Tag Archives: China


“Cheers!” Series 2023 to celebrate winter festive season with audiences

  The Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s “Cheers!” Series 2023 will be held from December to February next year, presenting eight fabulous visiting and local family entertainment programmes that include acrobatics, puppetry, music and theatre, to bring friends and family a heart-warming and fun-filled winter season. 

  The opening programme will be the Asian premiere of “Passenger” by The 7 Fingers from Canada, which tells the captivating stories of encounters, reunions and goodbyes of travellers in train transit through spectacular acrobatic performances. ALFA Theatre Pilsen from the Czech Republic will make its Hong Kong debut with “Zorro”, featuring traditional Czech marionettes with live band music and vocal accompaniment, and retell the legend of a superhero that combines elements of adventure, justice and comedy.

  Local puppetry troupes will also present a series of exciting performances in this winter season. Puppet musical “Sweetyland III A Whistle of Dreams” by Make Friends With Puppet tells the story of mischievous twins pursuing their dreams, while “The Whale in the Ground” by Fantasy Puppet Theatre invites children and adults to explore the underground world with Moly, a mole with a passion for archaeology.

  Acclaimed “The Snowman & The Bear” will return this winter with live orchestral accompaniment by the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, storytelling and singing, bringing audiences into a dreamlike, animated world through the big screen. The Hong Kong Oratorio Society will accompany music fans on Christmas Eve, performing a variety of classical Christmas vocal pieces and classic Christmas carols in the “A Christmas of Joy and Peace” concert.

  ”DO RE MI @ SuperBaby” by Jumbo Kids Theatre is a parent-child musical, in which musical genius Dr M creates a sonic paradise with little offbeat fairies through sounds and rhythms. At the family-oriented dance education theatre “Huh? It’s the ant rangers again?!” by Rice Journey Production, the audience will explore how the ants handle different challenges in their journey by following their little footprints.

  For programme dates, venues and ticket prices of “Cheers!” Series 2023, please see the Annex. Tickets are now available at URBTIX (www.urbtix.hk). For telephone bookings, please call 3166 1288. Package discounts will be available for ticket purchases with different stage shows in “Cheers!” Series 2023. For programme enquiries and discount schemes, please call 2268 7323 or visit www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/Programme/en/f_entertainment/groups_1617.html. read more

Three property owners fined about $230,000 in total for not complying with removal orders

     Three property owners who failed to comply with removal orders issued under the Buildings Ordinance (BO) (Cap. 123) were convicted and fined about $230,000 in total at the Tuen Mun Magistrates’ Courts last month.

     In the first case concerning a domestic flat in a composite building on Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun, an unauthorised structure with an area of about 28 square metres was erected on the flat roof, two metal frames were erected projecting from the external wall, and a fire-resisting door was removed and replaced with a door of inadequate fire resistance. As the unauthorised building works (UBWs) and alteration works were carried out without the prior approval and consent from the Buildings Department (BD), and affected the fire-resisting construction of the building, in contravention of the BO and the Building (Construction) Regulation, a removal order was served on the owner under section 24(1) of the BO.

     Failing to comply with the removal order, the owner was prosecuted by the BD and was fined $76,000 upon conviction by the Tuen Mun Magistrates’ Courts on October 13.

     The second case involved two flats co-owned by two owners in a residential building on Wu Chui Road, Tuen Mun, where five unauthorised structures with a total area of about 25 sq m were erected on the flat roofs of the two flats, and an opening was formed with a glazing door installed at the external wall of each of the two flats. As the UBWs and alteration works were carried out without the prior approval and consent from the BD, two removal orders were served on the owners under section 24(1) of the BO.

     Failing to comply with the removal orders, the two owners were prosecuted by the BD in 2016 and were fined $44,000 in total upon conviction at the Tuen Mun Magistrates’ Courts. As the owners persisted in not complying with the removal orders, the BD instigated prosecution for the second time. The two owners were convicted again and fined $153,920 in total upon conviction at the Tuen Mun Magistrates’ Courts on October 13.

     A spokesman for the BD said today (November 2), “UBWs may lead to serious consequences. Owners must comply with the removal orders without delay. The BD will continue to take enforcement action against owners who have failed to comply with removal orders, including instigation of prosecution, so as to ensure building safety.”

     Failure to comply with a removal order without reasonable excuse is a serious offence under the BO. The maximum penalty upon conviction is a fine of $200,000 and one year’s imprisonment, and a further fine of $20,000 for each day that the offence continues.    read more

HKMA’s Response to US Fed’s Interest Rate Decision

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Federal Open Market Committee of the United States Federal Reserve (the Fed) announced early today (Hong Kong time) after its two-day meeting that it had decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate unchanged at 5.25-5.5 per cent.

     The Fed’s future interest rate decisions will continue to be dependent on the latest economic data and the impact of continual rate hikes during the past year on the economy. It is therefore premature to conclude whether the US rate hike cycle has been completed, and the high interest-rate environment is likely to last for some time.

     The financial and monetary markets of Hong Kong continue to operate in a smooth and orderly manner. The Hong Kong dollar exchange rate remains stable, and the Hong Kong dollar interbank rates might remain high for some time. The public should carefully assess and manage the relevant risks when making property purchase, mortgage or other borrowing decisions. The HKMA will continue to closely monitor market developments and maintain monetary and financial stability. read more