Tag Archives: China


CE leads delegation to begin visit programme in Shanghai (with photos/videos)

     â€‹The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, led a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government delegation to Shanghai today (November 4) and began the visit programme.
     Upon arrival in Shanghai at noon, Mr Lee and the delegation met and exchanged views with Hong Kong people and representatives of Hong Kong enterprises in Shanghai to learn more about their work, study and daily life. Noting that Hong Kong people and enterprises in Shanghai have been making significant contributions to the co-operation and development between the two places, Mr Lee expressed his hope that they will continue to support the HKSAR Government’s efforts in liaison and promotion work in Shanghai and the Eastern China region, and tell the good stories of Hong Kong together.
     In the afternoon, Mr Lee met with the Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, Mr Chen Jining, and the Mayor of Shanghai, Mr Gong Zheng. Mr Lee thanked the Shanghai Municipal Government for attaching great importance to Shanghai-Hong Kong co-operation over the years, and providing thoughtful assistance to Hong Kong’s active participation in the China International Import Expo (CIIE).
     Mr Lee said that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference, noting that the two places have held five plenary sessions since 2003 and have established strong and long-term relationship in such fields as economy and trade, education, technology, culture, and youth exchanges. He added that he looks forward to pursuing broader, deeper, and higher-level collaboration between the two places.
     After the meeting, Mr Lee and Mr Gong jointly witnessed the signing of five co-operation agreements or memoranda of understanding between relevant department/organisations of the two places in areas including co-operation on vocational and higher education, scientific research and people training, co-operation on research and innovation, industry collaboration, and co-operation on international arbitration.
     Mr Lee and the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, then visited Shanghai United Family Hospital (ChangNing) to receive a briefing on the latest development of local healthcare services and understand the development of Hong Kong-funded private medical services in Shanghai.
     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, visited the SAIC Group to learn more about the group’s business, particularly its innovative developments in new energy vehicles and technologies in electric intelligent connected vehicles, as well as its business expansion plans.
     In the evening, Mr Lee attended a welcome dinner of the CIIE, where he interacted with various participants from all over the world.
     Mr Lee tomorrow (November 5) will attend the opening ceremony of the CIIE and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum, and will respectively deliver a speech at the seminar on Channelling Global Business through Hong Kong under the Hongqiao International Economic Forum and the Invest in China Year Summit. Meanwhile, Mr Chan will speak at the parallel session of “Revitalizing Real Economy with Financial Resources”.

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CSD holds 68th Autumn Fair today (with photos)

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) Sports Association held the CSD’s 68th Autumn Fair at the football field adjacent to Stanley Prison today (November 4), which attracted more than 9 000 visitors.
     The theme of this year’s Fair was “Promoting Chinese Culture”, under which the venue decoration, booth design and some of the handicrafts made by persons in custody incorporated elements of Chinese culture. Renowned Cantonese opera virtuoso Joyce Koi was invited to officiate at the opening ceremony of the event.
     An experience zone to promote Chinese culture was set up in the venue, where participants took part in traditional Chinese sports games such as pitch-pot, mushe and diabolo, as well as experienced traditional Chinese handicrafts such as movable type printing, paper cutting, and face painting. Moreover, there was a photo zone in the venue for visitors to try on a traditional Chinese costume and take photos.
     There were booths selling items made by persons in custody including furniture, wooden decorations, stationery, rattan products, potted plants and handicrafts. A variety of attractive performances were featured today, including Chinese-style foot drill demonstrations, dragon and lion dance performances, a tai chi demonstration and performances by the CSD Dog Unit. The Civil Aid Service also staged a motorcycle riding performance.
     After deducting costs, the funds raised from sales and donations through various channels at the Fair will go to voluntary agencies. The Fair also provided opportunities for persons in custody to contribute to the community.

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CS officiates at Graduation Ceremony of Strive and Rise Programme and affirms success of close collaboration between Government, business sector and community in grooming youth (with photos/video)

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, today (November 4) officiated at the Graduation Ceremony of the Strive and Rise Programme. He encouraged all graduates from the first round of the Programme to continue to strive for success and pursue their dreams, and expressed his gratitude to all partners and mentors.

     Addressing the ceremony, Mr Chan reviewed the Programme from its planning, development to implementation. He said that the success of the first round of the Programme is attributed to the support and contributions from various sectors in the community. They include the enterprises and organisations that provided sponsorship and diverse group activities, mentors who supported and took care of their mentees, and star mentors who provided guidance for mentees.

