Amended imports and exports classification list to take effect in 2024

     The Customs and Excise Department today (November 10) reminded importers and exporters that import or export declarations for shipments on or after January 1, 2024, must be completed in accordance with the amended classifications made to the current edition of the Hong Kong Imports and Exports Classification List (Harmonized System).
     The amendments, published in the Gazette today, will take effect from January 1, 2024.
     The amendments involve 16 commodity items, including juice, chemical products, articles of wood, wire and cable, and motor vehicles.
     These amendments will bring the classifications more in line with current requirements through the adoption of a more appropriate commodity sub-classifications and description.
     Importers and exporters can obtain the amended list in the following ways:
(1) by downloading the list from the website of the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) at; or
(2) by calling the Import/Export Declaration and Cargo Manifest Enquiry Hotline of the C&SD at 2877 1818.
     For enquiries about trade classifications, please contact the Trade Classification Section of the C&SD through the Commodity Code Enquiry Hotline at 3178 8933, by fax to 2824 2782 or by email to

Speech by SJ at Hong Kong Legal Week 2023: Rule of Law for the Future (English only)(with photo/video)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, at the Hong Kong Legal Week 2023: Rule of Law for the Future today (November 10):

The Honourable Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, Deputy Director Liu (Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Mr Liu Guangyan), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning. On behalf of the Department of Justice of the HKSAR, I would like to welcome you to the fifth and the last day of Hong Kong Legal Week 2023. To bring the Legal Week to a conclusion, we have chosen "Rule of Law for the Future" to be the topic of today's events.
     For a better future of Hong Kong, the HKSAR Government is determined to take advantage of Hong Kong's distinctive status and advantages enjoyed under the principle of "one country, two systems" in order to seize the opportunities created by national development plans such as the 14th Five-Year Plan. In "The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" announced on October 25, the Chief Executive stated that, and I quote, "The Government will consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's development of 'eight centres' as outlined in the 14th Five-Year Plan, providing impetus for sustaining our competitiveness and economic growth." These "eight centres" include International Innovation and Technology Centre, East-meets-West Centre for International Cultural Exchange, International Trade Centre, International Financial Centre, Regional Intellectual Property Trading Centre, International Shipping Centre, International Aviation Hub, and Centre for International Legal and Dispute Resolution Services in the Asia-Pacific region.
     The "eight centres" are represented by the eight symbols on our backdrop, which you can see outside this conference hall and also on our publications. They provide the basis to enable Hong Kong to play the role of "super-connector" between the Mainland and the rest of the world in future. This also explains the main theme of this year's Legal Week, namely "Onward & Forward: Connecting the World". But as the Chief Executive said last weekend in Shanghai, Hong Kong is not only a "super-connector", but also a "super value-adder". I would venture to suggest that, in some circumstances, it may even be a "super value-creator". Through the "eight centres", Hong Kong does not simply act as a middle-man and provide a platform to connect people and entities between our country and the rest of the world, but also helps the parties concerned to create and enhance the value of the subject matter in question.
     To achieve these objectives, it is crucial to recognise that, while the "eight centres" play different and distinctive roles in the future development of Hong Kong, they are interrelated and interdependent. That is why you can see lines linking up the "eight centres" together in our backdrop. As the Secretary for Justice, naturally, my primary concern is to promote Hong Kong as an international legal and dispute resolution services centre. But legal services, whether contentious or non-contentious, are not free-standing. They are meant to serve the needs and demands of society. High quality legal professional services are indeed essential to the development of the other seven centres. This is the point we wish to make in this morning's sessions.
     First, let me first say a few words on the international shipping centre and international aviation hub, these two closely related centres. There is no doubt that Hong Kong enjoys traditional strengths in this respect. Despite fierce competition, the container ports of Hong Kong still rank among the top 10 in the world. The Hong Kong Shipping Register is the fourth largest register in the world in terms of gross tonnage. At the same time, Hong Kong has held on to first place as the world's busiest air cargo hub since 1996. That said, the enhancement of Hong Kong's status as an international shipping centre and aviation hub would involve much more than increasing the capacities of our ports and airport, as well as providing better logistic services. Aviation and marine insurance, the tax regime for aircraft leasing, aviation and maritime arbitration and so forth, all entailing legal issues and services, are plainly important matters that must not be overlooked.
