Red flags hoisted at some beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (November 9) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island; and Silverstrand Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Red flags hoisted at some beaches

Attention TV/radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

     Here is an item of interest to swimmers.

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department announced today (November 9) that due to big waves, red flags have been hoisted at Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District, Hong Kong Island; and Silverstrand Beach and Clear Water Bay Second Beach in Sai Kung District. Beachgoers are advised not to swim at these beaches.

Secretary for Health delighted by acceptance of Hong Kong, China as observer of International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use

     The Department of Health (DH) announced today (November 9) that the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) has formally accepted Hong Kong, China as its observer at the assembly meeting held in the Czech Republic on October 31, which is an important step for Hong Kong in moving towards the establishment of a registration mechanism of drugs and medical devices based on "primary evaluation" in the long run.

     The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, was delighted by the good news and said that "Our objective is to take progressive steps to bloom from the current 'secondary evaluation' approach towards the establishment of a 'primary evaluation' approval mechanism recognised internationally and by the Mainland. In that event, approval of drugs, medical devices and technologies in Hong Kong will no longer rely on the approval from other reference drug regulatory authorities but directly base on supporting clinical data and expert advices. This would enable patients to get early access to new drugs, and at the same time attract more local, Mainland and overseas pharmaceutical and medical device enterprises to conduct research and development (R&D) and clinical trials in Hong Kong, thereby gradually building up the capacity, recognition and status of the approval mechanism of drugs and medical devices of Hong Kong to ensure that the eventual mechanism would be widely recognised by the Mainland and internationally.

     "To this end, a series of key initiatives was announced in 'The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address'. Following the implementation of the '1+' mechanism for registration of new drugs on November 1, another initiative is the accession of Hong Kong, China to the ICH as an observer so that we can get familiarised with the latest development of drug regulation and take forward the development of the drug regulatory system in Hong Kong. This would also enable us becoming more on par with the World Health Organization-Listed Authority, paving the way for developing Hong Kong into an internationally recognised regulatory authority for drugs and medical devices in the long run."
     He added, "I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the National Health Commission and the National Medical Products Administration for fully supporting Hong Kong, China in the application for accession to the ICH as an observer, as well as their unfailing support, guidance and assistance in the work of drug approval in Hong Kong. I would also like to thank my colleagues in the DH for their extensive work in making this happened, including sending delegates to the Czech Republic to introduce our work and stringent standards in drug approval and regulation at the ICH Assembly."

     The ICH is an internationally recognised association. At present, there are 15 regulatory members comprising drug regulatory authorities from Mainland China, Europe, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States, where "primary evaluation" approach is adopted. The mission of the ICH is to harmonise the technical requirements for drug registration among its members and to promulgate various guidelines on safety, efficacy and quality that are being recognised as the highest global standards. In compliance with the relevant guidelines, drug regulatory authorities in various parts of the world can mutually accept or recognise the clinical trial data generated in accordance with the ICH guidelines for drug registration. The accession to ICH as an observer will lay the foundation for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in advancing the implementation of the ICH guidelines in Hong Kong, with a view to strengthening the local capacity of drug approval, and facilitating relevant software, hardware and manpower development, with becoming an ICH regulatory member as the ultimate goal.

     The DH and the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong (a statutory body set up under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, Cap. 138 of Hong Kong Legislation) are currently responsible for the approval of registration of pharmaceutical products in Hong Kong. The Policy Address has announced the setting up of a preparatory office next year to study the potential restructuring and strengthening of the regulatory and approval regimes for medicine, medical devices and medical technology. The preparatory office will also put forward proposals and steps for the establishment of the Hong Kong Centre for Medical Products Regulation (CMPR) which will be a step towards the transition to the "primary evaluation" approach in approval of drugs, medical devices and technologies, and explore the upgrading of the CMPR as a standalone statutory body in the long run. This will help expedite the launching of new drugs and medical devices to the market, and foster the development of R&D and testing of medical products and related industries.

