Immigration Department repatriates Vietnamese illegal immigrants to Vietnam (with photos)

     The Immigration Department (ImmD) carried out a repatriation operation today (October 31). A total of 21 Vietnamese illegal immigrants were repatriated to Vietnam. The persons removed comprised seven males and 14 females, all of which were unsubstantiated non-refoulement claimants. Among them were discharged prisoners who had committed criminal offences and had been sentenced to imprisonment.
     The ImmD will remain committed to expediting the removal process to repatriate illegal immigrants and overstayers from Hong Kong as soon as practicable according to the actual situation through appropriate measures as necessary.

Photo  Photo  

HKSAR Government to attend APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in United States

     In response to media enquiries, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) indicated today (October 31) that Hong Kong, China had, according to convention, received the invitation from the host economy to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting to be held from November 15 to 17 in San Francisco, United States. The HKSAR Government had already replied that, due to scheduling issues, the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, would not be able to attend the meeting to represent Hong Kong, China in person, and that the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, would attend the meeting on behalf of the Chief Executive.

     APEC is a useful platform for member economies to engage in discussions and forge consensus on policy directions and measures that help stimulate economic development in an inclusive and sustainable manner in the region. The HKSAR has long been participating in APEC as a full and separate member under the name of Hong Kong, China. Hong Kong, China will continue to participate in APEC matters, with a view to contributing to regional economic co-operation by leveraging our distinctive advantages under "one country, two systems" and our status as an international trade and financial centre.

Phishing email and fraudulent website related to Alipay Financial Services (HK) Limited

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) wishes to alert members of the public to a press release issued by Alipay Financial Services (HK) Limited relating to a phishing email and a fraudulent website.  The relevant stored value facility (SVF) licensee has reported the case to the HKMA.
     The phishing email and the fraudulent website reported by the SVF licensee known at the time are as follows:
onyungsvb@outlook[.]com (支付�hk)
     The HKMA wishes to remind the public that anyone who has provided his or her personal information or account credentials, or who has conducted any financial transactions, through or in response to the email and the website concerned, should contact the relevant SVF licensee, and report to the Police or contact the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre of the Police at 18222.

Appeal for information on missing man in Kwun Tong (with photo)

     Police today (October 31) appealed to the public for information on a man who went missing in Kwun Tong.

     Xu Jingwen, aged 73, went missing after he was last seen at MTR Lam Tin Station yesterday afternoon (October 30). His family made a report to Police on the same day.
     He is about 1.7 metres tall and of fat build. He has a round face with yellow complexion and short white hair. He was last seen wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt with red and white stripes, black shorts and black shoes.

     Anyone who knows the whereabouts of the missing man or may have seen him is urged to contact the Regional Missing Persons Unit of Kowloon East on 3661 0331 or email to, or contact any police station.


Government promulgates Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development

     The Government promulgated the Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development today (October 31) to formulate strategies and action measures to meet the short, medium and long-term development needs of the logistics sector, with a view to promoting the sustainable and high-quality development of Hong Kong's logistics industry.

     The Secretary for Transport and Logistics, Mr Lam Sai-hung, said, "Hong Kong has long been a premier logistics hub in Asia. Our goal is to promote high-quality development of our logistics industry by realising smart development, modernisation, green sustainability, internationalisation and facilitation, thereby developing Hong Kong into a sustainable, international and smart logistics hub focusing on high-value goods and the e-commerce market, and capitalising on the tremendous opportunities brought by the rapid development of our country and the region."

     "The Action Plan is a major document formulated by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government for the development of modern logistics, leading the future development of the logistics industry in Hong Kong. We will, with the support of the Hong Kong Logistics Development Council (LOGSCOUNCIL), work with relevant stakeholders to implement the strategies and action measures formulated in the Action Plan in phases. To ensure that the strategies can keep abreast of the development in the industry, we will also continue to review the implementation progress of the relevant strategies and their effectiveness," Mr Lam continued.

     The Central Government has clearly affirmed Hong Kong's positioning as an international aviation hub and international shipping centre in the National 14th Five-Year Plan and indicated clear support for the development of high-value air cargo logistics and high value-added maritime services in Hong Kong in the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so as to leverage Hong Kong's strength as a regional logistics hub. The Action Plan formulated eight strategies and 24 action measures to consolidate and promote Hong Kong's position as an international logistics hub. The relevant strategies and action measures are listed in the Annex.

     LOGSCOUNCIL held a meeting today and members welcomed the action measures set out in the Action Plan. The Transport and Logistics Bureau has consulted the Panel on Economic Development of the Legislative Council, LOGSCOUNCIL and various stakeholders of the logistics industry to refine the logistics development strategies when formulating the Action Plan. The Transport and Logistics Bureau expressed its deep appreciation to the Panel on Economic Development of the Legislative Council, LOGSCOUNCIL and various stakeholders for their valuable views.

     The Action Plan has been uploaded to the website of the Transport and Logistics Bureau (