     I turn to the development of Hong Kong as an East-meets-West centre for cultural exchange. This would, of course, attract more tourists generating tourism income, and strengthen Hong Kong's soft power. Moreover, it is significant to also note that Hong Kong has already overtaken London to become the second-biggest contemporary art auction market in the world after New York. Legal services relating to art auctions and intellectual property protection are clearly required to maintain and increase Hong Kong's competitiveness in this respect.
     The high quality legal services offered by Hong Kong is a manifestation of the high degree of rule of law based on our common law system in Hong Kong. To maintain the rule of law requires not only the hard work of judges and lawyers, but also the trust, support and understanding in respect of our legal and judicial system on the part of our fellow citizens. The future of Hong Kong is very much in the hands of our young generation. It is often said that Hong Kong will prosper only when young people thrive. While it is important to equip our young people with skills and knowledge in different areas, it is equally important to nurture and foster proper values such as law abidingness among them. This is why rule of law education has always been one of the priorities of the Department of Justice's initiatives. How to explain the rule of law, our common law system and key legal instruments in Hong Kong, which are perceived by many to be complex and difficult matters, in a way that is fair, accurate and easily comprehensive to lay persons, in particular, youngsters, is a challenging task. The Steering Committee on Rule of Law Education chaired by me was set up last year. The first phase of the Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders Programme will be launched later this month. This afternoon after lunch, educators and youths coming from different backgrounds will discuss the future development of rule of law education in Hong Kong.
     Today, we are very honoured to have the Chief Judge of the High Court, Mr Justice Jeremy Poon, to deliver a keynote speech, and experts in the above-mentioned areas to share their views.
     The final session this afternoon is a new attempt. For the very first time, we have decided to add a session on national security during our Legal Week. As I said at the beginning, the main theme of this Legal Week concerns the relationship between the rule of law and Hong Kong's future. Order and security is an essential element of the rule of law. Moreover, it is critical to grasp the causal relationship between security and development: security is the prerequisite for development whereas development is the guarantee of security. Hong Kong is a place full of opportunities where people are free to pursue their dreams within the boundary of the law. Through hard work and perhaps a bit of luck, there is a real chance that your dreams may come true one day even though there cannot be any guarantee. However, without a safe and secured environment, our dreams will be condemned to become eternal fantasies which stand no real chance of realisation. Make no mistake, there is no future unless we live in a safe and secured environment. Look at our country's history and look at what is happening in some parts of the world at this very moment, I am sure you could understand what I am saying. It is therefore essential for each and every one of us to take national security seriously and positively. Two fundamental starting points should be borne in mind. First, enacting national security law is not only a constitutional duty but also a practical necessity. Second, national security law is, by nature, protective not invasive; and defensive rather than offensive. Let me draw an analogy. Injection of vaccine may be seen as an encroachment on the human right of bodily integrity. But the purpose of vaccination is not to cause any pain or suffering. Quite the contrary, it is to safeguard our health and life from potential harms caused by different types of viruses. Acts endangering national security are similar to viruses; and national security law is the vaccination. It is sheer common sense that effective and sufficient vaccination against commonly known viruses are essential to protect our health and life.
     In order to cultivate a proper and positive mindset on national security, it is necessary to address concerns and dispel misgivings as well as misconceptions about Hong Kong's national security law proactively. Therefore, in the last session this afternoon, I will personally answer some frequently asked questions about our national security law.
     Ladies and gentlemen, the rule of law in Hong Kong is indeed a good story that must be told. However, we are not merely the storytellers, but also the authors of the story. We must continue to work hard together to write an even better chapter of our story.
     Before I conclude, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues, our working partners as well as guest moderators and speakers from Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas. Without your support, dedication and hard work, the Legal Week would not have been possible. And, of course, I must express my gratitude to all participants. I wish you all a very fruitful and enjoyable day. Thank you very much.


