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Speech by CE at Hong Kong Forum on US-China Relations 2023 Welcome Dinner (English only) (with photos/video)

     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at Hong Kong Forum on US-China Relations 2023 Welcome Dinner today (November 9):

Deputy Director Liu Guangyuan (Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)), Acting Commissioner Li Yongsheng (Acting Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the HKSAR), Mr John Zhao (Chairman of the China-United States Exchange Foundation), Mr Bi Jingquan (Executive Vice Chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges), ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening to you all! It’s a pleasure to be here tonight, with you, to have this welcome opportunity to address the Hong Kong Forum on US-China Relations. Before I start, I echo something that was said earlier: Hong Kong is a special place under the “one country, two systems” principle, which I will explain later. But there are several DNAs that belong to Hong Kong that will never change. This is the place where you work hard and play hard. This is the place you can enjoy and be yourself.

     I’m delighted to see that a number of you have flown in from the United States, from Europe, Asia and Australia.

     Your presence today, and tomorrow, is compelling testimony to the value of the China-US Exchange Foundation, and this Forum, in bringing together high-level, highly respected, leaders – from government and the diplomatic corps, business, academia and more.

     I take heart in knowing that each and every one of you is working to revitalise the connections that have long blessed Hong Kong-US relations. Working, as well, to refresh, to rekindle, the ties between China and the US.

     I take heart, too, in this comment, from Confucius. “A gentleman,” said the philosopher and teacher, “seeks harmony, not conformity.” In Chinese, 和而ä¸�å�Œ.

     More than an honourable objective, I believe it has become an essential one. In today’s hyper-complex world – a world replete with conflicting governments, economies, peoples and goals – the need to seek common ground, while reserving our differences, has never been more acute.

     And President Xi Jinping, speaking last month in Beijing at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, had this to say: “Viewing others’ development as a threat, or taking economic interdependence as a risk, will not make one’s own life better or speed up one’s development (把別人的發展視為å¨�脅,把經濟相互ä¾�存視為風險,ä¸�會讓自己生活得更好ã€�發展得更快)”.

     The US and Hong Kong have a long history of co-operation. Of finding common ground, and mutual rewards, in trade and investment, education, culture and people-to-people ties.

     Indeed, 2023 marks the 180th anniversary of the United States’ diplomatic presence in Hong Kong. Our ties, ladies and gentlemen, are deep.

     Trade has long galvanised those ties. The US trade surplus with Hong Kong is the second-largest among all its trading partners in the world. Last year, it was valued at over US$ 21 billion. The US is also among Hong Kong’s largest sources of foreign direct investment.

     We share many values, too, from the rule of law to the free flow of capital, goods and talent, freely convertible currencies, and open and free markets.

     These values and advantages that Hong Kong enjoys are, of course, enshrined in the Basic Law.

     What distinguishes Hong Kong is our “one country, two systems” principle. This framework ensures that Hong Kong enjoys the unwavering support of the country. China’s national initiatives create far-reaching opportunities for Hong Kong – and the companies and economies that partner with us.

     It also means that Hong Kong’s common law system – the only such jurisdiction in China – will continue to reassure companies and investors from around the world.

     Come to think of it. Most of the leading international financial centres around the globe practise the common law. In that sense, Hong Kong speaks the same, familiar language that gives easy and comforting confidence to global investors.

     Hong Kong ranks third in Asia in the rule of law, according to the World Bank Group’s Worldwide Governance Indicators.

     In this year’s “Rule of Law Index”, published by the World Justice Project, Hong Kong placed 23rd out of 140 countries and jurisdictions. That means Hong Kong is among the top 20 per cent in regard to the rule of law. Hong Kong also scored higher than some countries in Europe, and the US. I mention this not to be complacent – we always want to be the number one. I say this because when some people criticise us, they should look at their ranking in the Project.

     Some people have asked: What are the standards of rights and freedoms enjoyed in Hong Kong? Good question. The answer is clear and straightforward. They are international standards. They are governed by the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as applied to Hong Kong, and so enshrined in the Basic Law.

     The people of Hong Kong have always enjoyed these rights and freedoms. The Hong Kong SAR Government endeavours to ensure this crucial attribute is firmly upheld.

