Tag Archives: China


Hospital Authority provided supplementary information on Kwong Wah Hospital cable trunking coating incident (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesman for the Hospital Authority (HA) gave the following update regarding the thickness of the cable trunking coating in Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) today (November 5):
     The independent expert appointed by the HA, after a site visit to the cable trunkings and inspection of contractor’s measurement methodology at KWH new building, has pointed out that the coating thickness measured by elcometer can only be taken as reference due to its non-determinacy. The independent expert has also instructed HA’s facility personnel to collect cable trunking samples at KWH, which have already been sent to an accredited laboratory as arranged by the expert for thorough testing, including measuring the weight and thickness of the cable trunking coating material with specialised laboratory equipment. The expert will later analyse the testing results and submit a detailed report to the HA to verify whether the materials meet the standards. 
     Mr Andrew Wong, Chief Manager (Capital Planning) of the HA, said the previous testing reports submitted by the contractor claimed that the coating thickness of the cable trunking was in compliance with the standards. The HA then responded to the media based on the information provided by the contractor. Meanwhile, the HA also adopted a very prudent attitude and appointed an independent expert to conduct testing and review the test results submitted by the contractor.

     After receiving the report from the independent expert, the HA will take appropriate actions to follow up stringently if any non-compliance of standard is found. Mr Wong said, “The HA will review the responsibilities of the contractors and persons concerned involving in the incident and seriously pursue their responsibilities. If any criminals elements are found in this process, the HA will report to law enforcement authorities for further investigation.”
     Mr Wong added that the thickness of the cable trunking coating does not pose additional risks to the safety of patients and staff nor impact the building’s structure, fire safety and hospital operations. The coating is used to cover the metal shell of the cable trunking so as to prevent rusting and to enhance the trunking’s durability without electrical conduction and communication purposes. Insufficient thickness will hence only limit the durability of trunking and shorten its life-span. The cable trunking may therefore need to be replaced early. The cable trunking is mainly installed in sealed maintenance ducts or above ceilings. They serve as conduits for storing cables, which are normally non-accessible to patients or the public.
     On-site professionals verified the material quality certificates provided by the contractor before installing the cable trunking in accordance with the contract. The HA has written to the contractor again last week to request a formal report and documents and sought their explanation on the standards of the relevant materials. 
     Mr Wong said that the HA attaches great importance to the quality of hospital works. If any standard non-compliance is found in the materials, the HA will strictly pursue relevant liabilities and follow up on the necessary remedial measures with the contractor. As KWH new building has already been in full operation, while the cable trunkings were installed in different locations of the new building, reinstalling all cable trunking might affect the operation of parts of the new building. If the relevant materials are found to fail to meet the standards, the HA will pursue the project consultant and contractor to make an assessment and, without affecting the operation of the hospital, reinstall the substandard cable trunking in a prioritised manner. For those materials which cannot be replaced immediately, the HA will request contractor to take all other practicable remedial including strengthening inspection and maintenance of the cable trunking. The HA will also claim the contractor any additional expenses incurred by the HA in accordance with the contract terms due to the substandard of the materials. 
     Mr Wong reiterated that although the thickness of the cable trunking coating does not pose additional risks to the hospital, the HA still takes the incident very seriously and will investigate thoroughly and pursue stringent actions if any violations are found.

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Commissioner of Police says Police resolutely safeguard national security

     In response to media enquiries about some United States (US) lawmakers using an excuse to introduce a bill of so-called “sanctions” against officials of the HKSAR responsible for safeguarding national security, the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) today (November 5) issued the following statement:
     The Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, strongly condemned the despicable and shameless tactics by certain US politicians, adding that their hegemonism is doomed to fail and will only make the HKPF even more determined and fearless in defending the spirit of the rule of law in Hong Kong and safeguarding national security.
     He pointed out that every country attaches importance to national security, as it is the cornerstone of national stability and the bedrock of people’s well-being. Having double standards, certain US politicians have been wantonly smearing officials of the HKSAR and continuously intimidating and exerting pressure on with malicious intent.
     He said that the HKSAR is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China and has the constitutional responsibility to safeguard national security. The HKPF has all along been resolutely and fearlessly fulfilling the responsibility of safeguarding national security.
     Mr Siu stressed that the HKPF, while discharging duties under the Hong Kong National Security Law, always takes law enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law, against any people, institutions or organisations that endanger national security.
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Committee for Safeguarding National Security of HKSAR strongly condemns US Congress lawmakers for grossly interfering in HKSAR matters

The following is issued on behalf of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:

     The Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Committee) strongly condemned individual United States (US) lawmakers for grossly interfering in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) matters by requesting a bill of sanctions in an attempt to intimidate the HKSAR officials, prosecutors and judges.

     A spokesman for the Committee said, “Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) more than three years ago, Hong Kong community has gradually recovered from the chaos arising from the advocate for “independence of Hong Kong”, secession, and terrorist violence that emerged during the Hong Kong version of the “colour revolution” back in 2019 that seriously jeopardised our nation’s sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity. Citizens have returned to normal life and the vibrant business environment has been restored. The cooperation with the Mainland in financial, trade, economic, innovation and technology, cultural and other fields has further been deepened. This is the reality that US politicians with ill intentions are unwilling to see.”