Speech by Commissioner of Police at the Force Remembrance Day (with photos)

     Following is the speech delivered by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, at the Force Remembrance Day today (November 10):
     Distinguished guests and colleagues, we are here today to honour all members of the Hong Kong Police Force, both regular and auxiliary, who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the community of Hong Kong. This solemn ceremony is also a fitting tribute to the dedication to duty and fortitude of all members of staff who have served in the Force over the past 179 years.
     Since the founding of the Hong Kong Police Force in 1844, members of the Force have been facing different dangers in the course of our duties. Without fear, we have always put the people of Hong Kong first in our determination to safeguard the prosperity and stability of this city. In doing so, some members of the Force paid the ultimate price, and it is in memory of their sacrifices that we are gathered here in remembrance today.
     The fallen officers, who remain a source of pride for the Force, have etched their legacy in history through their dedicated and exemplary service in protecting our people’s lives and property. Their sacrifices underscore the risks and challenges inherent in our daily work as police officers. Through it all, it remains our highest honour to serve and defend our community. We pledge to uphold the legacy of those who came before us and remain steadfast in our commitment to the Force's mission of ensuring national security and public safety. Our motto, “Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty”, guides us as we rise to meet the challenges of every operation. It inspires us to respond to public reports and concerns with empathy and attentiveness, ensuring every citizen feels heard and supported.
     In this ceremony, we are also joined by members of the Hong Kong Police Old Comrades Association, the Royal Hong Kong Police Association and former Force members. Like the many who came before them, they represent the finest traditions of service to the community for which the Force is both famed and justifiably proud – traditions, which continue today and are passed on from generation to generation and that make the Hong Kong Police Force one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the world.
     To all of you present here today, may I ask you to remain standing, and following the “Last Post”, join me in observing a two-minute silence in memory of all those who have fallen in the line of duty.

Photo  Photo  Photo  Photo  

Proposed road works for reprovision of Wai Lok Street under development of new campus of Vocational Training Council at Kowloon East (Cha Kwo Ling) gazetted

     The Government gazetted today (November 10) the proposed road works in Cha Kwo Ling for the reprovision of Wai Lok Street to provide the necessary infrastructure for the development of new campus of Vocational Training Council at Kowloon East (Cha Kwo Ling).

     Details of the proposal are set out in the Annex. The plan and scheme of the works are available for public inspection at the following government offices during office hours:
Central and Western Home Affairs Enquiry Centre,
G/F, Harbour Building,
38 Pier Road, Central, Hong Kong
Kwun Tong Home Affairs Enquiry Centre,
G/F, Eastcore,
398 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
District Lands Office, Kowloon East,
4/F, South Tower,
West Kowloon Government Offices,
11 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon
     The gazette notice, scheme, plan and location plan are available at
     Any person who wishes to object to the works or the use, or both, is required to address to the Secretary for Transport and Logistics an objection in writing, which can be submitted via the following means:

  • By post or by hand to the Transport and Logistics Bureau's Drop-in Box No. 6 located at the entrance on 2/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong. The box is available for use between 8am and 7pm from Monday to Friday (except public holidays);
  • By fax to 2868 4643; or
  • By email to

     A notice of objection should describe the objector's interest and the manner in which he or she alleges that he or she will be affected by the works or the use. Objectors are requested to provide contact details to facilitate communication. A notice of objection should be delivered to the Secretary for Transport and Logistics not later than January 9, 2024.

Cantonese opera stars from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to perform masters’ showcase in December

     Cantonese opera stars from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will gather in Hong Kong and present six pieces of classic Cantonese opera excerpts in "A Showcase of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Cantonese Opera Masters" in December, with a view to enhancing cultural exchanges and promoting the art of Cantonese opera.
     The cast from the Guangdong Province includes Huang Chunqiang, Peng Qinghua, Jiang Wenduan, Wen Ruqing and Zeng Xiaomin. They will perform "The White Monkey Steals Celestial Peaches", "Under the Umbrella" and "A Perfect Union from The Strange Encounters of Liu Yi". Hong Kong's Lee Lung, Sun Kim Long, Tang Mi-ling, Wan Yuk-yu and Wan Yiu-sing will stage "Kneeling by the Pond from The Lioness Roars" and "A United Front to Defeat Cao Cao" while Macao's Peng Chiquan and Zeng Hui will present "Smashing the Royal Palanquin". Each of the six acts of Cantonese opera has its own unique characteristics. With the exquisite skills of the veteran artists from the three places, this is a showcase not to be missed by theatregoers.

     "A Showcase of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Cantonese Opera Masters" is jointly presented by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government. It is organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The showcase will be held at 7.30pm on December 19 (Tuesday) at the Auditorium of Sha Tin Town Hall. Tickets priced at $180, $280, $380 and $480 are now available at URBTIX ( For telephone bookings, please call 3166 1288. For programme enquiries, please call 2268 7325 or visit