     Besides the Government, who else is protecting the enforcement of these rights and freedoms in Hong Kong? The answer is also clear and straightforward. The courts of Hong Kong at all levels, and most significantly, the Court of Final Appeal.

     Yes, Hong Kong courts exercise their judicial power independently, free from any interference.

     Our Court of Final Appeal is vested with the power of final adjudication. We have overseas judges sitting on the Court of Final Appeal. Currently, 11 eminent jurists from the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada serve as non-permanent judges of the Court of Final Appeal.

     I take pride in our judiciary and its exercise of judicial power independently. So you can well understand why this speaker, and many individuals in the Hong Kong SAR Government, and indeed many across the community, found it absolutely unacceptable and outrageous for some Members of the US Congress to seek to impose sanctions on Hong Kong judges, prosecutors and other government officials.

     Our judiciary exercises its power independently and in accordance with the law. Any suggestions otherwise are, at best, political grandstanding and, at worst, a base attempt at intimidation, at blackmailing. And without a doubt, a smear campaign, a political campaign to attack China and its Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

     The world knows about Hong Kong’s long tradition in the rule of law. You are the best referee in this regard. You can see it as you walk in Hong Kong, work in Hong Kong or live in Hong Kong. Seeing is believing.

     Ladies and gentlemen, security and stability are central to the success of every country, every economy. Hong Kong included. In 2019, Hong Kong’s stability came under serious threat as a result of riots and violence. Today, our streets are peaceful and the doors of our shopping malls are widely and safely open once again to the people of Hong Kong, to travellers and to businesspeople from all over the world, and for you as well. So tonight after dinner, do take a walk in the shopping mall, spend your money, help the economy, contributing to the wellbeing of Hong Kong as well.

     The International Monetary Fund, earlier this year, reaffirmed Hong Kong’s standing as an international financial centre. And Hong Kong remains among the world’s most competitive economies, this year ranked seventh, globally.

     In my Policy Address, last month, I announced a range of measures to support our economy and to expand our reach, building new markets and expanding longstanding ties – from the 10 member states of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) to the Middle East.

     Thanks to the Basic Law, Hong Kong remains a separate customs territory.

     We have signed free trade agreements (FTA) with 20 economies and investment agreements with 32 economies, and there will be many more to come. We also strive for early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the world’s largest FTA.

     The Basic Law also authorises Hong Kong to continue, since 1997, as a full and separate member of international organisations such as WTO (World Trade Organization) and APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). At last count, Hong Kong, China is a member in over 230 international organisations and conferences not limited to states.

     Over 530 bilateral agreements we have signed with different countries, regions and international organisations are currently in force. As for multilateral agreements, some 260 of them are in force and applicable to the Hong Kong SAR.

     Our wide and international network enables us to keep doing what we are good at: bridging between the Mainland of China and the rest of the world.

     This week, a host of international and high-powered events showcasing the strengths of Hong Kong and fostering collaboration between our country and the world has filled up the calendar of Hong Kong, Asia’s World City.

     An immediate example is this very prestigious forum before us today. The Global Financial Leaders’ Investment Summit and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Asia Pacific Judicial Summit just concluded over the past two days. Both highly successful events, with a great turnout from the authorities and businesses of Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas.

     Hong Kong continues to play an important role in strengthening regional co-operation. That is why Hong Kong will certainly be present at the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco next week. My Financial Secretary Paul Chan will be attending on my behalf, to represent Hong Kong, China and contribute to policy discussions under this year’s theme, “Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All”. I count on Paul to do a very good job on my behalf.

     Ladies and gentlemen, as I said at the very beginning, “A gentleman seeks harmony, not conformity.” Hong Kong, thanks to our deep-rooted Chinese culture, is always a strong advocate for peace and harmony. When it comes to Hong Kong-US relations, if one sets aside all the domestic political interests, it should be pretty clear that there’s much potential for stronger economic and trade ties between Hong Kong and the United States.

     I take encouragement in noting that several US companies were among the 30 strategic companies that have agreed to set up or expand their businesses in Hong Kong through OASES, our Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises.

     Working together, we have much to gain. In business and investment, and equally so in the arts, culture and entertainment.