Government steps up publicity and education work on bedbug (with photos)

     â€‹With regard to the recent bedbug issue in some overseas places, in order to reduce the chance of transmission of bedbugs from overseas to the local community, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) together with relevant government departments and organisations stepped up publicity and education work at different levels today (November 8) to enhance the awareness of travellers, the tourism industry and general public on bedbug prevention and control, and will closely monitor the situation and latest development.

     The FEHD stepped up publicity and education work at the Hong Kong International Airport from today by distributing promotional leaflets to travelling citizens and incoming visitors. The FEHD, together with the Port Health Division of the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH), also reminded airlines and the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AA) to pay attention to the environmental hygiene of aircrafts as well as the Airport. Relevant government departments will conduct a site visit later at the Airport in conjunction with the AA to provide technical advice on bedbug prevention and control. Furthermore, the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, Ms Irene Young, today met with representatives from the hotel industry, providing them with suggestions on bedbug prevention and control and exchanging with them views on the measures and related matters.

     A Government spokesman said, ”Although information shows that bedbugs will not spread diseases, bedbug bites may cause skin allergy and itchiness and make people feel unwell. The Government therefore takes swift actions to minimise the chance of transmission of bedbugs from overseas to the local community. The Government's work requires the co-operation of the public and relevant trade sectors. We will therefore step up publicity and education work, maintain close communication with relevant sectors and provide different parties with information in order to prevent and control the spread of bedbugs together."

     The spokesman said that bedbugs typically hide near where human sleep, such as under mattresses, carpets and baseboards, inside bedsteads, behind wallpapers and walls, and inside the cracks of furniture. For effective prevention and control of bedbug, members of the public are advised to maintain a clean domestic environment, such as cleaning and vacuuming the premises regularly, washing bedding and clothing thoroughly with hot water, avoiding the use of second-hand furniture, replacing worn-out wallpapers soonest possible, and sealing cracks/crevices on walls and the floor promptly.

     The spokesman reminded members of the public to stay vigilant and check if there are bedbugs in hotel rooms or public places while travelling abroad. To prevent bringing bedbugs back home, upon returning to Hong Kong, members of the public are advised to check their personal luggage for bedbugs and wash clothes in hot water (60 degree Celsius) when necessary.

     Information on bedbug has been uploaded onto websites of the FEHD and the CHP of the DH (, and to help the general public better understand how to prevent and control bedbugs. Where necessary, members of the public may consider engaging a reputable pest control company to tackle bedbugs in private premises.

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SDEV begins visit to Beijing (with photos)

     The Secretary for Development, Ms Bernadette Linn, started her visit programme to Beijing today (November 8), visiting the Zhongguancun Science City and calling on the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.
     During her visit to the Zhongguancun Science City, Ms Linn was briefed by representatives from the relevant authorities on the development plan of the Zhongguancun Science Park, as well as the progress of building up high-tech industries and their mode of development. They also exchanged views. Ms Linn said that while the Government is forging ahead with the development of the Northern Metropolis including the San Tin Technopole, the experience of developing large-scale projects on the Mainland is a valuable source of inspiration and reference for Hong Kong.
     Ms Linn then called on the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and briefed its Minister, Mr Ni Hong, on the  development of land and construction industry in Hong Kong. They exchanged views on various areas of co-operation for building works, such as promoting the use of Modular Integrated Construction method and innovative technologies, setting up the Building Testing and Research Institute, advocating the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area standards, fostering exchange of young professionals, and collaboration in training for construction workers.
     Ms Linn thanked the Ministry for being very supportive of the work of the Development Bureau. Both parties will continue to maintain close liaison and work together for better development of the construction industries of both sides.
     The Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr Ricky Lau, and the Director of the Northern Metropolis Co-ordination Office, Mr Vic Yau, also joined the visit.
     Ms Linn will continue her visit to Beijing tomorrow (November 9).

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