Red flag hoisted at Big Wave Bay Beach

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (November 4) that due to big waves, the red flag has been hoisted at Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at the beach.

Territory-wide flag day today

     Hong Kong Playground Association has been issued a Public Subscription Permit to hold a territory-wide flag sale from 7am to 12.30pm today (November 4), a spokesman for the Social Welfare Department (SWD) said.

     Details of the charitable fund-raising activities, including any updated information, covered by the issued Public Subscription Permits have been published on the GovHK website ( Permits for flag days containing information on contact methods of the flag-selling organisations and the approved flag-selling activities have also been uploaded to the SWD's website ( for reference. For enquiries, please call the SWD's hotline at 2343 2255, or the designated hotline of the 1823 Call Centre at 3142 2678.

     In the case of suspected fraudulent flag day activities, people should not make any donation and should immediately report the matter to the Police, the spokesman added.

Speech by FS at Italian Chamber of Commerce Gala Dinner (English only) (with photo)

     â€‹Following is the speech by the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, at the Italian Chamber of Commerce Gala Dinner today (November 3):
Ambassador Ambrosetti (Ambassador of Italy to China, Mr Massimo Ambrosetti), Consul General Ficarra (Consul General of Italy to Hong Kong and Macao, Mr Carmelo Ficarra), Mr De Rosa (President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, Mr Davide De Rosa), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Buona sera (good evening). It gives me great pleasure to join your gala event this evening.  

     The pandemic in the last few years might have interrupted our people-to-people exchanges, but judging from the turnout of our Italian friends and the Hong Kong and Macao business communities tonight, it is clear that the passion remains. The enchanting flow of wine from Italy's finest regions, coupled with the indulgence of culinary delights, and the lively conversations filling the room, will surely rekindle our business connections and friendships. 

     We have long been good economic partners, with bilateral merchandise trade amounting to around HK$63 billion last year, despite the pandemic. I am optimistic that as we reconnect, the increasing contacts, engagements, and exchanges, will boost our business.

     In fact, Italian companies continue to maintain a significant presence here. Hong Kong currently hosts nearly 170 Italian companies, many of them serving as regional offices or headquarters.   

     After all, Italian goods and brands perfectly reflect your pursuit of excellence. From Zegna to Solaia, from Testoni to Ferrari, they embody the true Italian glamour that few people can resist. La Dolce Vita!

     I would like to highlight that when Italian businesses establish themselves in Hong Kong, they are also paving the way to the Greater Bay Area (GBA), the Chinese Mainland and Asia.  Hong Kong serves as the perfect gateway for Italian products, as what sells well here will also sell well in the GBA, a consumer market of nearly 87 million.

     Looking ahead, beyond enhancing our bilateral trade ties, we see numerous collaboration opportunities between our two economies, particularly in innovation and technology (I&T) and the cultural and creative industries.

     Hong Kong and Italy can be strong partners in I&T. Italy has a proud tradition of ingenuity and innovation that runs deep in your nation's character. From the grandeur of ancient Rome to the brilliance of Da Vinci, Galileo, and Michelangelo during the Renaissance, and to your robust machinery, automotive, and pharmaceutical industries today. In fact, Italy is the second-largest manufacturing country in Europe, and it is estimated that 75 per cent of Italian manufacturers undertake advanced manufacturing projects.

     On our side, Hong Kong is actively developing I&T as an economic super-engine. We are collaborating with sister cities in the GBA to combine our respective strengths in basic and translational research, commercialisation and advanced manufacturing, to rise as a leading global innovative hub.

     We are fast-tracking our progress by welcoming strategic enterprises in the areas of life and health technology, AI and robotics, fintech, advanced manufacturing, and new materials. We will facilitate their settlement in our Northern Metropolis, our future innovation hub, to leverage the synergy with our neighbouring city of Shenzhen.

     In short, Italian companies are most welcome to join this great initiative to seize the opportunities and vast potential.

     Beyond business, there is significant room for cultural exchanges and collaboration in the creative industries. One example is the film industry. Our CreateHK and Italy's Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual just signed an MoU (memorandum of understanding) on film co-operation this year in Venice.

     Another example is the year-long Viva Italia programme, launched in March this year with the support of the Consulate General of Italy, to promote Italian culture and provide students of the Hong Kong Design Institute with greater exposure to your culture.