     Those of you who managed to get tickets to Yo Yo Ma’s performances earlier this week here can attest to that. And I’m sure those who saw the Hong Kong Ballet on its US tour, earlier this year, would also wholeheartedly agree.

     My thanks to the China-US Exchange Foundation, and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, for organising this timely and invaluable international gathering.

     I know the China-US Exchange Foundation is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, and I offer my best wishes for your continued success down the road, of change and progress. I must thank you for giving me this opportunity to meet all the wise brains and minds, and the driver of the constructive US-China relations. This important relation, which needs nobody to highlight the importance of, is for the wellbeing of this world, for the long-term prosperity of mankind, and simply, for what is right for the people of this world.

     I know you will enjoy the Forum, and I wish you all the best of business, and co-operation, in the coming year.

     Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. Thank you.

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Update on investigation of suspected Mycobacterium abscessus infection cluster

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) today (November 9) provided an update on the investigation of the suspected Mycobacterium abscessus infection cluster. There are no additional cases identified today and currently the suspected Mycobacterium abscessus infection cluster involves a total of 18 females.

     The CHP has set up for the related cases an enquiry hotline (2125 2372), which operates from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 9am to 5.30pm to receive enquiries. The hotline was set up on November 3, and as of 3pm today, 19 calls were received, among which six females, aged 25 to 32, said that they had received relevant injection services and developed symptoms. They have been defined as cases of the infection cluster to receive follow-ups.
     Also, the clinical sample of one of the 18 females involved in the infection cluster grew Mycobacterium abscessus yesterday (November 8). Currently there are a total of three females of the infection cluster whose clinical sample grew Mycobacterium abscessus.

     In addition, the CHP has not identified new venues where injections took place, or relevant Instagram social media accounts today. The CHP again appeals that persons who have patronised the premises announced on November 7, or have arranged and received relevant injections via relevant Instagram social media accounts after which they presented with relevant symptoms, should seek medical attention and call the hotline immediately. Officers of the CHP will assess their condition and arrange for follow-ups as appropriate.
     Based on information obtained in a preliminary investigation, the CHP cannot rule out the possibility of illegal medical practice. Investigations are ongoing.

     The DH reminded members of the public that injection procedures should only be performed by a locally registered doctor. Customers should look for his or her full name against the list of registered doctors of the Medical Council of Hong Kong as well as his or her professional qualifications and relevant experience. The DH also urged the public to observe the health advice below before receiving injections:

  • Understand the procedure, potential risks and complications before receiving injections. Consult a doctor for an informed decision;
  • Do not receive an injection in the case of a history of allergy to the injection, or infection or inflammation on the injection site;
  • Request the full name of the doctor in writing if referred by a beauty service provider for the procedure, as well as the professional qualifications and relevant experience; and
  • If symptoms develop, such as fever or feeling unwell, seek medical attention immediately.

     â€‹The public may visit the DH’s webpage on the differentiation between medical procedures and beauty services and the Drug Database of the Drug Office for more information. read more

HKSAR Government firmly rejects and strongly disapproves of misleading and slanderous remarks by foreign Catholic leaders against cases involving Lai Chee-ying

