Tag Archives: China


Hong Kong’s latest foreign currency reserve assets figures released

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) announced today (November 7) that the official foreign currency reserve assets of Hong Kong amounted to US$416.0 billion as at the end of October 2023 (end-September 2023: US$415.7 billion) (Annex).

     There were no unsettled foreign exchange contracts at end-October and end-September 2023.

     The total foreign currency reserve assets of US$416.0 billion represent over five times the currency in circulation or about 40 per cent of Hong Kong dollar M3.

     At present, four press releases relating to the Exchange Fund’s data are issued by the HKMA each month. Three of these releases are issued to disseminate monetary data in accordance with International Monetary Fund’s Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS). The fourth press release, on the Exchange Fund’s Abridged Balance Sheet and Currency Board Account, is made in accordance with the HKMA’s policy of maintaining a high level of transparency. For the month of November 2023, the scheduled dates for issuing the press releases are as follows:

November 7 SDDS International Reserves
(Hong Kong’s Latest Foreign Currency Reserve Assets Figures) 
November 14 SDDS Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank
(Analytical Accounts of the Exchange Fund) 
November 30  SDDS Template on International Reserves and
Foreign Currency Liquidity 
November 30 Exchange Fund Abridged Balance Sheet and
Currency Board Account 
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InvestHK encourages Jiangsu companies to tap new business opportunities in Hong Kong to go global (with photos)

     ​Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) and Jiangsu Provincial Government co-hosted a seminar in Nantong, Jiangsu Province today (November 7), encouraging Jiangsu enterprises to make use of Hong Kong’s business advantages and opportunities amid the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) development to accelerate their overseas expansion.
     Entitled “Seminar on Hong Kong – Jiangsu Co-operation: Leveraging Hong Kong for Overseas Business Opportunities”, the event was organised by InvestHK, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai (SHETO) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), the Commercial Office of the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government (LOCPG) in the HKSAR, the Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province, and the People’s Government of Nantong Municipality.
     The seminar began with welcoming remarks by the Acting Director-General of Investment Promotion, Dr Jimmy Chiang; the Acting Head of the Commercial Office of the Economic Affairs Department of the LOCPG in the HKSAR, Ms Chen Jiarong; and Vice Mayor of the People’s Government of Nantong Municipality Ms Li Ling.
     Dr Chiang said, “Under ‘one country, two systems’, Hong Kong continues to integrate into the overall development of the country, by reinforcing its traditional status as an international financial, transportation and trade centre, as well as a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. The city is also moving full steam to develop its new positioning in the emerging centres, namely international aviation hub, international innovation and technology (I&T) hub, regional intellectual property trading centre, and East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange. Jiangsu enterprises can make good use of Hong Kong’s professional services, as well as its advantages in I&T, intellectual property, aviation and culture and art fields, to promote innovative development of foreign trade, as well as enhancing and expanding in international markets.” He expressed his hope that the seminar can help Mainland enterprises understand Hong Kong’s unique advantages and opportunities as well as the city’s role as a bridge between the Mainland and the world, assisting Jiangsu enterprises to go global and attracting foreign investment to Jiangsu.
     Ms Chen said, “Hong Kong has been the largest source of foreign direct investment in Nantong and its largest investment destination. Some Nantong enterprises have already expanded into the global market successfully via Hong Kong. Taking the opportunity from the HKSAR Government’s newly released policy address, we believe that the co-operation between the Mainland and Hong Kong will be much wider, especially in the areas of innovative technology, financial and professional services, and overseas market expansion. Jiangsu and Hong Kong can further deepen their co-operation, promoting complementarity and mutual benefits to achieve the overall development of the two places. As the representative of the Ministry of Commerce in Hong Kong responsible for the economic and trade co-operation between the two places, the Commercial Office of the Economic Affairs Department of the LOCPG in the HKSAR is willing to provide support and services for all Jiangsu enterprises, including Nantong enterprises, as well as all the Mainland enterprises, to invest in Hong Kong and expand to overseas markets via the city.”
     Representing the People’s Government of Nantong Municipality, Ms Li told the audience that Nantong will continue to deepen the economic and trade co-operation with Hong Kong and encourage local enterprises to use Hong Kong as a platform to go global.
     The Head of Business and Talent Attraction/Investment Promotion of InvestHK in Shanghai, Mr Arthur Lam, introduced Hong Kong’s business environment at his presentation and the diverse services InvestHK offers to Mainland clients. The Chief Immigration Officer of the SHETO, Mr Ma Man-tak, also provided a briefing on Hong Kong’s latest immigration schemes and services for Mainland residents.
     The Head of Mainland and GBA Business Development of InvestHK, Ms Loretta Lee, hosted a panel discussion on Jiangsu-Hong Kong economic and trade collaboration at the seminar with speakers including Senior Manager of Business Development of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) Mr Matt Hu; Deputy Director of Smart City, Integrated Circuits and Systems of Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Mr Henry Cao; Partner of Huagai TMT Investment Management (Beijing) Co Ltd Mr Kevin Chow; and Assistant Vice President of Global Issuer Services, Sales & Marketing and Equities of  the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Mr Terry Sun. They discussed how the HKSTP can assist mainland companies to start their I&T journey in Hong Kong, how to make use of Hong Kong as a bridge to align with international practices in science and technology research, how to attract private equity funds, as well as the advantages of listing in Hong Kong for Mainland companies. Two representatives from Jiangsu enterprises, namely the CEO of XCMG Treasury Management (Hong Kong) Ltd, Mr Gu Shiying, and the Chairman of Jiangsu Hefu Food and Beverage Management Co Ltd, Mr Li Xuelin, shared experience in expanding their business in Hong Kong at the seminar.
     For photos of the seminar, please visit: www.flickr.com/photos/investhk/albums/72177720312478098.

Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  
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Exchange Fund Bills tender results

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     Exchange Fund Bills tender results:

Tender date : November 7, 2023
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : M2320
Issue date : November 8, 2023
Maturity date : December 6, 2023
Amount applied : HK$7,260 MN
Amount allotted : HK$2,000 MN
Average yield accepted : 4.54 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 4.70 PCT
Pro rata ratio* : About 56 PCT
Average tender yield : 4.75 PCT
Tender date : November 7, 2023
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2345
Issue date : November 8, 2023
Maturity date : February 7, 2024
Amount applied : HK$157,169 MN
Amount allotted : HK$57,270 MN
Average yield accepted : 4.88 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 4.93 PCT
Pro rata ratio* : About 48 PCT
Average tender yield : 5.04 PCT
Tender date : November 7, 2023
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2374
Issue date : November 8, 2023
Maturity date : May 8, 2024
Amount applied : HK$51,400 MN
Amount allotted : HK$17,000 MN
Average yield accepted : 4.68 PCT
Highest yield accepted : 4.72 PCT
Pro rata ratio* : About 38 PCT
Average tender yield : 4.81 PCT
*”Pro rata ratio” refers to the average percentage of allotment with respect to each tender participant’s tendered amount at the “highest yield accepted” level. 
     Hong Kong Monetary Authority tenders to be held in the week beginning November 13, 2023:
Tender date : November 14, 2023
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : M2321
Issue date : November 15, 2023
Maturity date : December 13, 2023
Tenor : 28 Days
Amount on offer : HK$2,000 MN
Tender date : November 14, 2023
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : Q2346
Issue date : November 15, 2023
Maturity date : February 14, 2024
Tenor : 91 Days
Amount on offer : HK$60,740 MN
Tender date : November 14, 2023
Paper on offer : EF Bills
Issue number : H2375
Issue date : November 15, 2023
Maturity date : May 16, 2024
Tenor : 183 Days
Amount on offer : HK$19,000 MN
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Senior appointments (with photos)

     The Government announced today (November 7) the following senior appointments:
(a) Ms Alpha Lau Hai-suen will take up the appointment as the Director-General of Investment Promotion tomorrow (November 8), following an open-cum-in-service recruitment exercise; and

(b) Mrs Millie Ng Kiang Mei-nei, Deputy Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment), will take up the post of Director of Administration on December 4, 2023. She will succeed Mr Brian Lo Sai-hung, who has proceeded on pre-retirement leave.
     Concerning Ms Lau’s appointment, the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, said, “Ms Lau possesses outstanding management abilities and extensive leadership experience in corporate and institutional banking, as well as fintech, in Hong Kong and the Mainland. I have confidence that she will take a proactive role in attracting and retaining inward investment by promoting Hong Kong’s unique advantages and premier business environment of enjoying strong support from the motherland and being closely connected to the world under ‘one country, two systems’, where potential investors will be able to leverage setting up and expanding in Hong Kong. I also trust that Invest Hong Kong colleagues will continue to give their best under Ms Lau’s leadership to meet the challenges ahead.”
     Commenting on the appointment of Mrs Ng, Mrs Yeung said, “Mrs Ng is a seasoned Administrative Officer with proven leadership and management skills. I have every confidence that she will continue to serve the community with professionalism in her new capacity.”
     On the retirement of Mr Lo, who has proceeded with pre-retirement leave, Mrs Yeung said, “Mr Lo has rendered 34 years of loyal and dedicated service. During his tenure as the Director of Administration, Mr Lo rendered staunch support to the Chief Secretary for Administration. He played an instrumental role in co-ordinating the Government’s business with the Legislative Council. He also made earnest efforts in fostering closer communication between the Protocol Division and the Consular Corps, as well as enhancing the efficiency in preserving and managing government records. I wish him a fulfilling and happy retirement.”
     Brief biographical notes of the three officers are set out below:
Ms Alpha Lau Hai-suen

     Ms Lau has served in senior positions in a number of banking and financial institutions, covering areas such as corporate and institutional banking, fintech, credit risk management, business development, as well as merger and acquisition project management. She has been a Managing Partner in Lobb Consulting Limited since July 2021. She has rich experience in bringing direct investment into Hong Kong and dealing with the relevant authorities and multinational enterprises for business expansion in Asia Pacific.
Mr Brian Lo Sai-hung

     Mr Lo joined the Administrative Service in August 1989 and rose to the rank of Administrative Officer Staff Grade A in April 2021. He has served in various bureaux and departments, including the former City and New Territories Administration, the former Trade and Industry Branch, the former University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (later renamed as the University Grants Committee), the former Trade Department, the former Transport Bureau, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the former Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau (later reorganised as the Development Bureau), the Civil Service Bureau, the Trade and Industry Department and the Education Bureau. He served as Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service from July 2018 to August 2020, Director-General of Trade and Industry from August 2020 to May 2022, and the Director of Administration from May 2022 to October 2023.

Mrs Millie Ng Kiang Mei-nei

     Mrs Ng joined the Administrative Service in August 1995 and rose to the rank of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1 in April 2022. She has served in various bureaux and departments, including the former Trade and Industry Branch, the Home Affairs Department, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Washington DC, the former Financial Services Bureau (later renamed as Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau), the former Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, the former Transport and Housing Bureau and the Security Bureau. She served as Deputy Secretary in the former Innovation and Technology Bureau from November 2015 to May 2020, Deputy Director of Environmental Protection from May 2020 to May 2021, and has been serving as Deputy Secretary for the Environment (later renamed as Deputy Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment)) since May 2021.

Photo  Photo  Photo  
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