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Hong Kong Science Museum’s “The Shaw Prize 2023 Exhibition” showcases laureates’ achievements in scientific research (with photos)

     The Hong Kong Science Museum launched “The Shaw Prize 2023 Exhibition” today (November 10) to introduce the Shaw Laureates this year and their outstanding contributions. The exhibition also features basic science knowledge in the laureates’ respective academic fields to enable visitors to understand more about the major efforts and achievements in scientific research by top-notch scientists worldwide.
     Established in 2002, the Shaw Prize consists of three annual awards, namely the Prize in Astronomy, the Prize in Life Science and Medicine and the Prize in Mathematical Sciences. It is an international award to honour individuals who are currently active in their respective fields, have made outstanding contributions in academic and scientific research or applications, have recently achieved distinguished and significant advances, or have achieved excellence in other domains.

     The three Shaw Prize laureates in Astronomy 2023 are Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery, Professor Matthew Bailes; Professor and Interim Chair of Physics and Astronomy and Associate Dean for Research at Eberly College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University, the United States, Professor Duncan Lorimer; and Eberly Family Distinguished Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Director of the Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology at West Virginia University, the United States, Professor Maura McLaughlin. They discovered the first fast radio burst and deduced many of the properties of its source, in particular its extreme distance, small size, and enormous energy. They also estimated the cosmic rate of production of fast radio bursts and highlighted their potential as cosmological probes.

     The Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine 2023 is awarded in equal shares to Director of Department of Molecular Biology, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences and President of the Max Planck Society, Germany, Professor Patrick Cramer, and Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Structural Biology, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, the United States, Professor Eva Nogales. They pioneered structural biology that enabled visualisation, at the level of individual atoms, of the protein machines responsible for gene transcription, one of life’s fundamental processes. They revealed the mechanism underlying each step in gene transcription, how proper gene transcription promotes health, and how dysregulation causes disease.

     The two Shaw Prize laureates in Mathematical Sciences 2023 are Harry Pratt Judson Distinguished Service Professor of Mathematics at the University of Chicago, the United States, Professor Vladimir Drinfeld, and Chair Professor at Tsinghua University, Professor Yau Shing-Tung, for their contributions related to mathematical physics, to arithmetic geometry, to differential geometry and to Kähler geometry. Professor Vladimir Drinfeld launched the geometric Langlands program while Professor Yau worked on mathematical problems arising from general relativity and string theory.

     The exhibition is jointly presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Shaw Prize Foundation, and is jointly organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Hong Kong Space Museum, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Education City.

     The exhibition will run from today until January 10, 2024, at the main lobby of the Hong Kong Science Museum (2 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon). For exhibition details, please visit hk.science.museum/en/web/scm/exhibition/shawprize.html, or call 2732 3232 for enquiries.

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DWS attends 5th GBA Water Forum (with photos)

     The Director of Water Supplies, Mr Tony Yau, attended the 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Water Forum in Dongguan from November 8 to 10. Mr Yau spoke at the CEO Summit, took part in a dialogue session with experts and academicians and visited the Songshanhu Water Treatment Plant located in the Songshan Lake High-Tech Zone of Dongguan, concluding a fruitful trip.

     The three-day forum, with the theme “Smart Waterworks for a Green Bay Area”, was co-organised by 11 water supply organisations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and hosted by the Dongguan Water Group Company Limited. The Vice Mayor of the Dongguan Municipal People’s Government, Mr Chen Qingsong; the Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of the Dongguan Municipal People’s Government, Ms Yu Lijun; the Director of the Dongguan Water Authority, Mr Tao Jin; the Drainage Services Department and over 400 representatives from 11 water supply organisations attended the forum and exchanged views on subjects including water supply, drainage, sewage, green low carbon and smart waterworks, etc.

     During the forum, Mr Yau mentioned that Dongjiang (DJ) water has been supporting Hong Kong’s continuous social and economic development, contributing to Hong Kong’s achievement as the international financial centre it is today. DJ water accounts for 70 to 80 per cent of total fresh water consumption in Hong Kong, and its uninterrupted supply for nearly 60 years has solved Hong Kong’s water shortage problem in the long run, making the city a better place for some 7 million Hong Kong people to live and work. Following the rapid development in the GBA in recent years, there is a growing demand for water supply. Hong Kong together with other cities in the GBA will continue to closely co-operate to better utilise water resources in the GBA for the well-being of the people. This annual GBA water forum is a beneficial platform for experts to exchange views and promote collaboration.

