Tag Archives: China


SITI attends World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit (with photos)

     The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, began his visit in Zhejiang today (November 8).

     In the morning, Professor Sun attended the opening ceremony and plenary session of the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Conference, with President Xi Jinping delivering a video speech at the opening ceremony. The Summit, with the theme “Creating an Inclusive and Resilient Digital World Beneficial to All — Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace”, is hosted by the World Internet Conference and undertaken by the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province.

     In the afternoon, Professor Sun travelled to Hangzhou, where he conducted a study on the Hangzhou Headquarters of H3C, a subsidiary of Unisplendour Corporation Limited, by visiting the headquarters’ future factory and innovation experience centre. He learned more about the enterprise’s development in smart production, generative artificial intelligence (AI), smart solutions and digital infrastructure, as well as the enterprise’s achievement in facilitating digital transformation for different industries.
     He then visited the Alibaba Cloud Valley Park, where he was briefed by the park’s management on the business plan of the park, and the latest developments in cloud computing infrastructure and operating systems, data management and services, as well as AI systems. He also observed demonstrations of the Large-scale AI Model, smart city and smart public service.

     The Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Tony Wong, also joined the visit programme today.

     Professor Sun will attend and deliver an opening speech at the Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum of the Summit tomorrow (November 9). He will return to Hong Kong in the afternoon on the same day.

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Conclusion of “Conversations with Global Investors” seminar of Global Financial Leaders’ Investment Summit (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:
     The “Conversations with Global Investors” seminar brought the Global Financial Leaders’ Investment Summit in Hong Kong to a successful close today (November 8).
     About 300 overseas and local leaders from the financial, business, and public sectors attended the seminar, which was jointly organised by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and the Hong Kong Academy of Finance (AoF).
     Under the Summit’s theme “Living with Complexity”, today’s seminar featured 20 global leading investors, who shared their investment insights and latest approaches to navigate a challenging landscape.
     The Chief Executive of the HKMA and Chairman of the AoF, Mr Eddie Yue, said “This is the second year that Hong Kong has hosted the Investment Summit, and coincides with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the HKMA. I am heartened to see the enthusiastic response to the Summit. The active participation in the Summit, and the very packed schedule of many of our guests while they are here, reflect the vibrancy and significance of Hong Kong as an international financial centre.”
     The Chief Executive Officer of the SFC, Ms Julia Leung, said “The seminar, as well as the Summit as a whole, is a testament to the strong appeal of Hong Kong to global investors as a financial market of choice both regionally and worldwide. I am confident that participants at the event have all walked away with better insights into both global and Asian investment opportunities that will prove valuable to their firms and clients amid prevailing macro risks.”
     Overall, the three-day Summit welcomed over 350 participants, including more than 90 group chairmen or CEOs from the world’s top financial institutions, representing banks, securities firms, asset owners, asset managers, private equity and venture capital firms, hedge funds and insurers.

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Commissioner for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area visits Zhuhai (with photos)

     The Commissioner for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Ms Maisie Chan, visited Zhuhai today (November 8) to meet with leaders of the Zhuhai Municipal Government. She also visited a local innovation and technology (I&T) enterprise and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Logistics Park.
     Ms Chan departed for Zhuhai via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) in the morning. Upon arrival, she called on Deputy Mayor of Zhuhai Mr Li Chong, and met with the representatives of Zhuhai Municipal Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Bureau, Zhuhai Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Office of Zhuhai Leading Group for the Development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Zhuhai Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, to learn about the latest developments in Zhuhai and exchange views on jointly promoting the high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area).
     Ms Chan said that Hong Kong and Zhuhai have close geographical ties and have always been close partners in the areas of trade, investment and air transport. For example, the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has been co-operating with the Zhuhai Municipal Government in the operation and management of Zhuhai Airport since 2006, and signed the Zhuhai Municipal Government and AAHK Co-operation Memorandum of Understanding last November, which has effectively combined the strengths of the two airports in Hong Kong and Zhuhai to create new opportunities for joint development. The implementation of “Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles” on July 1 this year has also enabled Hong Kong and Zhuhai to better embrace opportunities brought by the HZMB and has further enhanced the connectivity between the two places.
     Ms Chan added that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has been actively supporting Hong Kong people and enterprises in pursuing development in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area. For example, in April 2023, the HKSAR Government set up the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Promotion Centre under the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong, which is co-operating strategically with the GoGBA Business Support Centre established by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in Hengqin, Zhuhai, to provide appropriate support for Hong Kong enterprises seeking development in Zhuhai. Blessed with the strong support of the country and the close connection to the world, Hong Kong is the only world-class city that can capitalise on both the China advantage and the international advantage. She welcomed Zhuhai enterprises to leverage Hong Kong’s world-class financial, commercial, management and professional services, as well as the extensive international networks which Hong Kong enjoys, to open up and develop international markets together.
     In the afternoon, Ms Chan visited an enterprise specialising in biomaterials and high-end medical devices in Zhuhai to learn about the latest position on local I&T development. The Greater Bay Area is home to many leading I&T enterprises, while Hong Kong has world-class financial services and scientific research capabilities. Hong Kong and other cities of the Greater Bay Area can leverage their complementary strengths to jointly promote co-ordinated economic development.
     Later on, Ms Chan visited the first phase of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Logistics Park to learn about its latest developments. The Park will enable the cross-boundary logistics industry to make better use of the HZMB and to further explore development opportunities in Zhuhai and other places in the western part of Guangdong. The HKSAR Government welcomes enterprises in the Greater Bay Area to capitalise on Hong Kong’s advantages in intermodal transportation and professional services through making use of Hong Kong as a regional distribution centre, develop e-commerce and high value-added freight and logistics services to achieve mutually beneficial development.

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Contractor fined for violation of safety legislation

     A contractor was fined $150,000 at Kwun Tong Magistrates’ Courts today (November 8) for violation of the Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations and the Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation. The prosecutions were launched by the Labour Department.
     The case involved a fatal accident that occurred on November 18, 2021, at a sewage treatment plant in Siu Ho Wan. During pipe maintenance work of a wet well carried out by a group of five workers, sewage suddenly flowed into the wet well. Three workers working inside the wet well lost consciousness successively. Two other workers who originally stayed outside the wet well also lost consciousness after entering the wet well trying to rescue them. One of the workers died while the other four workers regained consciousness but were injured. read more