     Mr Chan was delighted to learn that the mentees have shown remarkable improvements since their participation in the Programme. They have not only become more proactive and outgoing, but also excelled in different kinds of activities. He encouraged mentees to make good use of the knowledge and skills acquired from the Programme and actively participate in the activities of the Strive and Rise Alumni Club established for them to strive for success and achieve self-enhancement. He also encouraged them to support other mentees of the Programme in future and pass on the spirit of the Programme.

     At the ceremony, Mr Chan, accompanied by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun; the Acting Secretary for Education, Mr Sze Chun-fai; the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms Alice Lau; the Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs, Mr Clarence Leung; the Director of Social Welfare, Miss Charmaine Lee; and the Director of Home Affairs, Mrs Alice Cheung, witnessed the graduation of mentees and inauguration of the Strive and Rise Alumni Club.

     A number of strategic partners, star mentors and supporting organisations were awarded for their staunch support to the Programme. About 120 mentors were commended for their active participation as well as care and encouragement for their mentees. Some 120 mentees were presented with various awards in recognition of their active participation, remarkable achievements, and spirit of pursuing continuous improvement.

     Performances such as violin, dancing, sandpainting and band shows were staged by mentees at the ceremony to showcase their achievements. Some mentees also expressed their gratitude to their mentors through a short video and presentation of souvenirs.

     As announced in “The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address”, the second round of the Strive and Rise Programme will include such new elements as: increasing the number of mentees from 2 800 to 4 000 with Secondary One to Four students covered; enriching the variety of group activities with more Mainland study and exchange tours; introducing mentorship groups; and establishing an Alumni Club for mentees who have completed the Programme to provide them with diversified social activities and internship opportunities.

     Recruitment of the second cohort of the Programme is under way. The application deadline is November 16. For details, please visit the thematic website: www.striveandrise.gov.hk.

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Hong Kong Legal Week 2023 to be launched on Monday

     Hong Kong Legal Week 2023, an annual flagship event of the legal sector and the Department of Justice (DoJ), themed “Onward & Forward: Connecting the World”, will be held starting from Monday (November 6). The five-day event will bring together prominent legal and dispute resolution experts and academics from around the world, including the Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and UNCITRAL’s senior staff members. Through a series of summits, panel discussions, mock court, exhibitions and more, this year’s Hong Kong Legal Week will explore important topics including international legal co-operation, mediation, arbitration, and opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Belt and Road Initiative.

     It will be the first time a special session is hosted for the Secretary for Justice to answer questions and clarify misunderstandings about the Hong Kong National Security Law. In addition, the Hong Kong Legal Week this year will continue to conduct interactive sessions for young people, such as the “Understanding the three jurisdictions – Embracing opportunities and realising dreams in the GBA” session where young legal representatives from the three places are invited to discuss the opportunities offered in the GBA.  During the “Youth Empowerment through Rule of Law Education” session, students will also have a chance to chat with a Legislative Council member, a school principal and a teacher on the rule of law topics.

     This year, exhibition booths dedicated to promoting legal services in Hong Kong, Macao and the nine Mainland cities in the GBA will also be set up for the first time during the Hong Kong Legal Week outside the main event venue. Representatives from the cities will introduce the new developments and opportunities of the legal services in the GBA and answer participants’ enquiries.

     Fully supported by international legal organisations, the two legal professional bodies in Hong Kong and other law-related and relevant organisations, Hong Kong Legal Week 2023 will feature a series of international and important events in a hybrid mode as below:

November 6
* 5th UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Judicial Summit – Judicial Conference

November 7
* 5th UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Judicial Summit – Judicial Roundtable (by invitation only)
* Legal Forum on Interconnectivity and Development

November 8
* New Domains in Mediation and Arbitration
AM Session: 6th Shanghai-Hong Kong Commercial Mediation Forum
PM Session: Fireside Chat: The Future of Arbitration – Arbitration Issues Around the Globe
                  Experience Sharing of the Practice of Arbitration Funding in Major Arbitral Jurisdictions
* Hong Kong Mediation Lecture 2023

November 9
* Gateway to the Opportunities in the GBA
AM Session: Advancing the legal practice in the GBA
                  Mock Court: Exchanges on legal practices (Civil case)
PM Session: GBA Young Lawyers Forum
November 10
* Rule of Law for the Future
AM Session: Rule of Law: A Core Pillar of Support for the “8 Centres” under the National 14th Five-Year Plan
PM Session: Youth Empowerment through Rule of Law Education
                  National Security Chatroom: You ask, I answer.
     For more details of Hong Kong Legal Week 2023, please visit the dedicated website at www.legalweek.hk. Live broadcast will be available on the dedicated website and at webcast.info.gov.hk. read more