     The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) today (November 9) firmly rejected and strongly disapproved of the misleading and slanderous remarks jointly made by 10 foreign Catholic leaders against the law enforcement actions and legal proceedings in respect of the cases involving Lai Chee-ying and their request for immediate and unconditional release of him. 
     The HKSAR Government spokesman said, “The HKSAR Government firmly rejects and strongly disapproves of the fact-twisting remarks made by the foreign Catholic leaders to inappropriately interfere in the HKSAR’s internal affairs and the HKSAR courts’ independent exercise of judicial power. Any person, regardless of his or her identity, who attempts to interfere with the judicial proceedings in the HKSAR in order to procure a defendant’s evasion of the criminal justice process, is blatantly undermining the rule of law of the HKSAR. Making a statement with the intent to interfere with or obstruct the course of justice, or engaging in a conduct with the same intent, is very likely to constitute the offence of criminal contempt of court or the offence of perverting the course of justice.”
     The spokesman reiterated, “Hong Kong is a society underpinned by the rule of law and has always adhered to the principle that laws must be obeyed and lawbreakers held accountable. Article 25 of the Basic Law provides that all Hong Kong residents shall be equal before the law. All law enforcement actions taken by the law enforcement agencies of the HKSAR are based on evidence, strictly according to the law and for the acts of the people concerned, and have nothing to do with their professions, political beliefs or backgrounds. It would be totally contrary to the rule of law for someone to suggest that certain groups of people could enjoy privileges and break the law without getting arrested or bearing legal responsibilities due to their capacity. Everyone, including journalists, should abide by the law.
     “Under Article 85 of the Basic Law, the courts of the HKSAR shall exercise judicial power independently, free from any interference. The Judiciary of the HKSAR exercises judicial power independently in accordance with the law, and everyone charged with a criminal offence has the right to a fair hearing. The courts decide cases strictly in accordance with the evidence and all applicable laws. Cases will never be handled any differently owing to the professions, political beliefs or backgrounds of the persons involved. The prosecution has the burden to prove beyond reasonable doubt the commission of an offence before a defendant may be convicted by the court. In all the cases involving Lai Chee-ying, he had fully exercised his right to defend himself and the right to appeal, and the verdicts and sentences, if any, were given by the courts exercising judicial power independently, based on applicable laws, facts and evidence after open trials and hearings. Also, the detailed reasons for sentence are contained in the publicly available judgment.”
     The spokesman stressed, “The HKSAR shall continue, in accordance with the law, to effectively prevent, suppress and punish acts and activities that endanger national security and also to safeguard the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong people. The HKSAR Government strongly urges the foreign Catholic leaders to discern facts from fallacies, and immediately stop interfering in the HKSAR’s internal affairs and the HKSAR courts’ independent exercise of judicial power.” read more

French Science Festival activities enable public to explore science in sport (with photos)

     To tie in with the theme of this year’s French Science Festival “Sport and Science: from Health to Performance”, the Science Promotion Unit of the Hong Kong Science Museum (HKScM) is collaborating with the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau to roll out a series of activities from tomorrow (November 10) to November 27. They include the “Science at the Service of Medals” exhibition, a film screening, a conference and a panel discussion at the HKScM, so that members of the public can better understand the relationship between science and health as well as athletes’ performances.
     Addressing the opening ceremony of the exhibition today (November 9), the Deputy Director of Leisure and Cultural Services (Culture), Miss Eve Tam, said that the French Science Festival provides an inspiring opportunity for schools and the public to appreciate the significance of sports in people’s daily lives and the interconnection between science and sports. Other officiating guests included the Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, Mrs Christile Drulhe, and the Museum Director of the HKScM, Mr Lawrence Lee.
     The “Science at the Service of Medals” exhibition designed by the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, showcases the collaborative efforts of scientists across diverse disciplines who develop equipment to enhance speed, utilise virtual reality training to reduce fatigue, and individualise training regimens through physiology studies to empower athletes. The virtual reality experience of “A Taste for Risk” will also be presented at the exhibition venue. Through a transmedia project that combines a documentary and virtual reality with three French athletes, participants will be able to immerse themselves in four extreme sports, including bodyboarding, wingsuit flying, free-diving, and snowboarding. They can gain an unparalleled experience and feel the thrill of pushing limits.
     Besides the exhibition, the HKScM will also launch a series of feature programmes. They include a film screening of the animated comedy “Les Triplettes de Belleville”, which received two Oscar nominations, on November 11 at 4pm. The Champions Conference will be held on November 18 at 6pm, when the coach of the Hong Kong, China Fencing Team, Mr Grégory Koenig, and Hong Kong, China Paralympic fencer athlete, Ms Alison Yu, will share their journeys leading towards winning Olympic and Paralympic medals. The Hong Kong break dancer who competed in the Asian Games, B-Boy C Plus, will also give a performance. There will be a nutrition panel discussion on November 26 at 3pm, where Sport Nutrition & Monitoring Manager, Hong Kong Sports Institute Dr Margaret Kuo, together with a senior dietian and a sports science officer, will discuss with participants the relationship between nutrition and health, as well as sport performances. Online registration for the three programmes mentioned above has started. There will be limited quotas and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For registration, please visit www.spu.hk/en/cards/french-science-festival-2023/, or call 2732 3232 for enquiries.
     The exhibition and programmes are jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, and jointly organised by the Science Promotion Unit of the HKScM and the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau.

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