     Ladies and gentlemen, the potential for collaboration between Hong Kong and Italy is immense. We will continue to play a unique role as a gateway between East and West, connecting the Mainland, Asia, and Europe. Hong Kong is your trusted partner and platform. We have extensive network, knowledge, funding and other resources to help Italian businesses and talents tap into the enormous potential of the GBA, Chinese Mainland and Asia.

     May I wish you continued success in your business endeavours in Hong Kong and beyond in the years to come.

     Now, please join me in raising a toast: to Italy and our enduring friendship!



CHP investigates suspected food poisoning cluster

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is today (November 3) investigating one suspected food poisoning cluster affecting 11 persons, and reminded the public to maintain personal, food and environmental hygiene to prevent foodborne diseases.

     The cluster involved eight boys and two girls, aged 3 to 5, and a female teacher, who developed abdominal pain and diarrhoea about 5.5 to 15 hours after having lunch at a kindergarten in Eastern District on November 1. One of the affected persons sought medical advice and none required hospitalisation. All affected persons are in stable condition.

     Initial investigations of the CHP revealed that the affected persons had consumed common food and the food concerned was steamed rice with pumpkin and diced pork. The poisoning might have been caused by Bacillus cereus or Clostridium perfringens.

     The personnel from the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have conducted investigation at the concerned premises. The CHP's investigation is ongoing.

     To prevent foodborne diseases, members of the public are reminded to maintain personal, food and environmental hygiene at all times. When dining out:

  • Patronise only reliable and licensed restaurants;
  • Avoid eating raw seafood;
  • Be a discerning consumer in choosing cold dishes, including sashimi, sushi and raw oysters, at a buffet;
  • Pre-cooked or leftover foods should be stored and reheated properly before consumption;
  • Ensure food is thoroughly cooked before eating during a hotpot or barbecue meal;
  • Handle raw and cooked foods carefully and separate them completely during the cooking process;
  • Use two sets of chopsticks and utensils to handle raw and cooked foods;
  • Do not patronise illegal food hawkers;
  • Drink boiled water;
  • Do not try to use salt, vinegar, wine or wasabi to kill bacteria as they are not effective; and
  • Always wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet. 

Update on investigation of suspected Mycobacterium abscessus infection cluster

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (November 3) reported an update on the investigations of the suspected Mycobacterium abscessus infection cluster. Currently, the suspected Mycobacterium abscessus infection cluster involved a total of 15 females. According to the latest investigation findings, people who have patronised the following premises, or contacted the following Instagram social media accounts and received relevant injections and suspect they have experienced relevant symptoms, are urged to seek medical attention and contact the CHP as soon as possible.

  Name of premises Address of premises
(Business registration name being "GALS GLAM CLINIC")
6/F, Hop Hing Industrial Building, 702-704 Castle Peak Road, Lai Chi Kok
(Business registration name being "GALS GLAM CLINIC")
4/F, Wing Hong Centre, 18 Wing Hong Street, Lai Chi Kok
(Business registration name being "CHING'S BEAUTY LIMITED")
10/F, Block A, Alexandra Industrial Building, 23-27 Wing Hong Street, Lai Chi Kok


  Instagram social media accounts
1 "90s__beautygirls"
2 ""
3 "beauty_hklady"

     Apart from the five people involved in the suspected Mycobacterium abscessus infection cluster announced yesterday (November 2), the CHP has conducted contact tracing and contacted seven females, aged 23 to 37 who have patronised at Gals Glam Beauty/Gals Glam and received relevant injections services claimed to have slimming effect in the two premises in Lai Chi Kok (6/F, Hop Hing Industrial Building, 702-704 Castle Peak Road or 4/F, Wing Hong Centre, 18 Wing Hong Street). They developed rash, induration or abscess after injection. All patients are in stable condition.

     The CHP has set up an enquiry hotline (2125 2372) for the related cases, which operates from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 9am to 5.30pm. The hotline will also operate from 9am to 1pm tomorrow (November 4) and on November 5 to receive enquiries. As of 3pm today, seven calls were received. Three females, aged 25 to 32, said that they have received relevant injection services and developed compatible symptoms.

     The CHP again appeals to persons who presented with symptoms such as skin redness, rash, purulent or induration after receiving injections at the above three premises, should seek medical attention and call the hotline immediately. Officers of the CHP will assess their condition and arrange for follow-up as appropriate.

     Investigations are ongoing.

     The DH reminded members of the public that injection procedures should only be performed by a locally registered doctor. Customers should look for his or her full name against the list of registered doctors of the Medical Council of Hong Kong as well as his or her professional qualifications and relevant experience.