     Mr Yau visited the Songshanhu Water Treatment Plant, which is located in the Songshan Lake High-Tech Zone of Dongguan and adjacent to the Songmushan Reservoir. The plant, having dual water sources from Dongjiang and Xijiang, ultilises an all-in-one treatment process that includes conventional treatment, ozone-activated carbon and ultrafiltration membrane processes. The plant is the largest all-in-one process water treatment plant in Asia that was completed in a single phase.

     Mr Yau spoke to the top management of water supply organisations in the GBA at the CEO Summit during the forum, sharing information on the transformation of the water supply through resilience, innovation and sustainability in Hong Kong. Under the Total Water Management Strategy, the Water Supplies Department (WSD) strives to build resilience in the fresh water supply with diversified water resources. In particular, the first stage of the Tseung Kwan O desalination plant currently under construction will commence operation next month. Moreover, to promote the use of recycled water (including reclaimed water and treated grey water) as alternative water resources for non-potable uses, the WSD is proactively carrying out the related infrastructure works. Mr Yau also talked about the challenges of climate change and the development of renewable energy technologies, etc. He also took part in a dialogue session and exchanged views with experts and academicians on subjects relating to water matters.

     Mr Yau returned to Hong Kong this afternoon (November 10).

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Court rules and commencement notice related to Mainland Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance gazetted

     The Government today (November 10) published in the Gazette the Mainland Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Reciprocal Enforcement) Rules and Mainland Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Commencement) Notice. The Mainland Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance (Cap. 645) and the Rules will come into operation on January 29, 2024.

     The Ordinance, which seeks to implement the Arrangement on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters by the Courts of the Mainland and of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Hong Kong, establishes mechanisms in Hong Kong in respect of the registration in Hong Kong of Mainland Judgments in civil or commercial matters and the application to Hong Kong courts for certified copies of and certificates for Hong Kong Judgments in civil or commercial matters to facilitate parties in seeking recognition and enforcement of the Judgments on the Mainland. On the Mainland, the Arrangement will be implemented by way of judicial interpretation to be promulgated by the Supreme People’s Court (SPC).

     The Government and the SPC have agreed for the Arrangement to come into operation on January 29, 2024. The Secretary for Justice, under section 1(2) of the Ordinance, appointed January 29, 2024, as the day on which the Ordinance comes into operation.

     To complement the operation of the mechanisms established under the Ordinance, the Chief Judge of the High Court made the Rules under section 35 of the Ordinance. The provisions of the Rules cover matters including practice and procedure relating to applications under the Ordinance and the execution of registered judgments and the fees payable under the Ordinance.

     A spokesman for the Department of Justice (DoJ) said, “The implementation of the Ordinance and the Rules establishes a more comprehensive mechanism for reciprocal enforcement of judgments (REJ) in civil and commercial matters between Hong Kong and the Mainland, thereby reducing the need for re-litigation of the same disputes in both places and offering better protection to the parties’ interests. They would enhance certainty and predictability of the cross-boundary enforceability of judgments in civil and commercial matters between the two places, and reduce the risks, legal costs, and time usually associated with the cross-boundary enforcement of such judgments. This would in turn improve the environment for cross-boundary trade and investment.
     “Further, the breakthrough in expressly including judgments on certain intellectual property rights makes Hong Kong the first jurisdiction to have an REJ arrangement with the Mainland with such a wide coverage. This would help consolidate Hong Kong’s status as a regional intellectual property trading centre as well as a regional centre for international legal and dispute resolution services as outlined in the National 14th Five-Year Plan.”

     The DoJ conducted a public consultation on the draft Rules with the relevant draft Bill between December 2021 and January 2022, and in this connection held meetings with some stakeholders. The majority of responses received were supportive of the draft Rules. The DoJ then also consulted the Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services and its members expressed support for the draft Rules.

     With a view to familiarising legal practitioners and the general public with the mechanisms established under the Ordinance and the Rules, the Government is planning to launch publicity programmes, which include a seminar to be co-organised with the SPC on the commencement day (January 29, 2024) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, a dedicated webpage to be set up on the DoJ’s departmental website as well as distribution of promotional leaflets.

     The Rules and the Commencement Notice will be tabled before the Legislative Council next Wednesday (November 15) and be subject to negative vetting. read more