year. More visitors could be received as handling capacity recovers further. As regards private consumption, continued improvement in household income and the Government’s various support initiatives including “Night Vibes Hong Kong” should provide support. Yet, the difficult external environment amid increasing geopolitical tensions and tight financial conditions would continue to weigh on exports of goods and investment and consumption sentiment.
     The revised figures on GDP and more detailed statistics for the third quarter of 2023, as well as the revised GDP forecast for 2023, will be released on November 10, 2023.
Further information
     The year-on-year percentage changes of GDP and selected major expenditure components in real terms from the third quarter of 2022 to the third quarter of 2023 are shown in Table 1.
     When more data become available, the C&SD will compile revised figures on GDP. The revised figures on GDP and more detailed statistics for the third quarter of 2023 will be released at the C&SD website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/scode250.html) and the Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure Component report (www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/EIndexbySubject.html?pcode=B1030001&scode=250) on November 10, 2023.
     For enquiries about statistics on GDP by expenditure component, please contact the National Income Branch (1) of the C&SD (Tel: 2582 5077 or email: gdp-e@censtatd.gov.hk). read more

International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     â€‹The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) released today (October 31) the analytical data on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s foreign currency reserves and foreign currency liquidity as at the end of September 2023 (Annex). These data are published monthly in the Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity in accordance with the International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS).
Release calendar

     The release calendar of the Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity for 2024 is announced below:

Reference Month  Release Date
January 2024 February 29, 2024
February 2024 March 28, 2024
March 2024 April 30, 2024
April 2024 May 31, 2024
May 2024 June 28, 2024
June 2024 July 31, 2024
July 2024 August 30, 2024
August 2024 September 30, 2024
September 2024 October 31, 2024
October 2024 November 29, 2024
November 2024 December 31, 2024
December 2024 January 28, 2025

     At present, four press releases relating to the Exchange Fund’s data are issued by the HKMA each month. Three of these releases are issued to disseminate monetary data in accordance with the International Monetary Fund’s SDDS. The fourth press release, on the Exchange Fund’s Abridged Balance Sheet and Currency Board Account, is made in accordance with the HKMA’s policy of maintaining a high level of transparency. For the month of October 2023, the scheduled dates for issuing the press releases are as follows:
October 6    
SDDS International Reserves
(Hong Kong’s Latest Foreign Currency Reserve Assets Figures)
October 13 
SDDS Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank
(Analytical Accounts of the Exchange Fund)
October 31 SDDS Template on International Reserves and
Foreign Currency Liquidity
October 31 Exchange Fund Abridged Balance Sheet and
Currency Board Account
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