     The spokesman said, “the HKSAR is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China. The HKSAR Government has the constitutional duty to safeguard sovereignty, security and development interests of our nation. The Committee fully, faithfully and resolutely upholds the principle of ‘one country, two systems’. It expresses strong indignation at and vehemently condemns foreign politicians who spread various false narratives in their rowdy attempt to interfere in the duties of the HKSAR officials, the prosecution functions of the Department of Justice, and the judicial powers exercised independently by the courts.”

     The spokesman stressed, “We firmly oppose any foreign countries or external forces interfering in the affairs of the HKSAR in any manner. Any attempt to interfere is unpopular and doomed to fail.”

     The spokesman said, “The Committee will steadily establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism for the HKSAR to safeguard national security, fully and faithfully implement the NSL, and effectively prevent, suppress and punish in accordance with the law acts and activities that endanger national security. At the same time, it shall safeguard the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong people in accordance with the law. Its overarching goal is to ensure the steadfast and successful implementation of ‘one country, two systems’.” read more

Hong Kong proactively participates in sixth China International Import Expo (with photos/video)

     A record high of more than 300 Hong Kong enterprises are participating in the sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) being held from today (November 5) to November 10 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai. The Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, led a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government delegation to attend the opening ceremony and relevant events today.
     Mr Lee, together with the Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, and the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Algernon Yau, attended the opening ceremony of the CIIE and the Hongqiao International Economic Forum (Hongqiao Forum) this morning.
     Later, Mr Lee accompanied Premier Li Qiang in touring the Hong Kong Exhibition Area at the China Pavilion. Under the theme “Hong Kong – New Contributions in the New Era”, the Hong Kong Exhibition Area showcased how the HKSAR has been giving full play to the advantage of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world under “one country, two systems” in the 26 years since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, the achievements as well as a series of development blueprints.
     In the afternoon, Mr Lee attended the Hongqiao Forum and delivered a speech at the parallel session on “Channelling Global Business through Hong Kong” jointly organised by the HKSAR Government, the Ministry of Commerce and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). This year the Hongqiao Forum, which is themed “Joining Hands in Development, Opening Up for the Future”, features Hong Kong as the theme of a parallel session for the first time.
     Mr Lee said, “The national development offers the best opportunities for Hong Kong. With our country’s staunch support, Hong Kong will enjoy greater room for development. We will continue to give full play to our unique role as a connecting platform in ‘going global and attracting foreign investment’ for the country.
     “Hong Kong is not only a ‘super-connector’ but also a ‘super value-adder’. In addition to fostering collaboration, we also offer diversified professional services, comprehensive networks and solutions. We welcome international and Mainland enterprises to build their business here and leverage Hong Kong’s advantages to achieve ‘win-win co-operation’.”
     A number of leaders of Hong Kong’s commercial and industrial sectors were invited to the Forum to share their insights on Hong Kong’s unique position and advantages in different areas. They included the Group Chairman of the Fung Group, Dr Victor Fung; the Chairman of Esquel Group, Ms Marjorie Yang; the Chairman of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Dr Peter Wong; the Chief Executive Officer of Airport Authority Hong Kong, Mr Fred Lam; the Vice Chairman of the Board of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and the Chairman of M Plus Museum Limited, Mr Bernard Chan; and the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of SenseTime, Dr Xu Li.
     In addition, Mr Chan delivered a speech at the parallel session on “Revitalizing Real Economy with Financial Resources” to elaborate how Hong Kong would make use of its unique status and advantages under the “one country, two systems” principle, in promoting financial services to better serve the needs of the real economy, thereby contributing to the country’s high-quality development and global green transformation.
     Mr Chan said, “Hong Kong is a prime window connecting the capital markets and investors of the Mainland and the world, a premier service platform for our country’s high-level two-way opening up, and the most preferred gateway for Mainland capital and enterprises to go global, and international investors and businesses to enter the Mainland market. Looking ahead, we will continue to expand and deepen the mutual access between the financial markets of the Mainland and Hong Kong, and assist in promoting Renminbi internationalisation in a prudent and orderly manner.”
     On the invitation of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr Lee also attended the “Invest in China Year” Summit held during the CIIE to share with participating Mainland and overseas enterprises on how Hong Kong capitalises on the distinctive advantages to attract foreign enterprises and assist Mainland enterprises in going global.
     Mr Lee was then accompanied by Mr Yau and the Chairman of the HKTDC, Dr Peter Lam, to visit and show support to Hong Kong enterprises at the Hong Kong Product Pavilion and Hong Kong Service Pavilion set up by the HKTDC at the Enterprise and Business Exhibition. A total of 60 Hong Kong enterprises showcase quality Hong Kong products and services covering food, innovation and technology, professional services, logistics, information technologies, finance, architecture, design, as well as branding and market promotion at the pavilions, an increase of 28 per cent compared with last year. The exhibition area of Invest Hong Kong at the Hong Kong Service Pavilion highlights Hong Kong’s advantages, while that of the Hong Kong Tourism Board promotes Hong Kong’s latest tourism appeal.
     Mr Lee will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (November 6).

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